标签:June - 华人论坛


求教: the 3rd decade of June

在加拿大 如题: the 3rd decade of June 是 指的几号?望指点,谢谢 [ 本帖最后由 patty-chu 于 2013-5-16 10:14 编辑 ] 评论 比较急,请高手指点一下啊。 评论 6.30 评论 是6月30号吗?怎么这个表达法? 评论...华人论坛


法国签证-- 保函模板

在加拿大 Date: June 11th, 2012 To: Consulate General of Federal Republic of France In Guangzhou Dear Visa Officer, This is to certify that, Mr.(Born on Oct. 5, 1985; passport no. ...), Sales Manager, Is from GREENWAY BATTERY Co.,Ltd.He began his work...华人论坛



在加拿大 大家都在哭喊着说一个字“难”! 二月,我们疫情刚开始,工厂都停工,供货难! 二月,客户催的紧,我们还是不正常,难! 三月,客户开始work from home,不要货了!难 四月,国内国...华人论坛


SOHO正式开始 in June,16,2015

在加拿大 五年前总是很羡慕朋友SOHO后的自由和洒脱,等自己真正SOHO后才知道背后真正的辛酸,首先就是孤独和无助,和上班时候的白领是完全不同的心境。完成的准备工作有: 1.注册公司2.开通...华人论坛

卡尔加里 Calgary

June 2013-市场统计

在加拿大 更详细的信息请看附件!June sales exceed expectationsToo soon to see impact flood will have on resale statisticsThe monthly statistics package is available here.Calgary, July 2, 2013 – Sales activity in June exceeded growth expec...华人论坛

卡尔加里 Calgary

June 2014-市场统计

在加拿大 对于 2014年 06 月的市场 有兴趣的朋友请看一下附件的 HPI-2014_06。更多的统计(包括 CREB statistics Video)和历史数据请看:http://www.banyanrei.com/RelatedInfo/DataStats.htm谢谢!若居卡家郭涛团队 亚...华人论坛

卡尔加里 Calgary


在加拿大 June 20th, 2006 温莎吧 只要是曾经生活过的地方就总会为自己留下些记忆的。卡尔加里一定是我所不能忘记的一所城市。我喜欢这座小城,也许在未来看得见的日子里,它还能腾飞,我梦想...华人论坛



在加拿大 June 7, 2011 6:24AM, In transit, MIRBLE, PQJune 6, 2011,8:31AM, Int'l shipment release, MIRABLE, PQJune 6, 2011,7:08AM, Int'l shipment release, MIRABLE, PQJune 6, 2011,12:29AM, Departed FedEx location MEMPHIS,TNJun 5, 2011, 5:45PM, In transi...华人论坛


we submitted the materails on June 17

在加拿大 we applied through agent... then, today, i checked on website saying: you could pick up passport 5 working days... well, i feel worried, since I don't know how it is--- approved or refused? I am in vancouver and no way to get the passport no...华人论坛



在加拿大 11,June, 2010, Oshawa G考route:Test place ---- John St W(traffic light, turn right) ---- Nassau St(or Burk St) test three point turn, parallel parking, emergency parking ----- Back to John St W --- Park Rd S, turn left --- Bloor St W, turn...华人论坛



在加拿大 June 11th: AOR July 10th: Med Pass July 12th: Bio Pass Aug 4th: Called IRCC Eligibility: Pass Criminality: Pass Security: NS Info-sharing: Pass VO: Ottawa 八月七号开始就有相似时间线的朋友收到portal email了但我还无 来神...华人论坛


Transit Strike of June 1 was STOPPED!

在加拿大 Original planned June 1 transit strike was rescinded on May 30. Please check for details on website of city of calgary.http://www.calgary.ca/portal/server.pt/gateway/PTARGS_0_2_771_203_0_43/http;/content.calgary.ca/CCA/City+Common/Calgary+Tr...华人论坛


二手买卖 - June 11单身聚会Party

在加拿大 时间:7:00 pm to 10:30 pm, June 11, 2011地点:丰满楼,5016 - 17 Ave SE, Calgary内容:交流,互动游戏,才艺展示(K歌),跳舞.....报名要求:请将个人信息包括名字,性别,电子邮件,电话发送至...华人论坛



在加拿大 评论 June 2011 - CALGARY Sept 2011 - SAIT - ELF Sept 2012 - SAIT - IET May 2014 - EDMONTON 回复: Wa~~~~~~~ 难受 评论 回复: Wa~~~~~~~ 太猥琐了。哈哈 评论 2011年4月16 日登陆卡! 2013 年9 月BOW Valley 毕业!2013年...华人论坛



在加拿大 评论 On June 4, 2004, a man in Granby, Colorado exacted his revenge against the local government and a concrete factory being built adjacent to his muffler shop. That man was Marvin Heemeyer, and his revenge was the Killdozer. Deep inside...华人论坛


June,24 land in Montreal

在加拿大 I will land in montreal on business trip again on June,24 just like last year, and will leave on July,1s (Montreal time), the air line is AC030 from Beijing to Vancouver then TO Montreal. anything I can do for you? 评论 anyway ,thank you f...华人论坛


June, 4, 2012

在加拿大 人民日报评论员文章(2012.6.4) 23年前的5月和6月,广大学生和人民群众自发的走上街头,进行了历时一个多月的群体运动,这次运动的主旨是为了加速中国民主和法制的建设、消除腐败、...华人论坛



在加拿大 June 15收到垃圾公司的短信,结果账单上多了20块19号打电话去Fido,客服很有礼貌的说,发短信去Stop就没事了结果这个月,账单又多了10块,同一个垃圾公司的,还是June 15我又打去问,客...华人论坛



在加拿大 RT 评论 June 2011 - CALGARY Sept 2011 - SAIT - ELF Sept 2012 - SAIT - IET May 2014 - EDMONTON 赏 反馈:steven7522 2009-06-16#2 14,336 $0.00 回复: 一点消息都没有,唉 安慰 评论 回复: 一点消息都没有,唉 唉。。。...华人论坛


出现:we started processing on June 30, 2009了

在加拿大 今天查CIC,终于多了1条:Your application was reviewed and we started processing on June 30, 2009. 227的IT,4月底补料香港,是不是出me了结果刚查完,本本就坏了,要花2800大洋修,一定要出me啊,否则我...华人论坛



在加拿大 我感觉使馆在慢慢清理02年的,看mrwhy和牛牛牛。请问你现在什么情况了? 评论 奔向未来,我的最爱 回复: 呼叫June_128 顶 评论 回复: 呼叫June_128 JUNE_128最近都不来了,0203年人丁不旺。 评...华人论坛


The Monitor 22 June 2007

在加拿大 The Monitor - statistics on citizenship and immigration trends The section sums up the number of new immigrants for the first three quarters of 2006. Trends by immigration category, source country and destination are presented http://www.cic...华人论坛



在加拿大 On June 18, I received a email says: Dear Sir,With respect to the inquiry of your sponsor by fax, please be advised that we are still waiting for other documents that we asked previously.Respectfully,So I replied the email ask what they are...华人论坛


Jobfair in Toronto calendar

在加拿大 June 13 The Smart Workspace: Enabling the Information Worker with Enterprise 2.0 Toronto, ONJune 13-14 NAPP Job Fair 2007 Toronto, ONJuly 17-18 2007 Wireless and Mobile Expo and Conference Toronto, ON 评论 [FONT=宋体] Let bygones be bygo...华人论坛


C24生效日期: June 19, 2015

在加拿大 Canadavisa坛子里已有多人打电话去CIC确认。 评论 啥意思?说的是入籍申请吗? 评论 Be the change that you wish to see in the world. 赏 2014-06-23#3 3,939 $0.00 太坑人了,我还以为要最后国会通过才算生...华人论坛


这是什么意思 办看下

在加拿大 On June 11, 2015, we received your case and waived the filing fee for your Form I-730, Refugee/Asylee Relative Petition , Receipt Number ********** We mailed you a notice describing how we will process your case. Please follow the instructio...华人论坛