




Clients means any and all of Licensor’s customers to whom the Specified Goods are directly or indirectly supplied;
Condition Precedent  means that the Licensee’s appointment by the Licensor is hereunder is based on the condition that the Licensed Goods to be manufactured and sold by the Licensee will adhere to Licensor’s quality standards and Specifications, as more particularly set out Clause 6 hereunder,

Intellectual Property means any all information relating to or owned by either party in its business or operation, including, without limitation,data,processes,designs,photographs,drawings,specifications, software, pricelists, trade marks, domain names, trade names(whether registered or unregistered),logos, symbols, registered designs, patents, know how and Confidential information, trade secrets, copyright related rights, database rights and all other proprietary rights subsisting in the Licensed Goods or Licensed Moulds; and all other rights of a similar nature or having an equivalent effect which currently exist anywhere in the world, or are recognized in future; and applications, extensions and renewals in relation to any of these rights;

Licensor Marks means the trade marks / trade names of the Licensor, whether registered or unregistered, in the Territory, as set out at Clause5.2 hereunder;

Person means and includes corporations,companies,associations,firms,partnerships,societies,includes corporations,companies,associations,firms,partnerships,societies,jointstock companies as well as individuals;

Premises means any and all of the Licensor approved offices and manufacturing sites, used by the Licensee or any of its Licensor approved subcontractors and sub-licensees in the conduct of their business, which as at the date of this Agreement shall be the premises set out in item 11 of Schedule 1;

Quality Management System means the Licensor’s requirements in respect of the Licensed Good, packaging, processing and testing, as documented and provided to the Licensee by Licensor, which document may be amended by Licensor from time to time;

[ 本帖最后由 林叶子 于 2010-8-3 21:09 编辑 ]
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