

Number of Reviews: 6
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On the last review I found this totally incorrect. Kellysearch was able to crawl the internet to find my site. I was able to receive a call from a prospect and obtain a new client without my knowledge I was on Kellysearch. I was able to see how this would benefit my pipeline with a better return on investment that other sites and does not waste my time with people I do not have a solution for their needs.

Kellysearch isn't a Search Engine!,
Why do people keep calling them a search engine - they aren't!

Kellysearch is made up from Kellys Industrial Pages, which is an industrial paper directory (with a business sections added) est: 200 years. Search engines use 'robots' that spider, and kellysearch doesn't use any robots, I know this as they don't show up on my awstats service.

They are niche specific and not general. Great if you are searching for Crane Safety eqpt, Cartridge Filters or Hose Reels etc - not targeted enough for b2b services and aren't known for that.

Good for blue collar industry only.

very very good !,
I think this search engine is probably better than others. They indexed my webhosting site pretty quickly, keep up the good work  !

Great way to advertise!,
As a resident of the U.K. and having numerous web sites U.K. related, this website is ideal for promoting my business. And prices are cheap. The amazing thing is, eventhough prices are that great, the quality of the visitors you get from the advertising is remarkable! http://www.free-goods.com

Kellysearch works fantastic for my company!,
Kellysearch has given us a way to advertise on the web at a price that we can afford. It is much less expensive than some other search engines, but seems to give better results! We are also impressed with the quality of hits that we are receiving. I highly endorse Kellysearch.
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