加拿大进出口外贸真诚相待,你得到不止是订单!Treat Your Customers Sincerely



In daily work, foreign traders always communicate with customers on social software. Certainly, we can use these tools to search for customers or key person. I shared it before, dear, have you used it?


I know that every time when you find them and contact with them, you usually are rejected or informed that they are not in demand, some fans tell me they are not patient enough to follow up. I think it doesn’t work in this way. I want to say: if you stop contacting with customers due to rejection, you may miss many opportunities.


I have deep impression on one foreign friend met on WhatsApp, who is also the brother of my key customer. At that time when recommending, he told me that our products were not included in their business but we still kept contacting because I knew he had other business. Until one of my customer recommended his brother to buy our products, when he mentioned his company name, that foreign friend we chat online came to my mind immediately. Afterward, I knew that they are brother! Unexpectedly, I knew his brother so he saw me surprisingly and gladly. Hence, we were closer and had more topics.


Those who try their best would be particularly lucky, I suddenly felt this delicate world was quite small. Later on, I got to know more customer’s demand due to his brother, with promotion in two-ways, we confirmed our cooperation relations successfully. Such a wonderful cooperation brought me surprise while it was  derived from the usual sincere communication with customers.


In fact, many customers of mine will gradually become my good friends. Although some customers do not run our products, we are in the same industry, therefore, they have a better understanding of their own domestic industry market. They will introduce customers to us, sometimes we will ask them for help to understand the situation of the local market. Of course, if customers need our help, we are also happy to do them a favor. With sincere exchanges, mutual support, they will consider us once they are in demand of our products, which facilitate my work well and I meet a lot of friends. As to me, that is enough.


So sometimes we don't need to think too highly of interests. With sincere treatment, eventually we will get more.



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