加拿大进出口外贸外贸小企业可能踩中的陷阱 Traps in Foreign Trade


Recently, many fans told me that they were cheated in the process of foreign trade exports and asked me for help. As to their problems, I found that they fall traps. To avoid being cheated for more people, I have found the related traps and here are my suggestions:

How to recognize and avoid these traps?

陷阱一:国外买家要求赊货Trap one: foreign customers get credit for goods现在由于生产力过剩,很多企业一见到外商要货便头脑发热,没有留意到付款方式隐藏的风险。例如,有些买家让企业赊货品,货品卖得出再给钱,卖不出就积压着,把风险转嫁到企业身上。

Now due to overcapacity, many enterprises feel too excited when meeting foreign customers to notice the hidden risks of payment terms. For example, some buyers get credit for goods, paying the bill only after goods is sold out; otherwise, the goods will be backlog and the risk is on the enterprises.

You had better use L/C issued by good-reputation bank, because in South America, Central America and other countries, they can open a bank even with 3 yuan or 10 yuan. Or for D/P (documents against payment), D/A. Don’t adopt the way of goods on credit even though you are close with each other.

陷阱二:买家隐瞒申请破产保护的事实Trap two: buyers conceal the fact of filing for bankruptcy protection有些买家已经申请破产保护,但企业已经把货物运出,追讨不到货款,经过调查才发现买家根本无还款能力。但由于买家已经申请破产保护,企业根本无法控告这样的买家。

Some buyers have filed for bankruptcy protection, but enterprise has shipped the goods so cannot get the payment. After investigation, they may find the buyers have no repayment ability. But sellers cannot accuse such buyers because they have filed for bankruptcy protection.

Suggestion: investigate buyer’s credit condition through lawyer or buyer credit rating agency to investigate and assess rating.

陷阱三:签订合同后,更改信用证的条款Change the terms of L/C after signing a contract企业需小心有部分买家会在签订合同后,更改信用证的条款,比如货物数量、差额、质量等,例如,把产品质量要求改变,企业在发货后,可能没法符合信用证条款,因而无法收回款项。

Trap three: enterprises need to be careful that some buyers change the terms of L/C after signing a contract, such as the quantity of goods, the price difference, quality, etc. For example, they change product quality requirements, and after delivery, enterprises may be unable to recover payment due to the discrepancies on L/C.

Suggestion: enterprises must notice all contracts, the terms of L/C revision. When necessary, seek for legal advice.

陷阱四:买家在没有正本提单的情况下把货物提走。Trap four: buyers pick up goods without an original B/L.建议:企业不要以为手持正本提单不会有问题,因为买家不用正本提单也可能拿到货物。根据企业采用FOB的方式,运输由买家负责,外国的货运代理只顾及利益,听命于付钱的人。

holding the original B/L is not absolutely non-risk because buyers also can get goods without original B/L. With FOB, transportation fee shall be the responsibility of buyer, while the foreign freight forwarders only obey those who pay for them.

Local freight forwarders who often try and trick: South America, Middle America, Mexico, the Middle East, Malaysia, etc.

If you already have fell into the trap, just take a lesson here to prevent it. If not yet, be careful and don’t fall into the trap.


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