标签:still - 华人论坛


TDS 是什么意思呢, 第一次碰到

在加拿大 We still need to have TDS of the regular media you will be using in our quotation. 大家帮我解释下这什么意思么, TDS 是什么 评论 楼主做什么产品? Test data sheet? 评论 technic data sheet(TDS)就是技术数据单 评...华人论坛


Cargo still yet pick up什么意思

在加拿大 Cargo still yet pick up 代理发这个过来,是货物还没有提的意思么 评论 应该是cargo still not picked up yet , 收货人还没提货 评论 又学了点,谢啦 评论 应该是还没有提货 评论 这种问题最好有个...华人论坛



在加拿大 Ο Κστα και ο Δημτρη Παπακωνσταντνου ανκουν στη δετερη γενι μια επιχερηση που νοιξε ο πατρα του Νκο στι αρχ του '50 συνεχζοντα την οικογ...华人论坛



在加拿大 we are still waiting one answer from you about this matter. I want close this order the soonest possible because the school item should arrive on time. Best regards, 评论 简单说就是取消订单啊。 评论 PO不觉得没有前情提要...华人论坛



在加拿大 I would still take a looka t your range, pls add technical details on each of it too (weight/sqm, wave type, martindale, width, possible finishings). 30%棉+70%涤纶 评论 http://bbs.shanghai.com/thread-1223887-1-1.html 刚刚福友发的帖...华人论坛


brings China to a stand still?

在加拿大 上文是你们最好再做些产品备库存。 接着Hopefully I can order 100 more before Chinese New year brings China to a stand still. 希望在春节前我能采购100多个,接下来一句brings China to a stand still是什么意思呢...华人论坛



在加拿大 Hi wing, do you still have the designs i sent you. We finally have the budget to make samples. Can you still do it for us? If you can, we will send you the money tomorrow. 评论 嗨,你好。我之前发给你的设计图你还有存着吗...华人论坛



在加拿大 I still at home. Tomorrow I will back to the factory.I know everything will be fresh.But now feel sad. I don't like that city,however ,I must stay here.Luckly, I love my job.So come on,future is ok.God bless me. 评论 There's no doubt that...华人论坛



在加拿大 Life still has a meaning If there is a future there is time for mending Time to see your trouble coming to an ending Life is never hopeless however great your sorrow If you're looking forward to a new tomorrow If there is time for wishing th...华人论坛



在加拿大 I am still awaiting for ROS and CTD / TIP. 求教这句话什么意思啊?其中CTD = Complete Tech Document TIP = Tech Information Pack,有知道答案的 好心人请加QQ1762878487!多谢了! 评论 我仍然在等待ROS和CTD/提示...华人论坛


how it can still be wet?? 如何理解

在加拿大 Signs are sticked together after short period in stock! Something should be used between signs. But it should not be paper or anything like that because extra paper is waste and customer do not want to have it. 主要意思是我理解,主要...华人论坛


Sept. 是哪个单词的缩写呢~~~

在加拿大 still waiting for yours from account sept. 此句中的sept.是哪个单词的缩写呢??不明吖~~~~ [ 本帖最后由 四色依米 于 2012-3-27 15:36 编辑 ] 评论 九月 september 评论 你给的信息太少了 会不会是客户的...华人论坛



在加拿大 we are still looking for a specific machine, IT is a small cotton machine where we place our wadding coton inside a pad . This machine will layer out the cotton before we put our felt on top of pad [ 本帖最后由 patty-chu 于 2012-4-27...华人论坛


chop back 什么意思?

在加拿大 Still need yourfactory name and addressand chopback to me . 请问这句话中chop back 什么意思啊? [ 本帖最后由 patty-chu 于 2011-10-7 15:03 编辑 ] 评论 盖章回传 FYI 评论 非常感谢版主 !!!...华人论坛



在加拿大 And if still today, until quite recently, if only sporadically and fleetingly, illusions in a new upswing, an Indian summer of bourgeois liberalism, the cooperation and common struggle of the proletariat were conceivable, the more groundbrea...华人论坛


diecut hangtag 什麼意思

在加拿大 still waiting for the diecut for hangtag and for the rating label with the technical details pls see the rating label for reference in attach to explain you what is this 這裏面 的diecut for hangtag是什麼意思? [ 本帖最后由 Frank...华人论坛


Grandma still drives zz

在加拿大 Grandma is eighty-eight years old and still drives her own car. She writes: Dear Granddaughter, The other day I went up to our local Christian book store and saw a 'Honk if you love Jesus' bumper sticker .. I was feeling particularly sassy t...华人论坛


still be alive

在加拿大 endless sadness trouble me when heard a old song that i ever liked very much,the past is past,but still be alive in my heart that will be broken.More or less,whoever have a unforgetabble scenery that you and your love were going for a walk a...华人论坛


请问Heart still water是什么意思?

在加拿大 请问Heart still water是什么意思? 有的人说是心如止水 ,有的说是我心依然,我的翻译是上善如水。。。。 [ 本帖最后由 Frank.Brown 于 2010-9-11 17:43 编辑 ] 评论 水利万物而不争 动物植物(...华人论坛



在加拿大 I still remember you !we left you an enquiry on a data stick, 他什么意思啊,在线等求助 评论 客户还记得你,他之前是不是已经给你发过询盘你没回复啊? 评论 客户的意思就是知道你,以前给你发...华人论坛



在加拿大 But I still believe there are much some opportunities for our business someday还是in someday 啊。Looking forward to your good news in someday.还有这个也是同样的问题。 顺便问下 可以这样表达吗: isnt he is the stron...华人论坛


STILL 在这句怎么理解

在加拿大 CUSTOMS ENDED UP STILLING THE GOODS 评论 蒸馏?熏蒸? .... 评论 STILLING可能是 fumigatION 的意思吧。 主要是高温杀虫什么的,是质检的需要啊 !! FYI 评论 still 可以做熏蒸讲吗 这是原文 WE ARE IN...华人论坛



在加拿大 would you pls still answer to our following questions. it is very important, as we have to decide about the promotion of your product a) new fotos in printable version (A4, 300 dpi) pls send to: [email][/email] b) product specification (how...华人论坛



在加拿大 We do not still have DHL or other courier accounts it is still on process. About the Courier accounts and numbers we still do not have. 是不是想让我们支付DHL快递费的意思? 评论 恩他们没有,并没说不付的你可以让...华人论坛


很想很想问问客户:are you still alive?

在加拿大 等待回复是痛苦的,客户确实一声不吭,很想很想问问客户:are you still alive? 评论 呵呵 有种你发啊 评论 keep in touch~这是正常的,业务本来就是在煎熬之间度过。 评论 讲到心底里去了,...华人论坛


About IT resume

在加拿大 Our company is still hiring java and .NOT programmer. Because all the hiring information are open, I got a chance to go through most of them. There are still many problems with the resume. And I found my resume is still one of the best. So I...华人论坛


help! Marriage!

在加拿大 I m still on IP, but i m going to get marry. Pls, all immi masters help me:which forms/documents i should update to immi hk office;any COST on that;should i rise my bank deposit for immi as well? 评论 回复: help! Marriage!试着回答,更...华人论坛



在加拿大 cpc-m STILL aug 8, 2006! 评论 回复: MARCH 23那是因为CIC现在不办了,停了,也就是说现在要等29个月了,也不能着急,只能等了,我们能干什么呢,谁叫现在经济不好呢...华人论坛



在加拿大 各位前辈,STILL这个公司咋样?他家做Stapler的,最近收到一个Simulation方向论文的Zu... 手里同时收到南德B家做Elektrischer Antrieb方向的实习,也是搞Simulation的,面试的时候 问过,实习之后...华人论坛


请教下,生产后,备3个still BH够不够?

在加拿大 会不会因为溢奶来不及洗? 评论 我买了3个 够了 我爸妈天天洗衣 评论 我有七八个,还嫌不够,一天可能就需要两三个(主要因为出汗,溢奶有溢奶垫解决)。老公也几乎天天洗,但是...华人论坛


I still believe that people are really good at heart

在加拿大 安妮·弗兰克 评论 安内莉斯·玛丽·“安妮”·弗兰克 (德语:Annelies Marie Anne Frank;德语音标:[anɛliz maʁi anə fʁɑnk] (帮助·关于),1929年6月12日~1945年3月初),生于德国法兰克福,...华人论坛



在加拿大 still waiting....... 评论 回复: 体检快9个月了....无语 抢个沙发 评论 回复: 体检快9个月了....无语 偶也超过8个月了 评论 12月2日 妥投 2月2日 RN 5月26日 补料香港 6月11日FN 7月1日IP 7月13日体检...华人论坛


Still in process and 12

在加拿大 Just check the website status, still in process and 12. 评论 回复: Still in process and 12 别急,妙,替你吼吼吼~~~ 评论 Jason Richardson -- 姐深你插得深 Richard Jefferson -- 你插得姐夫深 Just check the website sta...华人论坛



在加拿大 从7变12了? I still have no any change.... 评论 2008.8.29 魁省FN 2008.10.20 排期2009.4.23 混到CSQ 2009.5.20 联邦FN2009.6.24 状态12 2009.6.29 状态5 2009.7.21 状态7 现在混到 法盟高级1水平(暂时休学) 2009.8.27 状态...华人论坛



在加拿大 Still think there's only one path to success? These former Ontario college graduates sure don't. Take a look at some of the outstanding bios from the drop down menus below. Before you know it, you'll be on your way to creating your own succ...华人论坛



在加拿大 The American economy shed another 263,000 jobs in September and the unemployment rate rose to 9.8 percent,inching toward double digits, a level last seen in June 1983, according a report released by Labor Department on Friday.Though the job...华人论坛


I am still thinking of MengMengNiu.

在加拿大 Where is MengMengNiu? I can not help thinking of him. Has he got the ME? I have not heard from him for a long time. He is very helpul for us. 评论 SOFA SOFA 评论 settling in Montreal 赏 2007-01-18#3 758 $0.00 No response? 评论 Springr...华人论坛


It still can be taken as my birthday present

在加拿大 俺昨天贝雕了!俺们人事科长接了个电话, 来自CIC的,对他们的申请人angelonduty的历史做了一系列翻箱倒柜的调查, 电话为时不少于20分钟. 相当滑稽, 俺们人事科长只讲南京当地土话, 而HK方...华人论坛


I am still working,I can"t stand it anym more!

在加拿大 评论 最大的困难成就了最好的归宿,感谢不那么善良的人帮我打开了另一扇门。愿上帝宽恕我们! 回复: I am still working,I cant stand it anym more! 安慰一下,poor baby! 评论 巴黎飞鱼 赏 反馈...华人论坛


i still did not get test for canadian citizenship

在加拿大 We received your application for Canadian citizenship (grant of citizenship) on March 3, 2014.We sent you a letter acknowledging receipt of your application(s), and a study book called Discover Canada on March 3, 2014. Please consider delays...华人论坛