

61. how much can you go down? 您能减多少钱?  
62. can you cut the price? 您能降价吗?   
63. what price can you accept? 您觉得什么价钱能够接受呢?
64. this is our best price. 这是我们的最低价格。  
65. we can’t do business. 我们没办法做生意。
66. I can assure you. 我可以跟您保证。   
67. we can think about the price. 我们可以考虑一下这个价格。
68. this is a rough price. 这是一个大概的价格。   
69. how much is the commission? 请问佣金多少呢?
70. I am your old customer. 我是您的老客户。
71. this is the wholesale price. 这是批发价。
72. can you place order now? 您现在可以下单吗?
the price can’t be lowered. 这个价钱不能再少了。
this is our first business. 这是我们第一次做生意。  
I can give you a discount. 我可以给您打折。
how much is the tile? 这种砖多少钱?
I just want to buy the sample. 我只想买样品。
our price is cheper. 我们的价格要便宜一些。
I think the bathtub is too expensive. 我觉得浴缸太贵了。
80. please get the goods ready. 请您备好货。
81. you can’t find this price again. 您再也找不到这个价钱了。
82. we can accept 10% discount. 我们可以接受10%的折扣。  
83. how do I contact you? 我们怎么联系您呢?     
84. how much is the deposit? 订金多少?
85. you can come for the goods next week. 您可以下周来取货。  
86. different toilets, different prices. 不同马桶,不同价格。
87. the price of this faucet is much cheaper. 这种水龙头的价格要便宜得多。
88. the freight of wash basins is 2000yuan. 这些洗面盆的运费是2000元。
89. you must pay 10000yuan for shower enclosures. 你得为淋浴房支付1万元。
90. this type of bidet sells best now. 现在这种妇洗器卖得最好。

以上来自佛山海翔外语学校,了解更多陶瓷销售英语可加Q1194055809,0757-82813004 www.haixiang100.com

这种好贴没人顶不科学阿 目测必火 抢沙发先 :lol


Chapter1: what’s his want了解对方需求
1. welcome to our showroom 欢迎来到我们展厅。  
2. let me show you around our showroom 让我带你参观一下我们展厅吧。
3. Sir, may I have your name? 先生,怎么称呼您呢?
4. if you want to buy rustic tiles, you’ve come to the right place.
5. this is my first visit to Foshan! 这是我第一次来佛山
6. what can I do for you? 有什么可以帮到您的吗?
7. this is my business card. 这是我的名片。
8. this way, please. 这边请
9. I want to have a look. 我想看一看。
10. what do you want to buy? 您想买些什么?
11. I want to buy polished tiles. 我想买抛光砖。
12. this is our price list. 这是我们的价目表。

以上来自佛山海翔外语学校,了解更多陶瓷销售英语可加Q:1194055809,0757-82813004 www.haixiang100.com

加拿大电商昨天我把提单复件发给了客户,今天收到了他回信,如下: Dear Nicholas, please send all shipping documents. We will check B/L copy and we will reply ASAP. Thank you Best Regards ......................................... 加拿大电商刚从事这行半年,对电子行业不了解,自己整理了些,算是学习,供大家分享,也请大家补充。我毕竟是个文科生,对这方面知识严重欠缺。 DVD:英文全名是Digital Video Disk, 即数字视频光
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