加拿大进出口外贸How is TRADEKEY ?


I am a new foreign trade, after a day of step, the Canton fair site and suit the altar.

Finally, in the TRADEKEY stopped. After registered, there is customer service to contact me in shenzhen.

But since began to do foreign trade, so consult everybody, finally from TRADEKEY customer service to customer information, is true? Reliable credible?

Company information, whether can give according to the facts?

Urgent ~ ~ thank everybody to give directions reply

You had registered in the Tradekey?May i know do you pay money for the VIP Member?
If you just register in the website and not pay any fee for it.I think the customer information is not true.

I am a Chinese and also do oversea business.Also,i had used the tradekey,talk with the customer service.I think it's not very useful without pay money.
Hope this can help you.

Hello, company information is true, can go in a field. I think doing business is to yourself to experience. Where are the liar, where there are opportunities. I am a logistics business in China, I hope you can contact me. My mailbox [email protected]

[email protected]

Thank you very much for your reminder.
But because I want to know about the power of the web site and the accuracy of the customer resource information.

If it is said, these information is ok, then I pay, is worth it.

The recognition, will you please inform more information about it?

Thank you very much
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