加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息周末得闲,花15分钟把加拿大统计局的调查问卷做


周末得闲,把加拿大统计局的调查问卷做完了,还好,花了差不多15分钟。Thank you​Thank you for submitting your questionnaire and ensuring that your community has the data it needs to make informed decisions.Your confirmation code is: W0xx-xxxx-xxxxKeep this confirmation code by writing it down or by printing this page. It is proof that your questionnaire has been submitted online. Please note that we may still contact you for additional information or for verification purposes.Statistics Canada would like to thank you for your participation in the 2021 Census.For more information about the 2021 Census, please visit www.census.gc.ca.

觉人之伪,不形之于色;吃人之亏,不动之于口;施人之恩,不发之于言;受人之惠,不忘之于心。周末得闲,把加拿大统计局的调查问卷做完了,还好,花了差不多15分钟。Thank you​Thank you for submitting your questionnaire and ensuring that your community has the data it needs to make informed decisions.Your confirmation code is: W0xx-xxxx-xxxxKeep this confirmation code by writing it down or by printing this page. It is proof that your questionnaire has been submitted online. Please note that we may still contact you for additional information or for verification purposes.Statistics Canada would like to thank you for your participation in the 2021 Census.For more information about the 2021 Census, please visit www.census.gc.ca.点击展开...我不知道我用了多久我只是告诉我老婆把某家务活干了,因为我要做正事儿她家务活干完了我的表也填好了

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