加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息水调歌头·炒股 2021.01.01-2021.03.16


水调歌头·炒股我欲清仓归去,又恐迅速反弹,踏空不胜寒。与其储蓄负利,不如厮混其间,少追涨,勿杀跌,夜安眠。不应有恨,获利总在无意间。月有阴晴圆缺,股有横盘涨跌,此事神难全。但愿牛长久,你我共赚钱。前几个月那么热闹的投资理财讨论帖都不见了……Confused What Is It GIF by Nebraska Humane Society大家讨论讨论今年一月份到现在的战果。

“I believe that Alberta is not just a place on the map.This Alberta is a place where we judge people not on the basis of where they were born, how they pray or who they love, but on how hard they work, and how well they treat others.”--Jason Kennedy 超赞 赏 赞反馈:宇航员, 周雅, minialu22 和 17 其他人 10.01 Aidemengdun
Work Hard for Better Canada
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