标签:News - 华人论坛


news for forwarder

在加拿大 Forwarders should become industry disrupters, but beware the politicians Oct 07, 2016 2016-fiata-congress-dublin-inside-ccd-online-version-2 By Alex Lennane 06/10/2016 3PLs have the opportunity to disrupt the market - if they embrace technol...华人论坛


Learning News Together--Nelson Mandela dies

在加拿大 screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; th...华人论坛



在加拿大 有没有人知道这个网站,信誉怎么样 好像是个印度的网站 评论 This Site is Under Construction 1Sector: DiversifiedTender Value: Refer Document Location: KARNAL,Haryana,IndiaRef.No: Refer Document Closing Date: Refer Doc...华人论坛

多伦多 Toronto

great news -Premier Dalton McGuinty resigns

在加拿大 http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/article/1271913--premier-dalton-mcguinty-resigns 评论 回复: great news -Premier Dalton McGuinty resignswhy is it great news? 评论 以佛修心,以道做人。why is it great news?点击展开... I d...华人论坛

多伦多 Toronto

China news

在加拿大 据美国伊利诺伊州大学香槟分校新闻公报(UIUC News-Gazette)报道,该校一名21岁的中国留学生张佳恩(Jiaen Zhang)日前因涉嫌性侵女生、盗窃财物以及虐待动物等多项罪名遭美国警方逮捕...华人论坛

多伦多 Toronto

VOA news 为什么不能屏幕取词了?

在加拿大 以前可以的。现在金山词霸和有道词典都不能对它(包括special English)屏幕取词了。有这个功能很方便的,可能是我哪弄的不对? 评论 回复: VOA news 为什么不能屏幕取词了?不只voa ,好像...华人论坛

多伦多 Toronto


在加拿大 http://www.iask.ca/news/canada/house/2012/0621/141600.html -好消息- 价格未必下降- condo供应超量,说明人民要住更好的大房子 评论 回复: 严打未必降价http://www.iask.ca/news/canada/house/2012/0621/141600.html -好...华人论坛

卡尔加里 Calgary


在加拿大 【Breaking News】阿省省长发表重要讲话,喊话联邦:是时候为阿尔伯塔省争取公平交易了!!否则。。。原创: 移民就找 加拿大留学移民网 今天加拿大留学移民网大选结束了,但感觉却...华人论坛


Words in the news

在加拿大 The dead ringer ------when things look exactly the same On April 29,British newspaper The Times released information about a young British woman missing in Australia:Witnesses told The Sydney Morning Herald that they saw a woman who was a de...华人论坛


谁有AM680 ALL NEWS的网上收听点

在加拿大 AM680 ALL NEWS的网上收听点以前在多伦多常听,到了小镇,收不到了找到了,http://www.680news.com/ 在Listen On Demand里 评论 和气生财,心宽长寿。 超赞 赏 kind16光头司令之小新附 0$(VIP 0) 4,0132...华人论坛



在加拿大 http://www.iask.ca/news/canada/2011/1103/100027.htmlhttp://www.iask.ca/news/canada/2011/1103/100028.htmlhttp://www.iask.ca/news/canada/2011/1103/100100.html 评论 回复: 博士移民有?候想想,加拿大移民局?真是自我陶醉,博...华人论坛


Big news for litigations

在加拿大 Dear litigant,The meeting before Justice Barnes yesterday was quite enlightening. First, the Chief Justice called for the meeting because with 304 application, the Court was concerned how everyone would cope with so many files. That day, I a...华人论坛


breaking news!

在加拿大 The Government of Canada announced on 29 March 2012 a plan to reduce the backlog of Federal Skilled Worker (FSW) applications by returning all applications and government fees submitted prior to 27 February 2008. This will amount to a total...华人论坛


Good news:tim won! jason kenney in trouble !

在加拿大 http://forum.canadameet.cc/showthread.php?t=574010 一大早就收到加国王律师转发的好消息,moi已经早早把内容发到家园了,再次感到正义的力量! 现在,我们91同学要再接再厉,痛打肥康落水狗!...华人论坛


great news, Tim

在加拿大 Just received a call from the Federal Court in Ottawa: Justice Rennie has affirmed his decision not to permit Immigration Canada to appeal his decision. So, now the only remaining issue is whether CIC will honour our Agreement. CIC is to fil...华人论坛


Good News: CIC agrees to have FSW case heard

在加拿大 Dear Litigant,Attached is the letter from DoJ, advising that CIC has agreed to allow our cases to proceed. CIC will, however, continue to oppose our positions. It will be up to the presiding judge to rule on the issues.We have two lead cases...华人论坛


Breaking news: 227新政还要再等两年多

在加拿大 Dear Madam ! Good Day ! Today in the morning i received a reply from CHC New Delhi for an email sent on 16.07.2011 for application status of my pre june application.I wanted to share with all our forum members. regards. here is the email rep...华人论坛


Important refund news for some immigrants

在加拿大 For detailed information, check out the latest issue of Muchmor Magazine on its website www.muchmormagazine.com. 评论 回复: Important refund news for some immigrantsThat's a good news 评论 超赞 赏 cchong 0$(VIP 0) 6352008-11-14#3 回复...华人论坛


It seems a good news for driving test!

在加拿大 http://bookroadtest.blogspot.com/2009/11/driving-instructors-rally-at-queens.html 评论 回复: It seems a good news for driving test!that bill was not passed. because conservative and NDP did not show up to vote. 评论 回复: It seems a...华人论坛


没想到Fox news和粉红是一个水平

在加拿大 说谷爱凌是个机会主义者,完全同意 说谷爱凌是个叛国者?我闻到了浓浓的粉红味道 评论 一个美国数一数二的大媒体去攻击一个小姑娘,shame on you 评论 我还听过很多Tucker Carlson关于疫...华人论坛


CIC News发布了近3个月,IRCC只抽PNP的答案

在加拿大 自 9 月 15日以来 , PNP 连抽 6 次,CEC一次都没有... 今天CIC News给出了IRCC对此的解释 : IRCC 目前推迟邀请 FSWP 和 CEC, 是为了解决 EE 的积压问题。 截至10月27日,EE的积累申请为99,968份,...华人论坛



在加拿大 BREAKING NEWS The Federal Reserve now predicts it will increase interest rates twice in 2023, moving up its projections as the economy heals. Wednesday, June 16, 2021 2:17 PM EST Previously, officials had anticipated that rates would stay a...华人论坛



在加拿大 http://udn.com/NEWS/NATIONAL/NATS1/4366177.shtml 评论 察哈尔右翼正黄旗 回复: 十九周年 纪念~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 评论 回复: 十九周年 小马比扁扁难对付,...华人论坛



在加拿大 http://www.iask.ca/news/world/2010/0603/25144.html 评论 回复: 看看这位牛人 这个帖子也好玩儿http://news.backchina.com/viewnews-91999-gb2312.html 评论 回复: 看看这位牛人 哈哈,坛里的男同胞要加油了 评论...华人论坛