加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民Good News: CIC agrees to have FSW case heard


Dear Litigant,Attached is the letter from DoJ, advising that CIC has agreed to allow our cases to proceed. CIC will, however, continue to oppose our positions. It will be up to the presiding judge to rule on the issues.We have two lead cases, addressing three issues:1. Back, IMM-1-13: a. never assessed pre-Bill C-50 applicants b. who joined the litigation before the Liang decision (before 14 June 2013)2. Gong: those who joined after 14 June 2013 and a. were never assessed or b. were assessed after 29 March 2012.The target date for the hearing is May 28th. However, the Court will have to grant the hearing date. I will advise when we have a date. Both cases will be argued on the same day.If you (a) joined the litigation group (by submitting a signed retainer agreement and making the first payment) and (b) received this email from me, you are in one sub-category or the other. There is no need to ask me if or in which. Both cases, as I said, will be argued the same day before the same judge.As you can see, we may adduce additional information, and I may re-write our arguments within the time-frame DoJ has proposed (which is the standard procedure).So, at long last we may be on our way for a decision!Regards,Tim

回复: Good News: CIC agrees to have FSW case heardGood job

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