加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息日本8.9强震,引发强大海啸


TOKYO (Reuters) - The biggest earthquake on record to hit Japan struck the northeast coast on Friday, triggering a 10-meter tsunami that swept away everything in its path, including houses, ships, cars and farm buildings. The Red Cross in Geneva said the wall of water was higher than some Pacific islands and a tsunami warning was issued for almost the entire Pacific basin, though alerts were lifted for some countries in the region, including Taiwan, Australia and New Zealand. At least 59 people had been killed in the quake and tsunami in Japan, broadcaster NHK said, adding that many were missing. The extent of the destruction along a lengthy stretch of Japan's coastline suggested the death toll could rise significantly. The 8.9 magnitude quake, the most powerful since Japan started keeping records 140 years ago, caused many injuries and sparked fires while the tsunami prompted warnings to people to move to higher ground in coastal areas. Domestic news agencies said a radoactive leak was possible at a nuclear plant in Fukushima prefecture, north of Tokyo, and some 2,000 residents had been told to evacuate the area. Some nuclear power plants and oil refineries were shut down and a refinery was ablaze. Prime Minister Naoto Kan told politicians they needed to "save the country" after the disaster which he said had caused widespread damage to swathes of the country's north. The quake split a highway near Tokyo and flattened several buildings in the northeast and a train was unaccounted in a coastal area hit by the tsunami. A ship carrying 100 people had been swept away by the tsunami, Kyodo news agency said, and TV footage showed the roiling waters, blackened with debris, some of it ablaze, sweeping away homes, cars and bringing ships inland. There were reports of at least 80 locations on fire after the quake, Kyodo said. Around 4.4 million homes were without power in northern Japan, media said. A hotel collapsed in the city of Sendai and people were feared buried in the rubble. Electronics giant Sony Corp, one of the country's biggest exporters, shut six factories, as air force jets raced toward the northeast coast to determine the extent of the damage. The Bank of Japan, which has been struggling to boost the anemic economy, said it would do its utmost to ensure financial market stability as the yen and Japanese shares fell. "I was terrified and I'm still frightened," said Hidekatsu Hata, 36, manager of a Chinese noodle restaurant in Tokyo, where buildings shook violently. "I've never experienced such a big quake before." The Philippine and Indonesia issued tsunami alerts, reviving memories of the giant tsunami which struck Asia in 2004. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center issued alerts for countries to the west and across the Pacific as far away as Colombia and Peru. The earthquake was the fifth most powerful to hit the world in the past century. There were several strong aftershocks. In Tokyo, there was widespread panic. An oil refinery near the city was on fire, with dozens of storage tanks under threat. "People are flooding the streets. It's incredible. Everyone is trying to get home but I didn't see any taxis in Ginza, where there are usually plenty," said Koji Goto, a 43-year-old Tokyo resident. TV footage showed a muddy wall of water carrying debris across a large swathe of coastal farmland near the city of Sendai, which has a population of one million. Ships in once coastal area were lifted from the sea into a harbor where they lay helplessly on their side. Sendai is 300 km (180 miles) northeast of Tokyo and the epicenter at sea was not far away. NHK television showed flames and black smoke billowing from a building in Odaiba, a Tokyo suburb, and bullet trains to the north of the country were halted. Thick smoke was also pouring out of an industrial area in Yokohama's Isogo area. TV showed residents of the city running out of shaking buildings, shielding their heads with their hands from falling masonry. TV footage showed boats, cars and trucks tossed around like toys in the water after a small tsunami hit the town of Kamaichi in northern Japan. An overpass, location unknown, appeared to have collapsed and cars were turning around and speeding away. Kyodo said there were reports of fires in Sendai where waves carried cars across the runway at the airport. "The building shook for what seemed a long time and many people in the newsroom grabbed their helmets and some got under their desks," Reuters correspondent Linda Sieg said in Tokyo. "It was probably the worst I have felt since I came to Japan more than 20 years ago." The U.S. navy said its ships had been unaffected by the tsunami and were ready to provide disaster relief if needed. China offered to provide earthquake relief. The quake struck just before the Tokyo stock market closed, pushing the Nikkei down to end at a five-week low. Nikkei futures trading in Osaka tumbled as much as 4.7 percent in reaction to the news. The disaster also weighed on markets elsewhere. GREAT KANTO QUAKE The quake was the biggest since records began 140 years ago, according to the Japan Meteorological Agency. It surpasses the Great Kanto quake of September 1, 1923, which had a magnitude of 7.9 and killed more than 140,000 people in the Tokyo area. The 1995 Kobe quake caused $100 billion in damage and was the most expensive natural disaster in history. Economic damage from the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami was estimated at about $10 billion. Passengers on a subway line in Tokyo screamed and grabbed other passengers' hands during the quake. The shaking was so bad it was hard to stand, said Reuters reporter Mariko Katsumura. Hundreds of office workers and shoppers spilled into Hitotsugi street, a shopping street in Akasaka in downtown Tokyo. Household goods ranging from toilet paper to clingfilm were flung into the street from outdoor shelves in front of a drugstore. Crowds gathered in front of televisions in a shop next to the drugstore for details. After the shaking from the first quake subsided, crowds watched and pointed to construction cranes on an office building up the street with voices saying, "They're still shaking!", "Are they going to fall?" Asagi Machida, 27, a web designer in Tokyo, sprinted from a coffee shop when the quake hit. "The images from the New Zealand earthquake are still fresh in my mind so I was really scared. I couldn't believe such a big earthquake was happening in Tokyo." Japan's northeast Pacific coast, called Sanriku, has suffered from quakes and tsunamis in the past and a 7.2 quake struck on Wednesday. In 1933, a magnitude 8.1 quake in the area killed more than 3,000 people. Earthquakes are common in Japan, one of the world's most seismically active areas. The country accounts for about 20 percent of the world's earthquakes of magnitude 6 or greater. (Writing by Miral Fahmy; Tokyo bureau and Asia Desk, Editing by John Chalmers; Singapore )

回复: 日本8.9强震,引发强大海啸日本已请求驻日美军协助救灾。美国国防部下令驻太平洋区美军,准备协助地震和海啸灾后救难。

回复: 日本8.9强震,引发强大海啸为生活学习过的地方的受灾人们祈福!

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]回复: 日本8.9强震,引发强大海啸处于大板块的挤压板块上,日本人应该早日移民到其他安全的地方

回复: 日本8.9强震,引发强大海啸死个几百日本鬼子电视新闻就播放了一天,中国地震死了那么多人就是播放一角。

08年登录改专业从国内的会计读了护士13年1月在加拿大某医院开始做护士死个几百日本鬼子电视新闻就播放了一天,中国地震死了那么多人就是播放一角。点击展开...这是现实,白人心底里对中国人还是不一样的。 以前的哥们都是大公司里的技术骨干,是高科技劳力,但公司里的肥缺多数留给白人。

知足常乐。回复: 日本8.9强震,引发强大海啸难过,悲哀。为大地震中死难的人默哀!愿主抚慰那些悲伤的心灵

移民14年,From Calgary AB to Nanaimo BC。回复: 日本8.9强震,引发强大海啸日本人和中国人肤色不同?

回复: 日本8.9强震,引发强大海啸哀悼死难者。

回复: 日本8.9强震,引发强大海啸伤心!向地震中受难的人默哀! 日本人和中国人肤色不同?点击展开...可能因为是8.8级的原因吧!看新闻报道中,有个70多岁的老太太(从电视上我实在是看不出来她有七十岁,看上去也就50左右)说这是她有生以来经历的最大的地震!


回复: 日本8.9强震,引发强大海啸难过,悲哀。为大地震中死难的人默哀!愿主抚慰那些悲伤的心灵点击展开...地震和主有没有关系? 是主的安排吗?

回复: 日本8.9强震,引发强大海啸[FONT=宋体]一个[/FONT][FONT=宋体]民族受不受其它[/FONT]民族尊重 [FONT=宋体]其原因[/FONT][FONT=宋体]在该民族本身[/FONT]

回复: 日本8.9强震,引发强大海啸地震和主有没有关系? 是主的安排吗?点击展开...上帝创造了世界之后,世界按照他们自身的规律不停的运转。世界变得缤纷多彩,纷繁复杂。好的趋势,坏的趋势,人类无法预料。信主之后,就是找到我们与主沟通的渠道,让我们可以了解世界发展的规律,获得内心的安详与平静。

移民14年,From Calgary AB to Nanaimo BC。回复: 日本8.9强震,引发强大海啸核电站又爆炸了,弄不好加拿大也会受影响!

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]回复: 日本8.9强震,引发强大海啸[FONT=宋体]东京电力公司福岛第一核电厂1号机建筑物12日发生爆炸,反应炉建筑物仅剩下金属骨架,核电厂周边一度侦测到一个小时1015个微西弗的量(mSv/h),[/FONT][FONT=宋体][/FONT]​ [FONT=宋体] [/FONT][FONT=宋体]日本经济产业省原子能安全保安院12日傍晚在记者会上,针对福岛第一核电厂1号机发生爆炸一事表示,已接获东京电力通报,「12日下午3时36分时,涡轮机厂房周边发生纵向摇晃并传出爆炸声。」 东京电力表示,在1号机的反应炉建筑物内,为让反应炉内异常升高的压力降低,从事释放水蒸气作业的东京电力两名员工以及合作厂商两名工人,受伤送 医。根据日本共同社报导,日本官房长官枝野幸男12日晚间8点举行记者会,指位于福岛县的第一核电厂1号机「不是核子反应炉爆炸,而是氢气和氧气在炉外混 合发生爆炸。」他表示建筑物外墙虽然炸毁,不过反应炉并未受影响。[/FONT][FONT=宋体][/FONT]​ [FONT=宋体] [/FONT]​ [FONT=宋体] [/FONT][FONT=宋体][/FONT]​ [FONT=宋体]而日本网友之间流传着一则让人感动的文字讯息,一名福岛核电厂的员工寄电子邮件给朋友,表示就算牺牲生命也绝对不会让炉心熔毁,这则感人讯息在日本网络大量流传,也让不少日本网友边看边落泪,也期盼福岛县能够平安度过此次危机。 [/FONT]​

回复: 日本8.9强震,引发强大海啸长野又有5.6级的地震啦!

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]回复: 日本8.9强震,引发强大海啸[FONT=宋体]わたしのこいびとたちへ:きみたちはだいじょうぶですか?[/FONT]

回复: 日本8.9强震,引发强大海啸反应炉注入海水 形同报废 枝 野幸男强调,核反应堆是被包覆在钢结构的安全壳内,外面再有一层混凝土墙,在爆炸中受损的是混凝土墙,安全壳并未受损,而且反应炉内部压力与周围的辐射值 都开始降低。目前东京电力公司已将海水注入反应炉,初步遏制燃料棒的熔解,此举将导致反应炉出现杂质而无法再使用,形同报废。估计注入海水时间约要五至十 小时才注满。国际原子能总署表示,日本当局正准备发放碘片给居住在因强震受损核电厂附近的民众。碘可降低人体辐射线危害。 这起爆炸除四人受伤外,另有三人受到辐射污染;此外,当时附近一所高中操场上还有数十人,也可能遭辐射污染需检查。朝日电视台说,遭辐射污染者可能高达一百九十人。 原 先一号反应炉炉心的冷却水位一直无法上升,燃料棒渐渐露出水面,无法充分冷却,因而释放出放射性物质,十二日一号反应炉周围地区检测到放射性物质铯和碘, 依此研判炉心燃料铀已进行核裂变,专家担心反应炉可能因为温度过高导致炉心熔解,成为日本发展核能发电后的首次重大灾变。

回复: 日本8.9强震,引发强大海啸[FONT=宋体]わたしのこいびとたちへ:[/FONT][FONT=宋体]きみたちはだいじょうぶですか?[/FONT]点击展开...[FONT=宋体]こいびと们都是谁啊?[/FONT]

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