加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Susan Boyle: Memory


[ame]http://www.no video.com/watch?v=AakAmiSO3M8[/ame] Memory-----舞台剧:“Cats” Midnight, Not a sound from the parement万籁俱静的长街 Has the moon lost her memory?月儿也遗落了记忆? She is smilling alone.朦胧笑容,顾影自怜 In the lamplight, the withered leaves collect at my feet.路灯黄昏,落叶堆积在我脚边 And the wind begins to moan.夜半风儿,开始呜咽 Every street lamp seems to beat a fatallstic warning 身旁街灯, 对我警告,一切都是宿命的徽兆 Someone mutters and the streelamp gutters呢喃隐隐,灯火摇曳 And soon it will be morning 清晨即将来临 Daylight, I must wait for the sunrise 日光,坚定信念等待太阳 I must think of a new life 迎接新生的朝霞 And I musn't give in决不舍弃希望 When the dawn comes, tonight will be a memory too阳光破晓,今夜终将成为过往 And a new day will begin 新的一天即将来临 Touch me, it's so easy to leave me轻抚我,孤立轻而易举 All alone with the memory独自徘徊旧时光 Of my days in the sun那些昔日的沧桑 If you touch me, you'll understand what happiness is轻轻抚摸我,你会知道幸福是何情何景 Look, a new day has begun看啊,新的一天已开始。

回复: Susan Boyle: Memory遗憾,You Tube 还是没能打开,怎么回事呢本来是想和大家分享的,唉!

回复: Susan Boyle: MemoryI am not able to see it.

回复: Susan Boyle: Memory听说成名后疯了,名人不是那么好当的。

回复: Susan Boyle: MemoryI am not able to see it.点击展开...是呀,上次贴她的I dream a dream 也打不开。明白人指点一下吧,或直接贴上来分享。

回复: Susan Boyle: Memory听说成名后疯了,名人不是那么好当的。点击展开...都是让狗仔队给逼的,那些娱记为了钱根本不尊重个人隐私。为什么不能只focus on 她的歌曲呢

回复: Susan Boyle: Memory双击就可以进入no video看了。谢谢分享。很喜欢Susan,不过更喜欢她初赛的歌。这首歌第一句, midnight, 好像唱得不太稳,后来的就挺好。

回复: Susan Boyle: Memory都是让狗仔队给逼的,那些娱记为了钱根本不尊重个人隐私。为什么不能只focus on 她的歌曲呢点击展开...狗仔也是为广大观众服务的嘛,如果没人感兴趣人家狗仔用的着天天守着这么难看的,还是大家想知道这老姑娘红了后有没人追她。

回复: Susan Boyle: Memory双击就可以进入no video看了。谢谢分享。很喜欢Susan,不过更喜欢她初赛的歌。这首歌第一句, midnight, 好像唱得不太稳,后来的就挺好。点击展开...[ame]http://www.no video.com/watch?v=izucgB-lBaI[/ame]

回复: Susan Boyle: Memory双击就可以进入no video看了。谢谢分享。很喜欢Susan,不过更喜欢她初赛的歌。这首歌第一句, midnight, 好像唱得不太稳,后来的就挺好。点击展开...双击一下真的可以看到了:)谢谢提醒。把这首I dream a dream贴上来重温一下吧 I dreamed a dream in time gone by时光荏苒 梦境再次到来When hope was high and life worth living当时的我 希望满怀 生命澎湃I dreamed that love would never dieI dreamed that God would be forgiving在我的梦里 真爱不渝 主爱无限Then I was young and unafraidAnd dreams were made and used and wasted当年的我 年轻无惧 梦想荒唐 肆意浪掷There was no ransom to be paidNo song unsung, No wine untasted当年的我 身无牵挂 无歌不唱 无酒不欢But the tigers come at night With their vioces soft as thunder远方战火 低沉如雷 忧心恐怖 如夜掩至As they tear your hope apart希望与期待 就此被撕裂摧毁As they turn your dream to shame 梦想的实践 如同笑话幻灭And still I dream he'll come to meThat we will live the years together然而 我仍企盼 他能归来 与我共渡 美好余生But there are dreams that cannot beAnd there are storms we cannot weather只是 总有美梦 无法成真 总有风暴 无法掌控I had a dream my life would be 梦想生活 原是尽善尽美So different from this hell I'm living回到现实 却如焦土地狱So different now from what it seemed差距之大 让我无法想象Now life has killed the dream I dreamed我的美梦 已被现实扼杀

回复: Susan Boyle: Memory狗仔也是为广大观众服务的嘛,如果没人感兴趣人家狗仔用的着天天守着这么难看的,还是大家想知道这老姑娘红了后有没人追她。点击展开...那倒是,就是觉得脸皮得多厚才能去当娱记呀 女人都被她的歌声感动了,男人还评论人家好看难看,男人啊! 至于有没有人追,哈,没看奥巴马都约她共进晚餐嘛

回复: Susan Boyle: Memory双击一下真的可以看到了:)谢谢提醒。把这首I dream a dream贴上来重温一下吧I dreamed a dream in time gone by时光荏苒 梦境再次到来When hope was high and life worth living当时的我 希望满怀 生命澎湃I dreamed that love would never dieI dreamed that God would be forgiving在我的梦里 真爱不渝 主爱无限Then I was young and unafraidAnd dreams were made and used and wasted当年的我 年轻无惧 梦想荒唐 肆意浪掷There was no ransom to be paidNo song unsung, No wine untasted当年的我 身无牵挂 无歌不唱 无酒不欢But the tigers come at nightWith their vioces soft as thunder远方战火 低沉如雷 忧心恐怖 如夜掩至As they tear your hope apart希望与期待 就此被撕裂摧毁As they turn your dream to shame梦想的实践 如同笑话幻灭And still I dream he'll come to meThat we will live the years together然而 我仍企盼 他能归来 与我共渡 美好余生But there are dreams that cannot beAnd there are storms we cannot weather只是 总有美梦 无法成真 总有风暴 无法掌控I had a dream my life would be梦想生活 原是尽善尽美So different from this hell I'm living回到现实 却如焦土地狱So different now from what it seemed差距之大 让我无法想象Now life has killed the dream I dreamed我的美梦 已被现实扼杀点击展开...

回复: Susan Boyle: MemoryI am not able to see it.点击展开...可以看到了吗

回复: Susan Boyle: Memory这翻译真棒! 谁译的? 让我更感觉到祖国语言的瑰丽奇妙!

回复: Susan Boyle: Memory这翻译真棒! 谁译的? 让我更感觉到祖国语言的瑰丽奇妙!点击展开...本来没太注意中文歌词的。你说了后仔细一看,发现翻译得很有文采,挺有水平的。

回复: Susan Boyle: Memory是啊,翻译得很精彩,字字珠玑。

回复: Susan Boyle: Memory那倒是,就是觉得脸皮得多厚才能去当娱记呀 女人都被她的歌声感动了,男人还评论人家好看难看,男人啊! 至于有没有人追,哈,没看奥巴马都约她共进晚餐嘛点击展开...奥巴马敢单独约她的话他老婆可不是盏省油的灯

回复: Susan Boyle: Memory可以看到了吗点击展开...I have to double click it.

回复: Susan Boyle: Memory奥巴马敢单独约她的话他老婆可不是盏省油的灯点击展开...据说这位第一夫人是个歌剧迷,很可能也是Susan的粉丝哦

回复: Susan Boyle: Memory据说这位第一夫人是个歌剧迷,很可能也是Susan的粉丝哦点击展开...据说当年奥巴马在外偷食,他老婆好一阵折腾,让人领教了母夜叉得厉害,差点毁了历史。

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