加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息大家注意,肝炎疫苗注射


刚看到的新闻,大家小心: The Calgary Health Region has confirmed a case of hepatitis A in a food handler at the Wildwood Grill and Brewing Company, located at 2417 - 4th Street S.W. The Region is working collaboratively with the restaurant during this investigation.Patrons who ate food at this Calgary restaurant and pub from April 30th to May 13th inclusive may have been exposed to hepatitis A. These individuals are urged to immediately contact Health Link at (403) 943-LINK (943-5465) if they are not already immune to hepatitis A. The Calgary Health Region will be holding several hepatitis A vaccination clinics as a result:Tuesday, May 15th, 20075 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Centre 15 (1509 Centre Street S) for anyone who was potentially exposed at the Wildwood Grill and Brewing Company. Additional clinic hours will be offered through this Saturday. More information concerning locations and times is available through Health Link. Patrons are strongly encouraged to call Health Link prior to attending a clinic.

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