标签:exclusivity - 华人论坛


迪拜客户Exclusivity Agreement

在加拿大 有个迪拜的客户,合作了一单了,第二单刚出完货,代收余款。现在发了个Exclusivity Agreement (独家经营协议)给我们,说签了以后和我们长期合作。我想请问下有无哪位接触到迪拜客户...华人论坛


exclusivity contract 什么意思?

在加拿大 exclusivity contract or Letter we have to provide this kind of letter to our economy ministry.(Lybia) 突尼斯在利比亚的客人,让我发exclusivity contract or Letter 给他们,不明白他们是什么意思? 谢谢大家! [ 本帖...华人论坛



在加拿大 If I can prove to you I can gather good business in Australia will you allow me exclusivity . I don’t want to waste my time selling this product to big retail stores if they can come to you direct. Do you have Australian customer already?...华人论坛