加拿大进出口外贸10-Presenting your company 1


《Presenting your company 1》的笔记:

holding company: company which controls others with the
largest stake (over 51%)
headquarters: the head office of a company
subsidiary: company owned by a holding company
branch: office or group that forms part of a larger company
corporation: an organisation formed by a group of companies
division: a separate part of a large company
2014-06-29 09:34

business: small business, family business
corporation: an organisation formed by a group of companies  集团
company: an organisation that makes or sells things or service
firm: a company provides a service rather than producing goods
corporation > company / firm > business
2014-06-29 09:34

holding company : company which controls others with the
largest stake (over 51%)    控股公司
subsidiary: company owned by a holding company  子公司、分公司
branch: office or group that forms part of a larger company
division: major unit or section of a company
e.g. China Mobile established a subsidiary in Beijing and has over 200 branches all over the city. The sales division locates at xxx.
holding company > subsidiary > branch > division
2014-06-29 09:36

一. Pre-listening(第一步:熟悉单词)
Extract 1     词汇辨析
1. 跟“公司收益”“钱”相关的名词
turnover: n. the amount of business done during a particular time 营业额
revenue: n. money that a business receives over a period of time, especially from selling goods or service (income) 收益
profit: n. money that you gain by selling things or doing business, after your costs have been paid ,利润
2014-06-29 09:56

2. 获取“钱”的动词
market: to try to sell a product or service by deciding which type of people are likely to buy it and by making it interesting to them 市场划分
advertise: to tell people about a product or service and try to persuade them to buy it, for example in a newspaper, television, or Internet 打广告
promote: to try to increase the sales or popularity of a product or event, for example by selling it at a lower price or talking about it on television 推销
publicize: to tell the public about something by writing about it in newspapers, speaking about it on television, etc.宣传
2014-06-29 09:59

关键词:Xerox Corporation,develop,market,innovative technologies,use, products, solutions
→Xerox Corporation develops and markets innovative technologies with products and solutions.
① with + n.:更强调中介或方法
② by + doing:更强调动作
③ through + n.:by means of a particular method, service, person, etc.:更强调特殊手段
2014-06-29 10:14

1) I have been working well under pressure in a fast-paced environment with my demonstrated interpersonal communication skill and initiative.
2) With my demonstrated interpersonal communication skill and initiative, I have been working well under pressure in a fast-paced environment.
→ with + n. = 副词词性
e.g. He loves her.
e.g. He loves her with all his heart.
☞ 状语前置,表强调
2014-06-29 10:16

→ 挑出什么人,什么事
→ 怎样开始的,有没有加动作或东西?
→ 有
→ 人 + 动作 + 方式方法
We will begin by looking at some of the key figures behind the company's success and how the company is structured.
中文:地点方位 + 核心词
英文:核心词 + 地点方位
☞ 在简历和报告中常见
① 核心动作 + by + doing sth.
② with + n. (通过某些方式方法,不强调自己的参与和重要性)
2014-06-29 10:22

2. with表“拥有”
With1 a turnover of nearly sixteen billion dollars the Xerox Corporation develops and markets innovative technologies with2 products and solutions. (P135, 2.2, Extract 1, 第3行)
And finally there is Xerox Innovation with3 five centres in the United States, Canada and Europe. (P135, 2.2, Extract 2, 第1行)
With4 over 100 women and men, it was a great success. (P10, p4, 7)

Customers activate the tag online with5 their home address on an online database. (Module 3.1, P27, p1, 7)
It could be the coffee break at work where you share ideas with6 colleagues in other departments. (P10, p1, 3)
He was sitting there with7 his arms folded.
2014-06-29 10:31

e.g. It could be the coffee break at work where you share ideas with colleagues in other departments. (P10, p1, 3)
3. 表示“有着……,拥有”
4. 复合结构中,大动作附带小动作
with + 宾语 + 宾语补足语(形容词、介词短语、分词、副词)
2014-06-29 10:35

1) 去年的营业额接近160亿美元,最终收益为9.78亿美元。
2) 我们在纽约州Rochester的总部管理着来自160个国家里5万5千名
3) 有一半的收益来自美国市场,之后是欧洲(市场)50多亿美元,
2014-06-29 10:36

1) 去年的营业额接近160亿美元,最终收益为9.78亿美元。
The turnover for last year was nearly sixteen billion dollars, with a final income of 978 million dollars.

2) 我们在纽约州Rochester的总部管理着来自160个国家里5万5千名
We manage from our headquarters Rochester in New York State 55,000 employees in 160 countries, with over half of those in the USA.

3) 有一半的收益来自美国市场,之后是欧洲(市场)50多亿美元,
About half our revenue is from the US market, then Europe with over five billion dollars and the rest of the world with over two billion dollars.
2014-06-29 10:43

with表示“有着……,拥有”→ 变成非谓语的分词做状语
With a turnover of nearly sixteen billion dollars the Xerox Corporation develops and markets innovative technologies with products and solutions that customers depend upon to get the best results for their business.
1) Xerox Corporation has a turnover of nearly sixteen billion dollars
2) Xerox Corporation develops and markets innovative technologies
① 意思上的主次关系(重要性)
② 意思上的吸引力关系
③ 形式上的好看关系
→ Having a turnover of nearly sixteen billion dollars, Xerox Corporation develops and markets innovative technologies.现在分词表示伴随
2014-06-29 10:47

① 动名词 (n.)
② 分词 (adj. / adv.)
③ 不定式 (n. / adj. / adv.)
分词 (adj. / adv.):
现在分词(v. + ing)
过去分词(v. + ed)
frighten 害怕
→ frightening; frightened
e.g. I have a _____ ing_______ face, so I am _______ing_____.
e.g. You are frightened.
2014-06-29 10:51

难句3:Finally I'd like to talk about some of the trends affecting our market. (P135, 2.2, Extract 1, 第9行)
affecting 现在分词,表示“趋势主动影响市场”
→ Finally I'd like to talk about some of the trends that affect our market.
With a turnover of nearly sixteen billion dollars the Xerox Corporation develops and markets innovative technologies with products and solutions that customers depend upon to get the best results for their business.
2014-06-29 12:36

I am also fluent in Italian having lived in Rome for the summer in 2006.
→ ① I am also fluent in Italian.  重点强调;作为主句
完成时的现在分词:having done ↑
② I have lived in Rome for the summer in 2006.
Moloney was part of an intake who joined having already acquired a couple of years' work experience. (P17, p4, 8)
→ ① Moloney has already acquired a couple of years' work experience. 强调人的动作  
② Moloney was part of an intake.作为主句
③ An intake joined with years' work experience.  强调工作经验
难句3:Finally I'd like to talk about some of the trends affecting our market. (P135, 2.2, Extract 1, 第9行)
2014-06-29 12:42

With a turnover of nearly sixteen billion dollars Xerox Corporation develops and markets innovative technologies with products and solutions that customers depend upon to get the best results for their business.
2014-06-29 12:44

三. 开始听
1. 听开头结尾,了解文章内容和核心思想
2. 指路词
1) 表示先后顺序的词(1,2,3,..., start / begin, then, moreover, furthermore, in addition, finally / at last)
2) 表达关系的词(转折、并列、递进、因果、条件)
3) 提示词(for instance / the definition of xxx is… / here is...)
Extract 2
note : v. 请注意
dedicate : v. 奉献;把……用于
in a little more detail 给详细信息
Extract 3
难句:It would be unrecognisable to the people who founded the original company in 1906 and even compared to the second half of the twentieth century.
1) It would be unrecognisable to the people who founded the original company in 1906.
2) It would be unrecognisable even compared to the second half of the twentieth century.
2014-06-29 12:54

• P20-P21 第2-7题,通过听力完成
• 难句1图,会运用
• 好好消化本课内容
2014-06-29 12:56
加拿大电商刚从事这行半年,对电子行业不了解,自己整理了些,算是学习,供大家分享,也请大家补充。我毕竟是个文科生,对这方面知识严重欠缺。 DVD:英文全名是Digital Video Disk, 即数字视频光 加拿大电商昨天我把提单复件发给了客户,今天收到了他回信,如下: Dear Nicholas, please send all shipping documents. We will check B/L copy and we will reply ASAP. Thank you Best Regards .........................................
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