加拿大进出口外贸I always meet a good man


I always meet a good man, the new landlord Yao aunt is. Every time he saw me, she was not into my hands a melon is a pack of plum or even a chicken, so I moved.
    Good landlord renting encounter Fortunately, my mother is very happy for me, said shoes do two pairs QianCengDe the give Yao aunt. I said that the city people do not wear shoes wearing only shoes.
    Work today, my parcel janitor's room, open is actually the two pairs QianCengDe cotton shoes. After work I put shoes gave Yao aunt, after she put on to Gee endless: "Oh, your mother know how I was a 16-yard foot! Comfortable and lightweight shoes your mother a good man lucky ah."
    Yes, my mother is a good person, always with a grateful heart, or even who her son dripping grace can not wait Yongquan. Ma'am, but vivid in my mind.
    Freshman, class a Changsha Local Law students and my relationship is better, and often took me to his house for dinner, his parents are also very warm to me. Later, the mother of child care to relatives who happens to come to a bucket of their own homes squeezed tea oil, so I gave Luobo Mu. My mother said the home eat canola oil on the line.
    rofessor Zhang sophomore, the department I am taking care of mother know you by the three pounds of peanut come to thank Professor Zhang. She said how hard Professor Zhang to eat peanuts blood, your dad and I eat less does not matter.
    Senior Provisional graduation, students dinner more often students invited me to dinner. The mother said, how can I eat someone else's old rice, you ask someone else was to return to the job, and the next day sent eight hundred dollars.
    I remember my university students on the evaluation is: heavy feelings and sense of obligation, not less human. Yes, I do not owe favors, it is because not wealthy Laofulaomu are I also. Eat an apple have touched others half a day, but I've never bought a piece of clothing to his mother! I suddenly felt pains, as if to twist out the hypocrisy of my suit.
    Ah, when you accept the grace of others and feel grateful; When you called the finest people think highly flattered; When you "deep feelings of human exchanges dinner, a boring"; When you cultivated by leaders the statue its renewable parents; you remember the birthday of the birth parents? Phase reported the number of people in the springs dripping grace, heart but lost inch of grass difficult to report the apartments. You know, the wonderful thing the greatest favors parents like the sea as a mountain gave birth to the grace, the largest human parents meticulous tending feeling!
    I quietly pulled out his cellphone and dialed the home phone. Mother continue to wordy: "Son, your body is okay? Do not go outside the hotel to eat something, to eat more vegetables to eat chickens and ducks everywhere avian flu" I suddenly felt as a son would often hear the mother The wordy, how happy ah! The mother said a few words to realize that the expensive phone bills, eager to hang.
    "Wait, Mom, I love you." Front of the phone, I cried hard over his nose and let the tears stream down.
    Mother shocked for a few seconds, his tone suddenly becomes very serious word is out: "This then is the future of your wife speak hastily fate together." Is it also can be recovered to retain? I was the mother of humor amused smile snot tears grabbed.
    Hung up the phone, I rushed out of the door, hit the taxis went straight to the train station, I want to go home, give Mom and Dad a surprise!
    When the train started, I called my colleagues to help me leave, my colleagues asked me is not very important urgent. I said, very anxious, a second can not be delayed.
    The world's most urgent things is the son wants his parents wait for the "ah, mother a day old, there are more urgent than when the mother was still alive to spend more time with her elderly more important things to do? Train Benz relying on the back of a chair, I go to sleep, and dream of a mother to open the door to greet me, his face kind.

Spinach is rich in iron, iron is one of the raw materials of human hematopoietic
    A spinach
    1, not anemia: Spinach is rich in iron, iron is one of the raw materials of human hematopoietic female menstrual good food. Often eat spinach ruddy and shiny, away from iron deficiency anemia.
    2, strong physique: Spinach contains considerable protein helps physical development, energetic.
    3, good skin: Vitamin K, which is lacking in a lot of fruits and vegetables. Human hair shiny, pale skin shiny only requires vitamin A, B, and C, and ultimately vitamin K.
    4 Detox: spinach can clean up toxic heat in the human gastrointestinal avoid constipation keep excretion patency. And spinach is low in calories, eat, do not worry about fat.
    rotect eyesight: We know that lack of vitamin A can cause dry eyes, to see things "fuzzy". Spinach carotene is converted into vitamin A in the body, can reduce the risk of retinal degeneration. Common computer should not help.
    6, emotional stability: spinach rich in vitamins A, B, C can help you out of the restless state, get rid of tension, improve depressed mood.
    Born healthy baby: folic acid in spinach at the mother is very important to add plenty of folic acid during pregnancy, not only to avoid to give birth to a baby with developmental defects, but also to reduce newborn babies suffering from leukemia, the probability of congenital heart disease and other diseases.



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