

Dear X,
Have you received all the documents sent by my workmate? If so, pls give me a response.
In this mail what I want to say, of course for the sake of deepening and expanding our friendship and business relationship, is the kind complains about the forwarder ABC named by you in the latest deal. Let’s not say the high and extra fee they charged of us, their service attitude also disappointed us to a considerable extent. Several days ago, for the first and second time my workmate asked them for the bill of lading to send it to you as early as we could. They said it had not been issued yet. And the third time they reminded us of their way of giving us the document: a No-Payment-No-B/L response. Surly I would pay them ASAP in that I had never meant to postpone the sending of the B/L to you. And finally we began to know from the words that the B/L had been issued as early as you imagined. And the reason they insisted that the B/L had not issued yet was they were waiting for us paying the fee. Yesterday my boss paid them via the bank. And then we sent them the bank slip and telephoned them for the B/L, they said, “ONLY WHEN THE MONEY HAS ALREADY ARRIVED ON OUR ACCOUNT CAN WE SEND YOU THE B/L”. My boss and all my workmates are speechless. What can we do next?
So pls not, if you kindly do us a favor and for both of our sake, in our next cooperation (and I believe that we will have one), name the forwarder of such kind (or no named forwarder at all if possible). Besides, you can also name the shipping agent (the carrying vessel) any way if any or in your favor. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,

[ 本帖最后由 debeers 于 2008-12-22 20:10 编辑 ]

bank slip银行水单 我今天才知道这个





背景: 孟加拉客户从我司订购一批货物,金额不大,3K来美金,最早谈的价格为FOB Shanghai。由于是新客户和第一单, 公司本着扶持客户做大的原则,在价格上给予了相当大的优惠,我们几乎是保本稍微盈利的状态去做的,所有17%退税全部折让给了外商。后来,客户来厂后, 看到更好规格的产品,我们依常规报价,应该高出12%左右,但公司领导仍然是本着扶持客户的原则,对高价部分, 只收取一半的费用。

     后来,货物快完工时, 客户说要安排广州出货,我们就单独向客户收取了从江苏工厂到广州的额外费用。不料,当联络上代理后,该批货又改为深圳出关了。历经三天的时间,我们和代理以及出口报关单位来来往往沟通了N个小时,才弄懂了他们的进仓程序,报关程序和文件。但是令人遗憾的,所产生的报关费用高的吓人,RMB320不含税价!而且该笔费用必须预付,不开票! MY GOD!  我们上海等出关一般也就是150, 200元到顶了, 代理还提供正规的运输增票。 我们提出抱怨费用太高,操作流程不尽合理, 代理竟然说, 谁让你们要报关退税的? 不退税不就免去这些费用了?娘啊,天下竟有这样操作出口程序的? 如果是几百美元的货, 我们自然从来不考虑去正式申报,不弄退税了, 再怎么说,退税是几千人民币, 如果不退,我们就亏大了。 当然,有读者要说了, 谁让你不把价格报高, 挣退税的? 唉, 当然,这也只能怪自己, 早知道, 我把价格在TM抬高至少30%, 随便他们怎么恶搞了!(从来不会骂人的我,真TMD 想骂人了)。

没办法,只得向客户写封抱怨信, 同时也跟江浙沪的外贸同行们交流,分享一下教训,千万不要异地报关了!

Dear Mr. Rashid,

The export opeation fees from Shenzhen is excesively high(RMB320 without tax) than our usual operation(RMB150 with VAT) !  And they even do not give us the formal VAT invoice or normal invoice!

And also, they request we prepay such fees in advance before they clear the export entry, this is very abnormal!

If we want formal invoice, they want we pay them 5% higher, if we want the VAT invoice, I do not know what high it will!

How can such "black agent" work in the exporting industry!  how can we cooperate with such agent?!!!! Never!

Although it's not a big money, their service attitude, their operation procedure is NEVER ACCEPTABLE! They blame at me why we clear the customs entry formally, otherwise we don't need pay the export operation fees!  The truth is , if we do not do so, WILL YOU AGREE to pay us 17% higher than the contract value? If you agree, we don't clear the customs entry formally. pls confirm how we shall go ahead!

We really would like suspend the exporting from Shenzhen!

加拿大电商昨天我把提单复件发给了客户,今天收到了他回信,如下: Dear Nicholas, please send all shipping documents. We will check B/L copy and we will reply ASAP. Thank you Best Regards ......................................... 加拿大电商刚从事这行半年,对电子行业不了解,自己整理了些,算是学习,供大家分享,也请大家补充。我毕竟是个文科生,对这方面知识严重欠缺。 DVD:英文全名是Digital Video Disk, 即数字视频光
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