加拿大进出口外贸you're not here


Do you scare of coming 2012 when whole earth will be drown into a wild planet because of a sudden exploration.I don't belive this at all,it is ridiculous to belive this story that only child will trust.Have you ever tried to imagine the scenery that only Tibet is the place where is suitable to save all inhabitants who come from diffirent cultures and countries,Tibet is just a so crowded place that won't be a good place to accommodate too many people for entire earth.Many riciculous speakings make a horrible atmosphere around us,many people believe this,many decline,and i am one of these people who decide to abort this news.I believe the rumour will be broken one day,science can guide me to walk on a smooth road not to mislead to a damn way to see ghosts.Yeah,many earth-shaking news shook the whole earth truely,we believe that all are just a series of coincidences that can be used to  be a resonable clarification to bring people who trust the rumour to walk on right way towards lightness.Several days ago,it happended to Shenzhen where many people who trust a rumour that nuclear radiation from Japan will harm people's health largely,afte listening this misleading report,it amazed me large many of salt in super market are snapped up by many people who don't know a rumour it is.Fortunately,the goverment take ations to beat these people who make rumour im time,so evevrything is now peaceful again.

[ 本帖最后由 shunyi.xu 于 2011-3-21 20:00 编辑 ]



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