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Thank you very much for your prompt reply.

I visit your website and see your production and services. I learn that you provide marking services and marking equipments to your clients, don’t you?

1. I noticed the word “mark” in your email. Let me something about “mark” first. For laser machines, the main difference between “marking” and “engraving” is, marking effects are more accuracy. In general, “marking” minimum line width is 0.015mm while “engraving” minimum line width is 0.2mm. To your products, Laser Marking Machine is more suitable.

2. Considering materials you want to mark, we can also recommend you our BMD Diode pump Laser Marking Machine. This type machine, be similar to BMF Fiber series, can mark metal and non-metal products very well with high marking speed, high marking accuracy, no consumption, no pollution etc. It’s more suitable for precision and high accuracy condition. The difference between BMD and BMF is as below.

BMD Seires laser marking machine (Diode pump laser)
This type laser marking machine can mark metal and non-metal products very well. The machines working time is near 20,000 hours (5-6 years) and don't need change any consumptive materials. The cubage is 2 M3 and weight is 250kg around. The marking effects are almost same with Fiber laser marking machine and price is much lower than Fiber laser marking machine.

BMF Fiber laser marking machine
This type laser marking machines biggest advantages is the cubage and working time. The cubage is 0.5M3 and weight is 60KG around .the working time near 200,000 hours (15-20 years).
3. “How many sets you want” means quantity your want to order. The prices can be negotiated for large orders.

4. I’m enclosing detailed information of BMD50 Laser Marking Machine for your reference. You can also find our stander prices from enclosed.

5. You can also see marking videos from below links.
Surgical instruments marking. http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTcwNTM5NDQw.html
White plastic marking. http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTcwNTIwOTY4.html
Thank you so much for your timely reply about our business.

I visited your website this morning. For your products, we will recommend our BMD50 series Laser Marking Machine for your reference. This type machine can mark metal and non-metal products very well. The machines working time is near 20,000 hours (5-6 years) and don't need change any consumptive materials. The cubage is 2 M3 and weight is 250kg around. The marking effects are almost same with Fiber laser marking machine and price is much lower than Fiber laser marking machine.

Attachment is detailed information of BMD50 series Laser Marking Machine. You can also see marking videos from below links.
Surgical instruments marking. http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTcwNTM5NDQw.html
White plastic marking. http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTcwNTIwOTY4.html

Thanks a lot for your time and trust. We will quote you our best prices once receiving your detailed order.

Best regards.

all written by you are chinglish,don't fall in love yourself too deep that will be setbacks and harmful to move forward!don't be a chunk of life


Tks for your letter./Tks for your prompt reply.


chinglish?! I didn't note , no wonder I don't understand what's going on. But the first sale email's much much too long

second's better....this's true
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