加拿大进出口外贸跪求非洲客户邮件翻译 大概就行


Dear Mr Gaara Lin,

Thanks for your mails and contents drew our kind attention.

We deeply apologized for our late response owing to some certain problems hindering our initial program towards the immediate transferring of your funds to your designated bank account.

Following the update resolution of meeting held with banking Institutions in-collaborations with the Central Bank of Benin which stipulates /promulgated a new changes before transferring any foreign Bills / payment  by this new Government administration.

Actually,we have already concluded with the bank for your 100% T/T payment but the general Manager of the Bank intimated to us this new developments which has affected all the approved funds ready for onward transferring to all the foreign beneficiaries abroad.

Be informed that the operative financial rules and regulation within our country as regarding  to foreign exchange allocation / bills which will not permit or warrant us to do otherwise without a genuine prove of copy shipping documents as evidence,why the allocation is being sort for,which will become an uphill task to our company and also our home government impose a financial control task force, to check and control the illegal
siphoning of foreign exchange payment Bills meant for the importation of goods which some  unfaithful importers cunningly divert the approved foreign exchange Bills into their foreign escrow accounts, thereby ruining the economy of our country without fulfilling the pre-requisite obligations.

All the operative banks within our country requires among other things genuine copy shipping documents as evidence for the foreign exchange Bills already approved on behalf of your company ,as proper investigations has been proved that your company has never shipped any goods into Benin market before, and that has been one of the factors /reason why our Bank can't wire transfer your total invoice amount to your designated bank account,until after receiving the faxed copy bill of lading which will be tendered as prove of shipment to the authority concerned for their immediate payment transferred to your designated bank account.

The reason for this strict measures was for the purpose of curtailing the illegal siphoning of our country's foreign exchange Bills by some unfaithful importers and individuals who were in the habit of transferring out hard currencies (money)  meant purposely for importation of goods into the country,but fraudulently diverted same into their private foreign bank accounts in Overseas without fulfilling the necessary pre -requisite conditions.

Therefore,We want you to understand that, we are not demanding you for any credit facility or loan by our payment condition, rather we want to abide by the rules and regulation imposed by our Institutions as we would not appreciate  our import license to be revoked by our government authority for breach of law.For your information,your 100% T/T is ready for onward transfer into your advised bank within 24 hours we receive the said copy B/L by fax.

We wait your kind considerations to accept and abide by our payment condition to effect shipment and send the faxed copy B/L to us by Email attachment to enable submitted and present the copy to our paying bank which will stand as genuine prove that the payment in question will not be diverted to unknown escrow account in overseas in order to avoid ruining the economy of our country.

However,with the above explanations,we strongly believe that you will give us a favorable and considerable response to enable us open the market in Benin Republic as it's a good chance for both of us to work together for the marketing of your products in Benin markets and beyond.We are ready to sign the contract with you which will bind the interest of our both parties.



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