加拿大进出口外贸The Guide to Social Media Marketing For Businesses


About 40% of the world’s population, or nearly 3 billion people, are active on social media networks in 2019. Marketing via these networks is naturally critical for any organization selling products or services, either locally, regionally, nationally, or across the globe.

Unlike traditional platforms like television or radio, social media does not offer a one-size-fits-all solution but instead operates depending on the objective. The number of marketing strategies are as plentiful as the number of social media networks themselves — Choosing one requires a deep understanding of your target audience in order to drive value and create the strongest impact with your messaging.

Successful social media marketing is achieved when organizations create clear goals, understand what their audience wants, produce relevant and compelling content, choose the right social media platforms that suit their product or service, enable all their channels to share to social, and commit to making every marketing campaign one that is driven by social.
The Benefits of Social Media Marketing For Businesses

For businesses, social media presents vast opportunities to promote their product or service. Just as popular social media sites allow users to connect with friends and family in faraway places, they also are powerful ways for marketers to create two-way conversations with potential customers.

Users now expect to interact with brands, which means that marketers have incredible opportunities to create ways to drive demand and expand the reach of what they are selling.

Through social media, marketers can:

Engage their audience. Engagement is a great way to establish trust with customers and build a relationship that can develop over time.
Foster brand loyalty. Engagement leads to loyalty with the brand. Users can get to know the brand more intimately through news updates, informational and entertaining videos.
Integrate with other channels. Because social media integrates so well with other channels, it gives marketers the ability to boost campaigns in ways that were not possible in the past.
Control the message. When crisis strikes, marketers can serve as their own newsroom by publishing releases that control their side of any story.
Create new leads. Marketers can raise awareness and generate traffic among general users, and some of that buzz can develop into tangible leads.

Organic Versus Paid Social Media Marketing

There are two types of social media marketing: organic social and paid social. The difference between the two primarily has to do with budget.

Organic social is when users take advantage of the free elements of social media, such as post sharing on Facebook or two-way conversations with users on Twitter. This may be perfect for independent businesses looking to stretch their marketing dollars.

In this scenario, businesses can build their social community and then direct them to websites for further engagement.

Paid social involves sponsored, or paid, advertising content delivered on social networks in the form of images, videos, and carousel ads. Depending on the platform, ads can be targeted to users based on location, buying habits, or personal interests.

Unlike organic, paid social directly puts your content in front of users who will most likely show interest.

Types of Social Media Marketing Campaigns

Marketers have different options when it comes to planning campaigns on social media. The one they choose should depend on the desired outcome. The best campaigns support and reinforce those on other channels so the conversations marketers start with consumers is sustained over time. The main campaigns that do that best are:
The Prospecting Campaign

Prospecting is all about reaching entirely new customers who, in the past, have not interacted with your product or service. These campaigns are driven by outreach through content that makes users pause to learn more. The ideal outcome at this stage is not a purchase, but simply to have these new prospects join your community.

Here are some tips to help drive your prospecting campaign:

Research to identify prospects. Create a list of keywords that will appeal to this target audience and embed them as hashtags within your post. Search pages and create a list of potential prospects and observe their social media behavior to determine how best to approach them.
Be relevant. Don’t approach prospects with a hard pitch. Create content, such as blog posts or videos, that may be relevant to them that will invite them toward you. Open conversations that they will feel comfortable interacting with.
Show interest in prospects. Observe their posts and respond in kind with content that they might find useful. This way you’re presenting yourself as a solution provider opposed to someone who just wants a quick sale.
Be consistent. Establish a voice that remains the same. Make it authentic, sincere, but always make sure that you’re always providing value and not just trying to chit-chat or waste their time.
Be responsive. Once you establish contact, don’t disappear. They may have a question or a comment on what you shared with them. Be aware that they are talking with you and respond with timeliness so they have the satisfaction of being heard.

The Retargeting Campaign

At this stage, a prospecting campaign can turn into one that retargets users who you’ve engaged with but who neglected to take further action. Retargeting is about identifying users who showed interest in your product or service on social media and gently circling back to them to see if you can engage them in a way that gets them to engage on a deeper level.

In general, the users you want to target are those who have:

Visited your site sometime in the past.
Clicked on links from previous postings.
Started or responded to conversations on your social media page.
Added an item to the shopping cart on your website but never checked out.
Became a fan of your social media page.
Subscribed to your marketing emails. The way to structure your website for retargeting is:
Place a small piece of code, commonly referred to as a pixel, on your website.
Each visit the code will drop a cookie into their browser.
Now when your visitors browse online, they will see your retargeted ads.
They will then be redirected to your site.

The Conversion Campaign

The conversion campaign is focused solely on converting users into either paying customers or getting them to take action in other ways such as:

Downloading a white paper, presentation, or case study.
Joining an email list.
Completing a form or a survey.
Engaging in an online chat with a customer representative.

These conversions are valuable, not just because it shows deeper engagement but because users are providing valuable information such as email addresses and more. That data will help refine your online targeting, but it will also give you more opportunities to craft your social media outreach through conversations designed to build trust, familiarity with the product and service, and ultimately moving them further down the sales funnel to purchasing.
Creating Your Social Media Marketing Strategy

It is important to create a strategy before jumping into the practical details of engaging prospects on social media. This involves taking the time to understand your audience and what they care about. That way you can:

Determine what kind of content will work, whether it’s video, graphics, images, or text.
Establish the tone, style, and even the repetition of the content.
Figure out what topics will resonate with your audience. You may know your audience likes video but you might not know what kinds of videos will keep them engaged.
Understand how they consume content. Do they like deep dives into long white papers or just quick-hits? Demographic information will help you focus on the types of content that will lead to the best results.

Once you build a persona of your audience, spend time figuring out what you ultimately want from them. Other questions to ask:

What is your ultimate goal for them in your campaign?
What is the definition of conversion for this campaign? Is it brand awareness, a purchase, or development of brand advocates?
How do you want to continue engagement with your followers during the campaign and when it’s over?

Picking a Social Media Platform

The next step for marketers is to pick which social media platforms work well for their target audience. The first step is creating a user profile, but because most of the leading platforms, particularly Facebook and Instagram, are designed for both individual users and businesses, it’s important to determine which one is right for you.

The pros of having a business profile are obvious: They’re a great way to find new connections, customers, and partners. Members of your community are a targeted, highly-receptive audience.

Your business profile gives you access to analytics, a tool that allows you to refine messaging to target audiences. Harnessing your business profile to analytics via Facebook or Instagram gives you the ability to:

Glean insights to your audience such as buyer behavior, and demographics.
Leverage those insights to optimize your content so the right content is seen by the right audience at the right time.
Read reports that deliver information about every ad, event, and other collateral you post that together leads to a more targeted strategy.
Create cross-channel funnels to figure out the best conversion rates.
Determine the specific return on investment of your total marketing spend via social media.

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