加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息注册个incorporation,这些怎么填(选)?


在ISC网站上注册了一个数字incorporation,走到这一步该怎么填(选)?谢谢Page 4 of 9Articles of IncorporationNOTE: If you choose the pre-defined text you will be able to complete the incorporation on-line and your Certificate of Incorporation will be mailed to you the next working day. If you enter your own information, you will submit the incorporation electronically for approval by Corporate Registry staff.1. The classes and any maximum number of shares that the corporation is authorized to issue:(The following sample clauses are often used by incorporators and are acceptable to the Director to cover some very basic kinds of share structures. These example structures may not meet all the legal and financial requirements of your situation. Therefore, you should contact a lawyer or accountant to determine what may be best for you)。One Class of Shares。Two Classes of Shares。Enter Your Own2. Restrictions, if any, on share transfers:Pre-Defined text for restrictions (The following sample clauses are often used by incorporators and are acceptable to the Director)。None。Enter Your Own3. Restrictions, if any, on business the corporation may carry on or powers the corporation may exercise.。None (No restrictions)。Enter Your Own (The business shall be limited to the following ...)4. Other provisions, if any:Pre-Defined text for other provisions (The following sample clauses are often used by incorporators and are acceptable to the Director)。None (No other provisions)。Enter Your OwnNumber of Directors:Your corporation must have one or more directors. At least 25 percent of the directors must be resident Canadians.。Minimum Number of Directors:。Maximum Number of Directors:

" 为人不做亏心事,半夜敲门心不惊。” 超赞 赏 neogeo2mad 0$(VIP 0) 862014-05-08#2 你这个是联邦的吧?

以下是最简易的填法,对one man show的公司来说,很简便。1. The classes and any maximum number of shares that the corporation is authorized to issue:(The following sample clauses are often used by incorporators and are acceptable to the Director to cover some very basic kinds of share structures. These example structures may not meet all the legal and financial requirements of your situation. Therefore, you should contact a lawyer or accountant to determine what may be best for you)。One Class of Shares。Two Classes of Shares - Class A and Class B voting common shares 然后issue给自己100 shares of Class A就行了。。Enter Your Own2. Restrictions, if any, on share transfers:Pre-Defined text for restrictions (The following sample clauses are often used by incorporators and are acceptable to the Director)。None。Enter Your Own3. Restrictions, if any, on business the corporation may carry on or powers the corporation may exercise.。None (No restrictions)。Enter Your Own (The business shall be limited to the following ...)4. Other provisions, if any:Pre-Defined text for other provisions (The following sample clauses are often used by incorporators and are acceptable to the Director)。None (No other provisions)。Enter Your OwnNumber of Directors:Your corporation must have one or more directors. At least 25 percent of the directors must be resident Canadians.。Minimum Number of Directors: 1。Maximum Number of Directors: 50


" 为人不做亏心事,半夜敲门心不惊。”知道老乡就会上来回答。多谢了。过虑了,从没有利用老乡的意思。本不信老乡说的话,最近遇见一件事情却改变了我的观点。有个里贾纳会计公司的某会计,转折认识,就问一个报税问题,结果那个拽啊,先让我发邮件,让我写半天,她的回复却几个字,让我仍旧云里雾里不得要领。碰巧她问我事情在先,我仔仔细细给她讲明白,轮到问她了,她却一抹脸。据说Regina的中国会计都是按小时收费的,和律师一样?来了这么多年第一次听说。骗骗国内的投移,本不该我们出来说什么。人啊人。点击展开...呵呵,我之前那年因为免费在论坛给大家提供报税信息,被私信和回复喷的狗血淋头啊。这次你问的是lawyer的问题,我作为会计回答你问题,也不算啥欺负同行吧。Incorporate一个自选名字的公司,自己申请花260刀,律师要1500左右呢。纯粹敲诈啊。


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