加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息ottawa是不是比TORONTO冷



回复: ottawa是不是比TORONTO冷大概3-5度的温差.

回复: ottawa是不是比TORONTO冷现在正在下,大概要下10厘米,正等着雪停了好出去清雪。

回复: ottawa是不是比TORONTO冷转个资料Ottawa has a humid continental climate (Koppen Dfb) with a range of temperatures from a record high of 37.8 °C (100 °F) in the summers of 1986 and 2001, to a record low of -38.9 °C (-38 °F) being recorded on December 29, 1933, the third coldest temperature recorded in a capital city (after Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia and Moscow, Russia). This extreme range in temperature allows Ottawa to boast a variety of annual activities - more notable events such as the Winterlude Festival on the Rideau Canal in the winter and the National Canada Day celebrations on Parliament Hill in July - and the requirement of a wide range of clothing. Because of its relatively warm summers, Ottawa is only the seventh coldest capital in the world[8] by annual average temperature, however by mean January temperature, Ottawa ranks third behind Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia and Astana, Kazakhstan and has a colder average January temperature than Moscow, much further north than Ottawa.Climate chart for Ottawa J F M A M J J A S O N D 64 -6-15 55 -4-13 64 2-7 67 111 81 198 91 2413 88 2616 87 2514 86 2010 79 134 77 5-2 74 -3-10 temperatures in °Cprecipitation totals in mmsource: Canadian Climate Normals Imperial conversion[show]J F M A M J J A S O N D 2.5 215 2.2 258 2.5 3619 2.6 5234 3.2 6646 3.6 7555 3.5 8060 3.4 7758 3.4 6749 3.1 5539 3 4129 2.9 2713 temperatures in °Fprecipitation totals in inches Snow and ice are dominant during the winter season. Ottawa receives about 235 centimetres (93 in) of snowfall annually. Its biggest snowfall was recorded on March 3-4, 1947 with 73 cm (2.5 feet) of snow.[9] Average January temperature is -10.8 °C (13 °F), although days well above freezing and nights below -30 °C (-22 °F) both occur in the winter. The snow season is quite variable; in an average winter, a lasting snow cover is on the ground from mid-December until early April, although some years are snow-free until beyond Christmas, particularly in recent years. The year 2007 was notable for having no lasting snow cover until the third week of January. It was also notable for having lasting snow cover from the first snow fall in November, with the 2007-2008 winter season snowfall (436.7 cm (171.9 inches))[10] coming within 10 cm (4 inches) of the record snowfall set in 1970-1971 (444.1 cm (174.8 inches)).[11][12] High wind chills are common, with annual averages of 51, 14 and 1 days with wind chills below -20 °C (-4 °F), -30 °C (-22 °F) and -40 °C (-40 °F) respectively. The lowest recorded wind chill was of -47.8 °C (-54.0 °F) on January 8, 1968.Freezing rain is also relatively common, even relative to other parts of the country. One such large storm caused power outages and affected the local economy, and came to be known as the 1998 Ice Storm.Summers are fairly warm and humid in Ottawa, although they are moderate in length. The average July maximum temperature is 26 °C (80 °F), with occasional northerly incursions of comfortable, cool air which drop humidity levels, although daytime temperatures of 30 °C (86 °F) or higher are commonplace in most summers. A maximum temperature of 39.5 °C (103 °F) was recorded in the summer of 2005 at certain locations. During periods of hot weather, high humidity is often an aggravating factor, especially close to the rivers. Ottawa annually averages 41, 12 and 2 days with humidex (combined temperature & humidity index) above 30 °C (86 °F), 35 °C (95 °F) and 40 °C (104 °F) respectively. The highest recorded humidex was 48 °C (118 °F) on August 1, 2006.[13]Spring and fall are variable, prone to extremes in temperature and unpredictable swings in conditions. Hot days above 30 °C (86 °F) have occurred as early as March (as in 2002) or as late as October, as well as snow well into May and early in October (although such events are extremely unusual and brief). Average annual precipitation averages around 943 millimetres (37 in.). The biggest one-day rainfall occurred on September 9, 2004 when the remnants of Hurricane Frances dumped nearly 136 mm (5 inches) of rain in the city. There are about 2,060 hours of average sunshine annually (47% of possible).Destructive summer weather events such as tornadoes, major flash floods, extreme heat waves, severe hail and remnant effects from hurricanes are rare, but all have occurred in the Ottawa area. Some of the most notable tornadoes in the region occurred in 1978 (F2), 1994 (F3), 1999 (F1) and 2002 (F1).[14][15]On February 24, 2006, an earthquake measuring 4.5 on the Richter Scale struck Ottawa. On January 1, 2000, an earthquake measuring 5.2 on the Richter Scale struck Ottawa. On average, a small tremor occurs in Ottawa every three yearshttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ottawa

青龙白虎朱雀玄武 朱雀行三故曰朱三雀(或R3)一日冽冽寒风中偶遇枯枝下一只弱小麻雀嬉戏,为其乐观豁达所感开悟。遂拜其为师。正是:[SIZE=-1]富贵不淫贫贱乐,鸟儿到此是豪雄。[/SIZE]头像既是师尊之快照也。 超赞 赏 W WOODALANG 0$(VIP 0) 1,6362008-12-10#6 回复: ottawa是不是比TORONTO冷看来OTTAWA冷的太冷,热的太热,现在的温度竟然比号称最冷的ALBERTA还要冷十度.

回复: ottawa是不是比TORONTO冷06年3月去过一次渥太华,觉得还可以,穿了一个毛衣加风衣。

巴黎飞鱼 超赞 赏 Y yilehuli 0$(VIP 0) 6,2532008-12-21#8 回复: ottawa是不是比TORONTO冷布置到啊,我不喜欢寒冷.!!!

2010-03-29 登陆@伦敦-安大略;2010-06-25 Java程序员;2010-09-08 电工一年学徒;2014-09-07 Red Seal Journeyman Electrician2014-09-02 Electrical Engineering @ N.A.I.T. 超赞 赏 ccx123 0$(VIP 0) 1332008-12-21#9 回复: ottawa是不是比TORONTO冷还在考虑!!担心太冷。

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