加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息火箭队总经理错误涉港言论,遭老共封杀打压,


火箭队总经理发推:fight for freedom , stay with Hongkong. 现在遭到从国家层面媒体,到各大赞助商,和民间集体抗议封杀。坐看美帝后期如何处理,是继续捍卫言论正当自由,还是屈服于金钱现实向老共低头。如果真的选择低头,大家也就不用责怪国内民众喜欢老共控制,没有言论选举自由,因为远在天边的美帝都会因为金钱而跪舔老共,因为火箭对除了钱没有其他损失。 如果选择前者,也就真的体现一下言论自由了,至少在海外还是有发言权的,否则老共控制言论自由的力量真的可以左右控制很多民主国家。本人对莫雷的推文,没有看出任何支持港独的申明,但老公反对的理由吃我喝我的,又拿了我的钱去睡美女买豪宅,然后又来骂我反我的,似乎也不应该。就想看看火箭能否为了金钱把莫雷牺牲当炮灰,满足老共的威力。大家怎么看?预测什么结果?是有更多的NBA球员发声fight for freedom , stay with Hongkong., 还是莫雷下台,火箭道歉跪舔老共?


樓主, 是stand with hongkong, 不是stay with體育就是體育非要把體育牽涉進政治, 還宣稱這是言論自由被別人抵制了, 還喊什麼冤?火箭跪不跪, 是火箭的選擇要不要繼續支持火箭, 是中國球迷的選擇簡單的事情, 何必搞得那麼複雜

JIGU 说:火箭队什么钱来自中国?点击展开...这个可能真是火箭老板最清楚,估计应该不少,因为之前姚明建立的关系,老共应该输入了很多资本,否则这次不会反应这么强烈,而且感觉底气十足。而火箭要是没拿老共的钱估计现在也不会这么砸锅。


Georgian College学 IT, 全省就业率第!Overcoming your challenges at Georgian 2019-10-06#8 T 473 $0.00 很简单的道理,莫雷有发言的自由,中资企业也有不买火箭主场广告牌,不转播不观看火箭比赛的权利。



武松 说:打开今日头条,满版对火箭队的各种反制推特上火箭老板拼命与morey划清界限……在这种敏感时刻火上浇油,火箭队经理的脑袋估计被驴踢了。天朝的愤怒可以理解,但是不赞同这种从官方层面针对个人和俱乐部的过激反制,恐怕这种简单粗暴的惩罚只会带来西方人的反感,更何况球队无辜受牵连。点击展开...赞同。政府对政府,民间对民间公司谈判的时候我方派个老总对方绝对不会派副总,级别要对等


如果一个人脑袋装满了如下内容:李鸿章丧权辱国、义和团保家卫国、太平天国农民起义、蒋介石只会摘桃子、地主个个是周扒皮、旧社会暗无天日、美帝亡我之心不死、有国才有家,俄罗斯是兄弟。那么恭喜你!你基本具备脑残和傻逼的基本配置了…… ——作家王朔美国 VS 华为 是怎么个意思?点击展开...他流氓咱不能跟着流氓香港暴乱以来,多少人盼着共产党的坦克开进香港,这次老共屁股坐的稳稳的,让他们用民主的方式解决民主问题除了贸易战,还有金融战舆论战,就让世界看看撕下伪善面具后的西方是什么嘴脸



NBA总裁萧华表态:联盟遭受损害,但我们支持莫雷(图)文章来源: 界面体育 于 2019-10-07 09:16:37 - 新闻取自各大新闻媒体,新闻内容并不代表本网立场!(被阅读 3062 次)亚当·萧华。图片来源:视觉中国针对休斯敦火箭总经理达雷尔·莫雷发表的涉港言论,北京时间10月7日,NBA总裁亚当·萧华在接受日本共同社采访时首度公开置评。他表示,自己已经知悉这一事件对联盟造成的损害,但选择支持莫雷言论自由的权利。


I stand with MoreyFuck China. Stand with morey. This is bullshit and we should not bend over for a foreign country that has concentration camps where they’re harvesting organs. Fuck that. And fuck the nba and/or Tillman Fertitta if they do something to morey for this.280 CommentsShareSaveHideReportWhat are your thoughts? Log in or Sign upLOG INSIGN UPSORT BYBESTlevel 1Laladen325 points·19 hours ago·edited 16 hours agoI feel for Hong Kong. You live in a country where you are in a Democracy and have rights; then one day your in a Communist country the next without a war or anything. Watching all promises made by China be broken.I’d rebel also. I think a lot of us would.EDIT:LAWL at all the peeps sending me hate in messages. Don’t be pussys and make your post.LAWL at China making it seem like all the protesters are kids.Fuck all of ya’ll, I stand with Daryl and I stand with Hong Konglevel 2Kurumuru100 points·15 hours agoRespect dude.Fuck China. Free HK.Continue this thread level 2DontCallMeTodd57 points·15 hours agoAny response you get from China is likely Chinese paid trolls/shills. Reddit is banned in China because the government wants to keep them ignorant.Continue this thread level 2Solarfornia8 points·11 hours agocall out them DM pussieslevel 2olivierverdys2 points·3 hours agoThank you from Lantau Island, Hong Kong,from a French Spurs fan. I hated how the rockets owner and the NBA tried to silence Daryl Morey. This is a disgrace! If the NBA is against freedom of speech why does this cyborg villain of Adam Silver move the teams to China?level 2eeeeeeethan3 points·12 hours agoUmmm Hong Kong was a colony before handed back to ChinaContinue this thread level 2Maxplatypus4 points·14 hours agoI’d rebel also. I think a lot of us would.点击展开...waiting for people take this same energy for all the shit that goes down in the US.........Continue this thread level 2mjolked0 points·6 hours agoLet's not make it so simplistic. UK pillaged the last Chinese dynasty along with HK as one of their prizes, then socially conditioned them for up to 80 years before finally letting them go. I doubt the UK was "nice" in any sense when the takeover happened. This, among other things, can help explain the feelings China has towards HK.I'm not trying to say what China is doing right now is right, but I do wish people are able to do more research on the subject matter.4 more replieslevel 1DontCallMeTodd41 points·15 hours agoWhile sports sites like ESPN are talking about the damage to China done by Morey, Fertitta is getting absolutely roasted on twitter. American fans are having none it, while Chinese fans are sending angry Morey tweets. Funny thing is, twitter is banned in China, so who are these Chinese people that are tweeting? Paid trolls?If there's anyone that is on Fertitta's side, please spend 5 minutes googling the long long list of inhuman Chinese government acts. As an example, there are presently a speculated million Uighur Muslims being kept in POW camps. There are drone videos showing them shackled and blindfolded for hours. There are reports of beatings, rape, and killings. Some have suggested they are killing them to harvest organs for transplants. You think that's silly? Well, they admitted to harvesting organs from deceased prisoners a few years ago. And the organ transplant wait time in China is the best in the world.Fuck Chinese government and businesses.level 2MiaTanahashiMalkova10 points·13 hours agoIt's all bots. If you click on their usernames, you'll see minimal followers and following.Continue this thread level 1thinkrispy115 points·19 hours agoI stand with Morey.level 2lildudereallyouthere38 points·15 hours agoI stand with MoreyContinue this thread level 1gsgspursgsg65 points·17 hours agoI stand with Morey.level 1MO05E64 points·17 hours agoIn Morey we trust!level 1LOOK_AT_IT59 points·17 hours ago/u/dmorey hears the voices sing.level 1xBASHTHISx75 points·16 hours agoIf they fire him over this I will not be watching the rockets or the NBA. Fuck this.level 2Houston-1319 points·16 hours agoFactslevel 2JZSIX5 points·11 hours ago100% I will show up to the rockets game with a free tibet flagContinue this thread level 2Patranus2 points·10 hours agoThe NBA could lose 100% of its US market and still come out a head by gaining a foothold in China. That is what this is all about.Your fandom is replaceable.Happened in Hollywood. Happening in sports.Continue this thread level 2Banick088Score hidden·46 minutes agoThis is going to damage the NBA badly, it's hilarious that they think the Chinese market can replace the USA.level 1RocketsTX_Devil67 points·17 hours agoChina is asshoelevel 2Capelasplanket27 points·16 hours agoDo not trust China, China is asshoelevel 2DylanisWavy12 points·14 hours agoChina is asshole. Why Charlie hate?Continue this thread level 1GabiMarryMe107 points·19 hours agoStand with morey. #FreeChinalevel 2ozzyteebaby60 points·19 hours agoStand with morey. #FreeChinaHongKong点击展开...Continue this thread level 2Fuck the Mavscallowist5 points·14 hours agoFree China? I'll take it! Anyone want to buy a slightly used large industrial nation?level 2Capelasplanket-1 points·15 hours agoAh but China is free. The republic of China that is. The only legitimate government of China.Continue this thread level 1James HardenJesseJaymz43 points·16 hours agoMorey the GOAT GM ✊ Team Morey 4 lifelevel 1Lifes_A_Beach2720 points·16 hours agoI stand with Morey. Fuck authoritarians and the pussies that bow down to them.level 1TheAbsoluteLastWord69 points·19 hours agoAgreed. It should be POPULAR and SUPPORTED to speak out against authoritarian communist rule. And secondly, you don’t flip out over one tweet. PEOPLE ARE ALLOWED TO HAVE DIFFERENT OPINIONS. Anything to the contrary should be a cause of concern.level 2BradGroux12 points·13 hours agoChina's reaction to Morey's tweet, just proves the importance of his tweet.level 1Houston-1337 points·16 hours agoIf they get rid of Morey for expressing his opinion on a political matter I’ll NEVER watch another Rockets game. I’ll still wish the best for Harden and MDA but fuck an organization that’ll fire they guys because of sponsor pressure. I’ll just became a Spurs or Mavs fan I guess ‍♂level 2starscream7138 points·13 hours agoWatch the latest South Park. It’s exactly about this very thing. Companies/Brands bending the knee for China $$$$$$$Continue this thread level 1piperatthegates77717 points·16 hours agoI stand with Morey in the support of Democracy and human rights.level 1AJungianIdeal32 points·15 hours agoI hate these cowards who are putting money ahead of people dying. The NBA can survive without Chinalevel 2RocketsH-TownAce20 points·14 hours agoThis x1,000,000, very well said. Absolutely absurd. I hate that Tillman called out Morey and aired this out all over Twitter. Terrible look for the organization.Continue this thread level 2BradGroux5 points·13 hours agoThe NBA can survive without China点击展开...And the NBA should die with China, if they choose to continue to kowtow to them.level 1rejus_crust14 points·16 hours agoI stand with Moreylevel 1taa_dow12 points·15 hours ago·edited 15 hours agoDumb idea to have an nba owner knee deep in gambling and sucking macao dick for his next hit.level 1rdubya29013 points·15 hours agoSomeone tweet Tillman for me that I'll give up my season tickets if he fires Morey.I said something similar and was banned from Twitter.Fuck Tilman for being a pussy and even considering this.level 1Bennyscrap12 points·15 hours agoI stand firmly with morey. Free speech is standard faire here in America. Refuse to align with fascism.level 1my_timewaste_account10 points·14 hours agoI'm a Jazz fan and I stand by Morey and Rocket fans!level 1projecks1517 points·16 hours agoFor a first world country China still living backwardlevel 2LTtheWombat10 points·16 hours agoI think they are technically a Second World country, at least according to Wikipedia.Continue this thread level 1ElderGoose49 points·15 hours agoThe players have to come out and back Morey and what he stands for. No way Tillman looks good doing anything if the players are also barking.level 1RGPISGOOD10 points·13 hours agoAll my chinese friends are afraid to talk about anything regarding HK using chat apps. They will only discuss in person and they aren't even living in China. It just goes to show how horrible their government is. They risk their family and friends arrested and imprisoned without any notice if they support anyone besides the Chinese government. It's quite sad actually.level 1DariusIV7 points·15 hours agoI stand with morey, though obviously nothing at all happened june 3rd 1989 in Beijing.level 1RaptorsPraiseBeToYuvy5 points·13 hours agoI know why more of the NBA isn't rallying behind the Rockets and Morey but I wish they would. This sucks man, even if you're not a Rockets fan(I am tho so suck my dick Xi Jinping)level 1ff_emtp_cop5 points·11 hours agoDouble down Daryl Morey, you spoke out on what you believe is right, NBA tries to act all high and mighty but when there is money to be lost, they don't say a word. Don't step away, Rockets need you. u/dmoreylevel 1Capelajeychey10 points·14 hours agothere is absolutely no good reason to stand with China on anything. communist regime with a long list of evil deeds. fuck China, in Morey we trust!level 1FliteSchool8 points·15 hours agoChina bhenchodlevel 1clutchcity64 points·13 hours agoMaybe we can market more toward Houstonians now instead of all of the pandering to China bullshit. Fuck those Chinese New Year uniforms.level 2YaoSodaCanBob2 points·5 hours agoLets pander to Vietnam instead, we have a lot more Vietnamese folk here than we do Chinese.level 1tupacalyptic3 points·12 hours agoWarriors fan here, I stand with Morey. Fuck China.level 1imbroke8287 points·15 hours agoI stand with morey! Fuck all the corporate bullshit, this is bigger than thatlevel 1idk69420216 points·14 hours agoFuck China. All my homies hate China3 more replieslevel 1Bennnnnnnny_L3 points·13 hours agolakers fan from Hong Kong.. Thank you for supporting HKlevel 1arealPointyBoy3 points·13 hours agohardens lame af but i hope yall make the finals. free hong kong and fuck chinalevel 1puppy8ed3 points·12 hours agostand with u/dmoreyStand with HK.level 1dropkickkennedy3 points·9 hours agoRaps fan here, just popping in to say if Morey isn't fired you guys just became my Western team. Go rockets. Go Morey. Go Hong Kong.level 1NotKemoSabe3 points·8 hours agoLakers fan here.Fuck ChinaThey are running concentration camps right now and they are going to try and take the moral high ground over a fucking tweet!Also fuck Joe Tsai.I stand with Morey and free speechlevel 1HKJY20198 points·13 hours agoI‘m Chinese,stand with Morey.Please rememberNever give in to money and dictators.If you apologize today, CCP will gradually erode the freedom of the Americans and the entire free world, just as they treat us.level 2JZSIX2 points·11 hours agoI am Chinese, and I stand with Morey!level 2PyotrKropotkinsBread1 point·7 hours agoOur govt assassinates civil rights leaders, they dropped a fire bomb on a working class neighborhood in Philadelphia and shot at the women and children fleeing the inferno that destroyed over 70 homes. Point out things like this to the average American and they will get legitimately angry at you. We are brainwashed too. The authoritarian/oligarchy state capitalist CCP sucks, America sucks, everything sucks.level 1greenrvnger7 points·14 hours agoStand with Hong Kong ❤level 1TheAlligatorGar2 points·14 hours agoELI5?level 2thebombshock6 points·14 hours agoMorey spoke out against China and the situation in Hong Kong. China immediately cut the rockets off of their broadcasts and disavowed the rockets. Now it’s a strong possibility Tillman fertitta will fire Morey as an attempt to regain the Chinese market.Continue this thread level 1RocketsRykno232 points·13 hours agofuck the chinese gov for real tho. taiwan, hk, uighers, if they are so justified in there actions, there would be no need to quell dissent by acting like things did not happenlevel 1HakeemBurt-Macklin2 points·13 hours agoOh captain, my captain!level 1Rodgerwilco2 points·12 hours agoSad that a Spurs fan had to come to this sub and give you your only gold ;) I stand with you bro.level 1o7_AP2 points·12 hours agoI stand with Moreylevel 1thedapperdanman2 points·12 hours agoI stand with Morey.level 1Lord Arizaunkachunka2 points·12 hours agoI stand with Morey.literallylevel 1takingastep2 points·12 hours agoI stand with u/dmorey.level 1ScaldingMango2 points·10 hours agoFUCK China, I live in Taiwan so I can kinda understand what ppl in Hk feel right now. Hopefully a lot of layers and other figures in the NBA stand by Morey. Tweeting about basic human rights = fired from job because of bad publicity and loss of money ?level 1binzoma2 points·7 hours agoraps fan here. I stand with Moreylevel 1ifweburnyouburnwifus2 points·6 hours agoHey guys I'm from Hong Kong. thanks for ur support.We, Hong Kongers had enough with China.Chinese, especially those tourists visiting Hong Kong, keep mentioning "they shopped a lot in Hong Kong (actually they only do grocery shopping) . "Without China, Hong Kong is nothing"Exactly what they are doing to Rockets. Try to threaten you guys and Morey by their marketBTW, Chinese come to Hong Kong to grocery shopping just because of the food safety concern in China. LMAOlevel 1dsfvdh2 points·1 hour agoI'm still waiting for an important NBA figure to do the right thing and stand up for the people of china with morey. Glad I didn't start holding my breath.level 1Arizatonypearcern3 points·14 hours agoFUCK BEIJINGlevel 1rcas_2 points·13 hours agoI was born and raised in the states but my parents are from China. Feeling conflicted. Chinese culture really is fascinating the the country is really cool to explore. I have family there still. As I've gotten older I want to go back to visit aging grandparents and other relatives more often... And yet...things like this always make me question my heritage. It's not easy but one thing I am absolutely sure of saying is IMWT.level 2JZSIX2 points·11 hours agoI was born in China, and fuck that dictatorship. I agree with you, the culture is fascinating, but the government is a cancer that needs to be removedlevel 1loadofthewing1 point·13 hours agoRecommend you guys check out the latest episode of southpark "band in china" Accurately described what is going on right now.level 1starscream7131 point·13 hours agoI stand with Moreylevel 1smaje1 point·13 hours agoI stand with u/dmorey .If anything happens to him due to this situation I will boycott any avenue of income to the organization, and the league if need be until changes are made.I will spread the word in any way I can.IMWT.level 1Montrezl HarrellWhydidideletemyaccou1 point·11 hours agoI would like to say fuck China and fuck oppression. I feel sorry for any chinese people who feel the need to strangle the freedom of others to maintain their controlling ideology.level 1BisonST1 point·11 hours agoI stand with Morey.level 1Martel891 point·11 hours agoI stan Moreylevel 1Wy1311 point·11 hours agofuck them. Stand with Moreylevel 1therealponcedeleon1 point·11 hours agoI’m with you, but I think Fuck CCP is more tasteful. There are a lot of good Chinese humans.level 1AranciataExcess1 point·10 hours agoWeak of the NBA to succumb to the CCP shills and not support free speech.Morey deserves better.level 1Orianaop1 point·9 hours agobut adam silver stand with MONEY :(level 1AlsoanHTCshill1 point·4 hours agoMorey doesn’t even stand with himself anymore. Cowardly organization.level 1HiImDavid1 point·3 hours agoAgreed 100%. It's shameful that they tweeted Harden apologizing to China!level 1Sprinklings1 point·3 hours agoI love(d) the Rockets and Harden, but this is patheticThese players are going to be millionaires for the rest of their lives and cant make a statement if it will lose them any more of their precious money...level 1RocketsProngsky1 point·2 hours agoWe are the fucking HOUSTON Rockets! China can suck it! I stand with Morey!level 1iiFive1 point·1 hour agoSay it with me. I stand with Daryl Morey and I stand with Hong Kong.level 1ZiodbergroyalenocheeseScore hidden·41 minutes agoYou don't reason with people like them. They don't respect opposition.I stand with Morey.level 1Clutchsleal1 point·14 hours agoWhat would matter is if the players and organization said they stand with Morey.

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