加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息关于投机税的审计开始了


Audits for Speculation and Vacancy TaxAnyone who has to declare for the speculation and vacancy tax may be audited.Audits are routinely conducted to ensure:exemptions have been claimed correctlytaxes have been paid correctlyWhen requested, you will be required to provide us with all information necessary. The Speculation and Vacancy Tax Act provides us with the authority to demand information, additional information, production of records, or written statements within 30 days after you receive an audit letter.If we don't receive the requested information within that time and cannot confirm your eligibility for the exemption(s) you claimed, we'll issue a final letter summarizing our findings, a Notice of Assessment and a Statement of Account showing your outstanding balance, including interest.During a typical audit, you can expect us to:review your records ask you for information about something that may be missing from your declarationdiscuss issues of interpretation that may arise from the auditwork with you to ensure the audit is completed in a timely mannerwork with you to resolve any concerns you have as quickly as possiblesafeguard your records without compromiseYou should keep all supporting documents for six years after you submit your declaration.When the audit is complete, we will:review and explain the resultsnotify you if more tax is owednotify you if you are entitled to a refundmake you aware of your options if you disagree with the resultsIf the audit determines you owe more tax, we will send you a Notice of Assessment that shows the balance owing. If you have questions about the notice or how it was determined, contact us.If you still disagree with the results of the audit and/or the resulting Notice of Assessment, you can file an appeal.


观文观人观世界。虽属穷人阶层,但说到税就头大,保持简单就好。顺便学习:什么算投机税?点击展开...如果你不知道,肯定 跟你没有关系,不用担心

小雷音 说:如果你不知道,肯定 跟你没有关系,不用担心点击展开...我也不知道,你就给普及一下呗

家园小千 说:我也不知道,你就给普及一下呗点击展开...投机税就是 Speculation and vacancy tax. 普及完毕


小雷音 说:Audits for Speculation and Vacancy TaxAnyone who has to declare for the speculation and vacancy tax may be audited.Audits are routinely conducted to ensure:exemptions have been claimed correctlytaxes have been paid correctlyWhen requested, you will be required to provide us with all information necessary. The Speculation and Vacancy Tax Act provides us with the authority to demand information, additional information, production of records, or written statements within 30 days after you receive an audit letter.If we don't receive the requested information within that time and cannot confirm your eligibility for the exemption(s) you claimed, we'll issue a final letter summarizing our findings, a Notice of Assessment and a Statement of Account showing your outstanding balance, including interest.During a typical audit, you can expect us to:review your recordsask you for information about something that may be missing from your declarationdiscuss issues of interpretation that may arise from the auditwork with you to ensure the audit is completed in a timely mannerwork with you to resolve any concerns you have as quickly as possiblesafeguard your records without compromiseYou should keep all supporting documents for six years after you submit your declaration.When the audit is complete, we will:review and explain the resultsnotify you if more tax is owednotify you if you are entitled to a refundmake you aware of your options if you disagree with the resultsIf the audit determines you owe more tax, we will send you a Notice of Assessment that shows the balance owing. If you have questions about the notice or how it was determined, contact us.If you still disagree with the results of the audit and/or the resulting Notice of Assessment, you can file an appeal.点击展开...税局大幅度扩招人,可以想象得到,家园的太空人们可要皱一下眉头了。

觉人之伪,不形之于色;吃人之亏,不动之于口;施人之恩,不发之于言;受人之惠,不忘之于心。赞反馈:waren 2019-06-11#8 公
5,689 $0.00 怎么审?打电话查水表?



自住房以外的造假太多,税务局忙不过来。造假,很复杂的系统,一连串,包括会计,某些相关公司和人员,律师......审一个家庭 得忙死。

绿阴幽草胜花时 2019-06-11#12 小雷音 19,419 $0.00 觉得大家的理解基本都是错的。


自住房以外的造假太多,税务局忙不过来。造假,很复杂的系统,一连串,包括会计,某些相关公司和人员,律师......审一个家庭 得忙死。点击展开...CRA忙不过来,省府有的是时间。这个税跟联邦税局无关。很简单

JIGU 说:比如这个区房子都是一百万左右,平均收入十多万,某家只有两三万,这可能就有问题了。另外省府基本知道每个人一年有多少天在加拿大或BC。还有包括中国在内的一百多个国家有个协议,互相公开银行情况。点击展开...跟均价无关,因为只是其中一个独立单位出租就行,只能case by case。省府也不会知道你说的内容,但是要查的话当然都可以查,而且人家不用查,是会让你自己提供,一般查的时候没人敢撒谎,代价很大。

公共郭 说:怎么审?打电话查水表?点击展开...估计最开始是来信,让提供资料,就差不多可以搞定了

JIGU 说:补充一下,主要是针对外国人和太空人点击展开...主要对中国人,当然这个不能说。本地的也会受到不少影响。最后他不会统计有多少这个税是从中国人手里收到的。

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