加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Vancouver Tea Festival 温哥华茶叶节 2013


活动 Event:Vancouver Tea Festival 温哥华茶叶节 2013时间 Time:2013 11月2日:11:00AM – 5:00PM地点 Location:1 Athletes Way, Vancouver电话 Phone:N/A收费 Cost:成人$5,12岁以下儿童免费网站 Website:http://vancouverteafestival.ca/image.jpg简介 Description:温哥华是一个注重饮食的都市,而越来越多的温哥华人也开始关注茶叶为健康带来的许多好处。温哥华的首届茶叶节将于11月2号早上11点至下午5点在Olympic Village举行。茶叶节上会有提供茶叶品尝,茶叶研讨会和示范。另外,David’s Tea, Teaja, DoMatcha, Shaktea, Amoda, Thay Tea, Teaguy和Tea Sparrow等茶叶销售商也会参加展出。茶叶节的讲座和示范都是包括在门票内,不过由于座位有限,所以有兴趣的朋友们需要当天尽早到达,领取讲座的门票。注意每人最多只能领取两张票。以下是当天的讲座时间表:Festival Sessions (1-5 PM, Multipurpose Room)1 PM: DōMatcha presents: Matcha for Beginners: Its history, production, and future.2 PM: Tea Association of Canada presents: From Bush to Cup: Where tea is grown, how it is made, and why it tastes so good!. Presenter: Louise Roberge, President, Tea Association of Canada3 PM: JusTea presents: Beyond fair trade: Our journey to developing sustainable Kenyan tea co-operatives (exact title TBA). Presenters: Paul & Grayson Bain, Founders, JusTea4 PM: Tea Sparrow presents: Making fun and delicious tea cocktails (exact title TBA). Presenter: Michael Menashy, Co-founder and ‘Tea Party Animal’, Tea Sparrow (Please note: This is a licensed session; entry is limited to persons aged 19 and over.)Demonstration Area A (11:15 AM – 4:45 PM) – all demonstrations in this area are 30 minutes in duration11:15 AM & 2:45 PM – Chinese tea tasting & gongfu cha ceremony demonstrations – Presenter: Adrian Sinclair12:00 & 12:30 PM – Ikebana (Japanese floral arranging) demonstrations – Presenter: Cecily Chang1 :15 & 3:30 PM – Taiwanese tea tasting & chadao demonstrations – Presenter: Tim Archer2:00 & 4:15 PM – Korean tea tasting & demonstrations – Presenter TBADemonstration Area B (12:00 PM – 4:45 PM) – all demonstrations in this area are approx. 60 minutes in duration unless otherwise specified12:00 & 2:00 PM – Chanoyu (Japanese tea ceremony) demonstrations – Presenter: Sensei Ayako Sakaino & volunteers from Nikkei Centre4:00 PM – Introducing kuchikiri (the “New Year of Tea”), a Japanese tea ceremony celebrating the transition from aged tencha into ground matcha – Presenter: Maiko Behr另外,SocialShoppers上正在做$7两人门票的优惠。有兴趣和朋友一起去茶叶节的同学们可以在SocialShoppers购买:https://www.socialshopper.com/…

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