加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息有3年visit 签证,可以去申请温哥华政府医疗保险


各位好!10年7月份起,老婆带着2个女儿来加拿大读初1和初3,一年快过去了。7月份她们要从爱民顿转来温哥华升学。租房,装电话,租钢琴等事都从家园网上直接得到信息和帮助。就想把这件事放在网上问问有识者。3月份时我在CIC网上给她们3人申请签证延期。2个是sdudy 一个是visit 的延期。4月底签证寄到了。因我大女儿是升学入10年级,从10年级开始,签证就可以按整个学习期间(10-12年级)发,所以连带着她们3人都得到了有效期到14年9月份为止的签证了。原来老婆只有半年visit签证,只能办旅游保险,不知道现在能不能申请政府保险呢?有识者请教了!老朱

回复: 有3年visit 签证,可以去申请温哥华政府医疗保险吗关注,顶

回复: 有3年visit 签证,可以去申请温哥华政府医疗保险吗Who is Eligible? An individual must be a resident of B.C. in order to qualify for medical coverage under MSP. A resident is a person who meets all of the following conditions: must be a citizen of Canada or be lawfully admitted to Canada for permanent residence;must make his or her home in B.C.;must be physically present in B.C. at least six months in a calendar year; anddependents of MSP beneficiaries are eligible for coverage if they are residents of B.C.Certain other individuals, such as some holders of study and/or work permits, or working permits on working holiday programs, which are issued under the federal Immigration and Refugee Protection Act are deemed to be residents, but tourists or visitors to B.C. do not qualify. If you are uncertain about your eligibility status, contact MSP for assistance.

回复: 有3年visit 签证,可以去申请温哥华政府医疗保险吗Who is Eligible?An individual must be a resident of B.C. in order to qualify for medical coverage under MSP. A resident is a person who meets all of the following conditions: must be a citizen of Canada or be lawfully admitted to Canada for permanent residence;must make his or her home in B.C.;must be physically present in B.C. at least six months in a calendar year; anddependents of MSP beneficiaries are eligible for coverage if they are residents of B.C.Certain other individuals, such as some holders of study and/or work permits, or working permits on working holiday programs, which are issued under the federal Immigration and Refugee Protection Act are deemed to be residents, but tourists or visitors to B.C. do not qualify. If you are uncertain about your eligibility status, contact MSP for assistance.点击展开...谢谢!仔细拜读了一下,有些明白了。有资格申请的人分为:合法的永久居民,以及被视为居民的人。后者主要是按他们的签证类型而不是滞留时间来确定。不知道这样理解有没有错。有没有个案可以提供参考的呢?再次感谢!老朱

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