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回复: 一个全能人才才能回答出来的题目,大家一起交流我晕,快闪!

。。。回复: 一个全能人才才能回答出来的题目,大家一起交流闪快点~

回复: 一个全能人才才能回答出来的题目,大家一起交流math:1、Calculus use something "smaller than any number" to set up a mathematical system to evaluate the propoties of specific phenomena.2、Linear Algebracan be used to find systematic methods for solving the systems which practical problem is reduced.3、Statistics is a mathematical science pertaining to the collection, analysis, interpretation or explanation, and presentation of data.4、Discrete mathematics is the study of mathematical structures that are fundamentally discrete in the sense of not supporting or requiring the notion of continuity.5、Geometry is a part of mathematics concerned with questions of size, shape, and relative position of figures and with properties of space.

辛苦十几年,你也不过是红警里500块一个的工程师,一条狗咬死一片的那种。。。CBC Radio 2 ClassicalMy RSS Feeds List回复: 一个全能人才才能回答出来的题目,大家一起交流恩, 哪位TZ学精算的, 继续.

回复: 一个全能人才才能回答出来的题目,大家一起交流touyun

回复: 一个全能人才才能回答出来的题目,大家一起交流(B) Probability Theory (please list up to 5 topics, with examples in this section)Eg, “Distribution theory---- useful in drawing inferences from data”查一下概率论的课本

回复: 一个全能人才才能回答出来的题目,大家一起交流 一个全能人才才能回答出来的题目,大家一起交流Please complete the following Experience Statement to give the selection committee a better understanding of your mathematical, economics, probability, and computer knowledge. Please list a maximum of 5 topics with which you are familiar for each section, giving an example of why each topic is useful wherever possible.. (A) Mathematics (please list up to 5 topics, with examples in this section)Eg.” Matrix algebrauseful in the solution of simultaneous linear equations” (B) Probability Theory (please list up to 5 topics, with examples in this section)Eg, “Distribution theory---- useful in drawing inferences from data” (C) Econometrics (please list up to 5 topics, with examples in this section)Eg, “Ordinary least squares--- useful in the development of linear economic models” (D) Computer Packages & Languages (please list up to 5 topics, with examples in this section)Eg, “Excel---useful in the presentation and analysis of data” 我已经试着完成computer和Economy的,但是Probability和Math知识有限,实在不知道如何作答 Computer,3DS Max is useful for 3D animation rendering and construction modeling, mostly game developing, design visualization specialists, and visual effects. PHOTOSHOP is useful for creating and modifying graphics, quite often image manipulation for commercials. HTML is the language used for making up the web pages. It is useful to create or edit the structure of text-based information in a web page, such as links, headings, paragraphs, lists, and so on. Dreamweaver is the development application which is for creating and editing web page. It is useful for users to create web pages with a wide variety of features without having to write the HTML code. PowerPoint is useful for presenting the form of slide shows that accompany the oral delivery of the topics, widely used in business and classrooms. Economy, Marginal Cost is useful for measuring the price changes by changing in one unit produced out of the total quantity, by analysis the marginal cost, the company so will know the cost for additional unit to be produced and try to be maximum the profits. Supply and Demand curve is the model describing effects on price and quantity in a market, and it is useful for predicting the equilibrium of price and quantity. Profit Maximization is useful for a firm determining the price and output level that returns the greatest profit. Substitute Good, is useful to predict the immediate economic consequences, as the demand for the two kinds of good will be bound together by the fact that customers can trade off one good for the other. Cost-benefit Analysis is useful for weighing the total expected costs against the total expected benefits of one or more actions in order to choose the best or most profitable option.点击展开...

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