加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息报税时候,这个(GST/HST) credit application到底是否要


就是下面这个东西:问题有:1。RC66 - Canada Child Benefits Application去年已经填写过了,也就是说注册过的,今年就应该不用再填了。对吧?补:2011年已经开始领取牛奶金了。2。另外,这个表Form RC151, GST/HST Credit Application for Individuals Who Become Residents of Canada.我记不清出自己11年申请牛奶金的 时候是否填写过了。不知道是否要再填一份?3。还有,To receive the GST/HST credit and any related provincial credits, you have to apply for them each year.这个申请,就是说在T1表的第一页最下面相关栏目打一个对勾?没有额外的表格要填写,对吗?(GST/HST) credit applicationGST is a tax that you pay on most goods and services sold or provided in Canada. In some provinces, GST has been blended with provincial sales tax and is called HST.The GST/HST credit helps individuals and families with low and modest incomes offset all or part of the GST or HST that they pay.We will base your credit on the number of children you have and on your family net income. This information is also used to calculate payments from related provincial programs.If you become a resident of Canada in the year, you may be entitled to the GST/HST credit after your arrival. For more information, see Form RC151, GST/HST Credit Application for Individuals Who Become Residents of Canada.To receive the GST/HST credit for any eligible children, you will have to register them by completing Form RC66, Canada Child Benefits Application.To receive the GST/HST credit and any related provincial credits, you have to apply for them each year. Complete the GST/HST credit application area on page 1 of your tax return. If you qualify, we will make payments in July and October 2012, and in January and April 2013.For more information, see Booklet RC4210, GST/HST Credit.

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