加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息谁能帮我翻译下这个呃?我怎么看不大大懂?


You placed comfort where there was fear, condidence where there was doubt, a shoulder where tears could tall and completeness where there was emptiness.tear句我可以看懂,之前两句,也勉强,就是觉得别扭。最后一句,大概能体会到啥意思,就是不知道该如何翻译。请教补,本文来自 englishpod

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.回复: 谁能帮我翻译下这个呃?我怎么看不大大懂?还有这句What I didn't realize was that I could lose my entire being, all of who I was and all that I had placed in you .

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.回复: 谁能帮我翻译下这个呃?我怎么看不大大懂?Although I did not lie to you in words, I lied to you with faces that did not belong to me.I never meant to ruin the friendship that meant the world to me. You mean the world to me and now I come to you asking for forgiveness.我不明白的是,即便说是友谊,为何说对方就是自己的整个世界呢?二者好像不match 啊?另外,我也不大明白什么是lie to you with faces。

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.回复: 谁能帮我翻译下这个呃?我怎么看不大大懂?If in your heart you find you can’t, then I will understand and learn from this experience.这句话,我读起来也觉得很别扭,难道对方原谅他,他就可以不learn from this experience 了吗?这篇小短文,很多地方都很别扭,更关键的是,我知道这应该是因为是我自己的英语“别扭”。雷奔啊。

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.回复: 谁能帮我翻译下这个呃?我怎么看不大大懂?tears could tall ?or fall?这些句子,看着很别扭啊,象是中学生特意写些煽情的诗句一样的.

11.10.27 Montréal 13.3.27 niveau désiré atteint.Day0:长灯惊险通关记:+3m我的法语学习方法-单词篇+17m:17个月,我强化法语学习阶段结束了+20m,ma carrière,c'est bien parti.If in your heart you find you can’t, then I will understand and learn from this experience.这句话,我读起来也觉得很别扭,难道对方原谅他,他就可以不learn from this experience 了吗?这篇小短文,很多地方都很别扭,更关键的是,我知道这应该是因为是我自己的英语“别扭”。雷奔啊。点击展开...不用雷奔,这些句子的作者,英语是母语的可能性是50%,在这50%里面,受过高等教育的可能性是30%,在30%里面,修文学专业的可能性不到10%.

11.10.27 Montréal 13.3.27 niveau désiré atteint.Day0:长灯惊险通关记:+3m我的法语学习方法-单词篇+17m:17个月,我强化法语学习阶段结束了+20m,ma carrière,c'est bien parti.回复: 谁能帮我翻译下这个呃?我怎么看不大大懂?You placed comfort where there was fear, condidence where there was doubt, a shoulder where tears could tall and completeness where there was emptiness.--------试译之:给恐惧者以安慰,给怀疑者以信心,给欲流泪者一个肩膀,让空虚者充实。

回复: 谁能帮我翻译下这个呃?我怎么看不大大懂?You placed comfort where there was fear, condidence where there was doubt, a shoulder where tears could fall and completeness where there was emptiness.惧者,安之;疑者,信之;悲者,抚之;虚者,实之。

回复: 谁能帮我翻译下这个呃?我怎么看不大大懂?You placed comfort where there was fear, condidence where there was doubt, a shoulder where tears could fall and completeness where there was emptiness.惧者,安之;疑者,信之;悲者,抚之;虚者,实之。点击展开...

回复: 谁能帮我翻译下这个呃?我怎么看不大大懂?点击展开...多谢支持,欢迎指教。

回复: 谁能帮我翻译下这个呃?我怎么看不大大懂?You placed comfort where there was fear, condidence where there was doubt, a shoulder where tears could fall and completeness where there was emptiness.惧者,安之;疑者,信之;悲者,抚之;虚者,实之。点击展开...跟我理解的一样,可是这句子就天上地下了。

回复: 谁能帮我翻译下这个呃?我怎么看不大大懂?You placed comfort where there was fear, condidence where there was doubt, a shoulder where tears could tall and completeness where there was emptiness.tear句我可以看懂,之前两句,也勉强,就是觉得别扭。最后一句,大概能体会到啥意思,就是不知道该如何翻译。请教补,本文来自 englishpod点击展开...你在恐惧之处放存放了舒适,在怀疑之地鼓动了信心,在眼泪流淌之处提供了肩膀,而在空虚之处给予了完整。这个评价似乎是给某位精神友人的。

回复: 谁能帮我翻译下这个呃?我怎么看不大大懂?You placed comfort where there was fear, condidence where there was doubt, a shoulder where tears could fall and completeness where there was emptiness.惧者,安之;疑者,信之;悲者,抚之;虚者,实之。点击展开...牛人!!

回复: 谁能帮我翻译下这个呃?我怎么看不大大懂?You placed comfort where there was fear, condidence where there was doubt, a shoulder where tears could fall and completeness where there was emptiness.惧者,安之;疑者,信之;悲者,抚之;虚者,实之。点击展开...赞。

本人登陆加国一年半,已经回流中国两年半。You placed comfort where there was fear, condidence where there was doubt, a shoulder where tears could fall and completeness where there was emptiness.惧者,安之;疑者,信之;悲者,抚之;虚者,实之。点击展开...高手

思念是一种很炫的东西~~You placed comfort where there was fear, condidence where there was doubt, a shoulder where tears could fall and completeness where there was emptiness.惧者,安之;疑者,信之;悲者,抚之;虚者,实之。点击展开...高人,佩服。把不好的英语也,陋者,美之了。

8/13 寄出 8/16 Receive 8/29 AR1 9/9 DM1 10/23 补料11/07 补户信 11/11寄护照 11/18DM2 11/23大信封Although I did not lie to you in words, I lied to you with faces that did not belong to me. I never meant to ruin the friendship that meant the world to me. You mean the world to me and now I come to you asking for forgiveness. 我不明白的是,即便说是友谊,为何说对方就是自己的整个世界呢?二者好像不match 啊?另外,我也不大明白什么是lie to you with faces。点击展开...看上去像100多年前的英语。。。并非说多方就是自己的整个世界,是说作者视两人间的友谊为他/她的整个世界,并且从未曾想过要去毁了两人间的友谊 Lie to you with faces就像字面意思一样,当着你的面撒谎

1.11Sydney妥投,3.2RN,6.14补料HK,6.15FN,7.1收到FN,7.23IP=ME 8.5收到ME,8.7体检.Mer ,PL,登陆回复: 谁能帮我翻译下这个呃?我怎么看不大大懂?进来看高人的

回复: 谁能帮我翻译下这个呃?我怎么看不大大懂?You placed comfort where there was fear, condidence where there was doubt, a shoulder where tears could fall and completeness where there was emptiness.惧者,安之;疑者,信之;悲者,抚之;虚者,实之。点击展开...太牛!

回复: 谁能帮我翻译下这个呃?我怎么看不大大懂?太肉麻!

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