加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息求教:中国医生如何在北美做医生助理



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回复: 求教:中国医生如何在北美做医生助理The following is the link of Admission Requirements for PA program of U of T. Different universities may have minor different criteria, but most of them are same. http://www.facmed.utoronto.ca/programs/healthscience/PAEducation/Admission_Requirements.htmThe PA program is very difficult to get in. It is not help even you hold MD credential from other country. Lots of my IMGs friends be rejected even they passed all MCC exams. Money wouldn't be an issue if you are permanent resident or citizen because Canadian Federal and Provincial student loan will cover all tuition and your life expending (if you don't have any support) as far as you be accepted by the program. If you are not eligible for the student loan, you may need $20,000-$30,000. to finish the program.

回复: 求教:中国医生如何在北美做医生助理The following is the link of Admission Requirements for PA program of U of T. Different universities may have minor different criteria, but most of them are same. http://www.facmed.utoronto.ca/programs/healthscience/PAEducation/Admission_Requirements.htmThe PA program is very difficult to get in. It is not help even you hold MD credential from other country. Lots of my IMGs friends be rejected even they passed all MCC exams. Money wouldn't be an issue if you are permanent resident or citizen because Canadian Federal and Provincial student loan will cover all tuition and your life expending (if you don't have any support) as far as you be accepted by the program. If you are not eligible for the student loan, you may need $20,000-$30,000. to finish the program.点击展开...Thanks a lot!如果能够幸运的入学,能否用国内学分抵消一部分学分呢?

回复: 求教:中国医生如何在北美做医生助理我目前在Health Force Ontario 的 顾问 对这个职业的前景持保守态度。如果楼主已经登录并在多伦多,建议和healthforce ontario联系,注册并约一个顾问详细了解一些医生考牌或转行的建议。

Pendant que par fiertéL'on joue comme des guerriersCroyants, êtres éternelsEt ça nous fait peur回复: 求教:中国医生如何在北美做医生助理我觉得PA还是可以的,如果安省还是保守态度,去别的省呗。我们省还是可以的,我跟几个打过交道。要申请上的BAR还是挺高的,当然了当个NURSE PRACTITIONER其实也不错。

回复: 求教:中国医生如何在北美做医生助理Thanks a lot!如果能够幸运的入学,能否用国内学分抵消一部分学分呢?点击展开...Sorry, I don't know. You can directly contact the program to get more detail information.

回复: 求教:中国医生如何在北美做医生助理我觉得PA还是可以的,如果安省还是保守态度,去别的省呗。我们省还是可以的,我跟几个打过交道。要申请上的BAR还是挺高的,当然了当个NURSE PRACTITIONER其实也不错。点击展开...Nurse Practitioner is as good as PA. It takes more time but easier. Meanwhile, NP is an independent healthcare provider while PA must dependent on supervising physician, which give NP more career opportunities than PA. For PA, you can transform your bachelor degree through WES then only need 2 years to finish the program. It is difficulty to get in. For NP, you must take 3-4 years nursing program, get nursing degree, be a registered nurse, then after 2-5 years nursing working experience you can apply for NP program. NP program usually takes 1 year as full time or 2-3 years as part time. It is very easy to get in.

回复: 求教:中国医生如何在北美做医生助理Thanks a lot! 如果能够幸运的入学,能否用国内学分抵消一部分学分呢?点击展开...不行,必须要读满两年的。

努力奋斗!回复: 求教:中国医生如何在北美做医生助理nobody,您好,谢谢您提供的信息。刚刚浏览了多大的网页,好像多大不需要进行wes的学历认证阿。这是原文:Note for applicants educated outside of Canada: Enrolment Services evaluates international transcripts at no additional fee. Academic credential evaluations from an outside agency such as ICAS, ICES, WES or MCC.will not be considered.谢谢nobody指教!

回复: 求教:中国医生如何在北美做医生助理nobody,您好,谢谢您提供的信息。刚刚浏览了多大的网页,好像多大不需要进行wes的学历认证阿。这是原文:Note for applicants educated outside of Canada: Enrolment Services evaluates international transcripts at no additional fee. Academic credential evaluations from an outside agency such as ICAS, ICES, WES or MCC.will not be considered.谢谢nobody指教!点击展开...是不需要做WES认证,,多大有自己的认证系统,他们会给你免费认证的,申请人只需成绩单英文原件即可。

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