加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息你会上厕所吗


相关用语1、I need to use the toilet (bathroom).我想要上厕所。2、Someone's using the toilet (bathroom).有人正在用厕所。3、Someone's in the bathroom.厕所有人。4、Where is the bathroom?厕所在哪里?5、The toilet is too dirty!厕所太脏了!6、Flush the toilet冲厕所。7、Clean the toilet.清洗厕所。8、The toilet won't flush.这马桶不能冲水。9、The toilet is clogged up. 这马桶塞住了。10、The toilet is plugged up这马桶阻塞了。俚语Slang1、the john厕所2、the throne马桶3、the can马桶4、the pot马桶成语Idiomsgo down the toilet 付诸东流,白费All my work for the past year just went down the toilet when I was told that my project was cancelled.我一年的工作都付诸东流,就在被告知我的专案被取消时。Dialogue oneMay: Excuse me, sir. Where is the bathroom? 梅:先生,很抱歉,请问洗手间在哪里Man: Right over there, but, there's someone using it right now.先生:就在那边,但是现在有人正在用May: Is there another toilet I can use? 梅:还有别间可以用吗?Man: There's one up the stairs but it's broken and won't flush. There's a public bathroom just outside and to your left.先生:楼上有一间,但坏了不能冲水。出去后左手边有一间公共厕所May: Thank you. 梅:谢谢Dialogue twoChild: Mommy, I need to go to the bathroom. 孩子:妈妈,我要上厕所Mom: Do you need to take a number one or number two? 妈妈:你要上大号还是小号?Child: I need to take a number two. 孩子:大号Mom: OK, the toilet is right over there. I'll wait right here until you're done.妈妈:好的,厕所就在那边,我在这里等你上完厕所。

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