加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息雅思阅读词汇(A)


众所周知,词汇是英语考试高分的奠基石,但是词汇何其多,如何有效率的选择单词才是重要的。下面来让我们看一看雅思阅读的必备词汇吧。 Abdicate [ˈæbdikeit] v.让位,辞职,放弃To relinquish formally a sovereign power.Aborigine [æbə'ridʒini:] n.土著居民 One of the earliest known inhabitants of a country.Abortive [əˈbɔ:tiv]a.无结果的,失败的Ineffectual and unsuccessful effort.Abrogate [ˈæbrəgeit]v.废止,废除To make void by an authoritative act.Abstain [əbˈstein]vi.弃权;(from)戒除Refraining from pleasure.Adolescent [ædəˈlesənt]n.青少年 a.青春期的,青少年的Growing from childhood to maturity.Addressee [ˌædre'si:] n.收信人, [计]被访地址A person whom a letter is addressed.Adult [ˈædʌlt, əˈdʌlt]n.成年人(或动物) a.成年(人)的One who is grown up.Aesthetics [i:sˈθetiks] n.美学Art of the appreciation of the beautiful.Agnostic [ægˈnɔstik]a.不可知论的One who holds that nothing is known or likely to be known of the existence of God or of anything beyond material phenomena.Agoraphobia [ˌægərə'fəubiə] n.广场恐惧症, 旷野恐惧症, 陌生环境恐怖症Morbid dread of being to open spacesAgrarian [əˈgreəriən]a.农业的Pertaining to land, fields and their tenure.Albumen ['ælbjumin] n.蛋白, 胚乳The white of an egg.Alibi ['æliˌbai] n.不在场证明或辩解, 托辞 v.辩解,找托辞开脱The plea that when an alleged act took place, one was elsewhere.Alien [ˈeiliən]a.外国(人)的;陌生的 n.外国(星)人A citizen of a foreign state.Alienate [ˈeiliəneit] vt.使疏远,离间;转让(财产等)To turn somebody into an enemy.Alimony ['æliməni] n. (离婚后丈夫给妻子的)赡养费An allowance made by a man to a woman pending or after her divorce or legal separation from him.Allegiance [əˈli:dʒəns]n.忠诚Devotion or loyalty to that which is entitled to obedience and respect.Allergy [ˈælədʒi]n.过敏症,厌恶Excessive sensitiveness to substances which can malignant to one’s temper or body.Altruism[ˈæltruizəm] n.利他主义,不自私Regard for others as a principle of action.Amateur [ˈæmətə, ˌæməˈtə:]n. a.业余爱好者(的);外行(的)One who follows a pursuit without a professional purpose.Ambassador [æmˈbæsədə] n.大使,使节,派驻国际组织的代表Official representative of a state in a foreign land.Ambidextrous [ˌæmbiˈdekstrəs]a.十分灵巧的One who can use both hands with equal skill.Ambiguous [æmˈbigjuəs]a.引起歧义的,模棱两可的,含糊不清的Doubtful and uncertain, specially from obscurity or indistinctness, also capable of being understood in two or more possible senses.Amnesia [æmˈni:ziə] n.健忘症Loss of memory due to brain injury.Amnesty [ˈæmnəsti] n.大赦,特赦An act of sovereign power granting general pardon for a past offence.Amphibious [æm'fibiəs] adj.具有双重性的, [生物]两栖的One who is able to live both on land and in water.Anarchist [ˈænəkist] n.无政府主义者One who stands for a terroristic resistance to all present, government and social orders.Anarchy [ˈænəki] n.无政府,混乱A state when there is no law or supreme power.Anachronism [əˈnækrənizəm] n.年代错误,落伍之物An error in chronology by which events are misplaced in regard to each other; also anything not conforming in point of time to its surroundings.Anglicize ['æŋˌglis?iz] v.使英国化,使英语化 Make English in form and character.Annihilate [əˈnaiəleit] vt.消灭To destroy anything completely.Anomalous [əˈnɔmələs] a.反常的Deviating form a general rule or method.Anonymous [əˈnɔniməs] a.无名的;匿名的;无特色的Of unknown or unavowed authorship or donorship.Antedate [ˈæntideit, ˌæntiˈdeit] (在信、文件上)写上较早日期The date as of a time prior to that of execution.Antidote [ˈæntidəut]n.解毒药A remedy to counteract the effects of poison; also whatever tends to counteract evil.Antipathy [ænˈtipəθi] n.憎恶Aversion to or dislike of, any person or thing.Antipodes [æn'tipədi:z] n.地球上处于正相对应的两个地区,正好相反的食物The part of the globe diametrically opposite.Antiseptic [ˌæntiˈseptik] n.杀菌剂 a.防腐的A substance that checks the growth or action of germs.Antithesis [ænˈtiθisis, ænˈtiθəsis] n.对立,相对Contrast or opposition between two things, ideas etc.Apathy [ˈæpəθi]n.冷淡Indifference to what appeals to feelings or interest.Apiary [ˈeipiəri]n.养蜂场A collection of hives or bec-keeping.Apostate [əˈpɔsteit]n.背教者,变节者One who forsakes his religion or principle.Aquarium [əˈkweəriəm]n.水族馆;养鱼池An artificial tank where water plants or fish etc. are kept.Archaeology [ˌ?:kiˈɔlədʒi] n.考古学The scientific study of the material remains of past human life and activities.Aristocracy [ˌærisˈtɔkrəsi]n.贵族政治;[总]贵族Government by persons of high rank.Armistice [ˈ?:mistis]n.休战A temporary suspension of hostilities.A short truce or cessation of fighting.Arsenal [ˈ?:sənəl]n.兵工厂;军械库A place where weapons and ammunition are manufactured and stored.Ascetic [əˈsetik]a.克己的Given to self denial for spiritual and discipline.Arson [ˈ?:sən]n.纵火(罪)Willful setting on fire another’s house or property or one’s own when it is insured.Assassin [əˈsæsin]n.刺客,暗杀者One who undertakes to kill treacherously.Atheist ['eiθiist] n. 无神论者one who does not believe in the existence of a supreme being (God).Auditorium [ˌɔ:diˈtɔ:riəm] n.观众席;礼堂,会堂A room or building used for lectures etc.Autobiography [ˌɔ:təubaiˈɔgrəfi] n.自传An account of one’s life written by himself.Autocracy [ɔ:ˈtɔkrəsi] n.独裁政体Supreme government by an individual.Autonomous ɔ:ˈtɔnəməs]a.自治的;独立自主的Self government in administration.Avaricious [ævəˈriʃəs] a.贪心的Greedy of gain.Aviary [ˈeiviəri] n.大鸟笼,鸟舍

[FONT=楷体_GB2312]删除昨天的烦恼、选择今天的快乐、设置明天的幸福、存储永远的爱心[/FONT][FONT=楷体_GB2312]取消无谓的烦恼、粘贴美丽的心情、复制醉人的风景、记录精彩的人生[/FONT]回复: 雅思阅读词汇(A)雅思必会单词(B) BALANCE:n.平衡;天平(noun) Equality, giving equal importance to. Example: 'A good essay should show balance, considering both sides of the argument.' BALANCED:adj.均衡的, 平衡的, 平稳的(adjective) Considering both sides, fair. Example: 'It is important to write a balanced argument when asked for an opinion.' BAN:vt.取缔,查禁;(from)禁止(verb) To make illegal. Example: 'Smoking in public places has been banned in many countries'. BARBARIC:adj.极其粗野、残忍或残暴的(adjective) Cruel; uncivilised. Example: 'Many people believe that capital punishment is barbaric.' BEAR IN MIND:牢记,考虑(verb / idiom) Remember, consider. Example: 'Always bear in mind that you only have 40 minutes to complete Task II'. BEHALF (on behalf of someone or something):n.利益,方面(preposition) For. For example: 'He thanked the guests for coming on my behalf as I had to leave early and couldn’t talk to everyone.' BENEFICIAL:adj. 有利于 (adjective) Useful, bringing advantages. Example: 'It is beneficial for IELTS candidates to spend some time studying before taking the test'. BENEFIT:vt.有益于 vi.得益(verb) Help, assist, do good for. For example: 'Eating healthily and taking regular exercise can benefit people who are overweight.' BLANK:a.空白的;茫然的(adjective) Without information; empty. Example: 'Answer all the questions in the IELTS test. Don't leave any blank spaces.' BOND:v.(使)粘合(verb) Connect, link, build a relationship. For example: 'Human beings are naturally social and it is important for us to bond with the people around us.' BRAINSTORM:vi.动脑筋,出主意,想办法,献计献策(verb) Think of all related ideas. Example: 'When trying to write Task II, you should brainstorm for ideas. BRIEF:a.短暂的;简短的(adjective) Short, quick . Example: 'The meeting was brief as everyone was very busy'. BRIEFLY:ad.简短地;简略地(adverb) Short, quickly. Example: 'He briefly looked at the essay but didn't read it in detail'. BUDGET:a.低廉的(adjective) cheap, value for money. Example: 'Many young people on holiday stay in budget hotels or motels. BULK:n.(大)块;主体 (noun) Main part, major part. For example: 'The bulk of the research has now been done, though we have a few small issues to finish before it is completed.'

[FONT=楷体_GB2312]删除昨天的烦恼、选择今天的快乐、设置明天的幸福、存储永远的爱心[/FONT][FONT=楷体_GB2312]取消无谓的烦恼、粘贴美丽的心情、复制醉人的风景、记录精彩的人生[/FONT]回复: 雅思阅读词汇(A)雅思必会单词(C) CAPABLE: 有能力的,能够(adjective) Able, confident, skilled. For example: 'I sometimes feel I am not capable of writing my university essays in English, it is quite difficult for me.'CAPACITY: 能力(noun) Size, volume. For example: 'The class is full to capacity so I will have to wait and enroll in a new class next month.'CAPITAL PUNISHMENT: 死刑(noun) The penalty of death for a crimeCATEGORY: 种类,类别A division or class of something. For example: There are several categories of cars - family cars, sports cars, 4 wheel drives...CAUSE: 原因(noun) The reason something happens. Example: 'The cause of rising sea levels is the melting of polar ice'.CEASE: 停止(verb) Stop, end, finish. For example: 'He has been made redundant and his employment contract will officially cease on July 21st.'CELEBRITY: 名人(noun) Someone very well known; a public figure. 'Many celebrities, such as Tom Cruise, are photographed wherever they go.'CENTRALLY CONTROLLED: 集中控制(adjective) Controlled by a country's government, not by local governments.CERTAINTY: 必然的事(noun) No doubt; sure. Example: 'It is a certainty that the world's population will increase.'CHALLENGE: 挑战(verb) To argue against an opinion. Example: 'In IELTS writing, you may need to challenge an opinion by giving a different point of view'.(noun) A difficult situation. Example: 'Studying in a second language can be a challenge for many students'. CHALLENGING: 困难的(adjective) Difficult, not easy. Example: 'It can be challenging for international students to study at university in a second language'.CHANNEL: 引导(verb) Direct, guide, feed. For example: 'The Government promises to channel more funds into fighting crime if they win the next election.'CHAPTER: 章节(noun) Section, part of a book. For example: 'The information we learned today in the lecture is found in more detail in chapter 10 of the textbook.'CHARACTER: 性格 品质(noun) How someone behaves / thinks / acts. Example: 'He has a very friendly, approachable character.'CHART: 图表(noun) graph, table, diagram. For example: 'It was clear from the bar chart that sales had risen in the period January-April.'CHEMICAL: 化学制品(noun) Substance, element, compound. For example: 'There are many harmful chemicals in cigarette smoke.'CIRCUMSTANCE: 环境(noun) Situation, event. For example: 'It should depend on the individual circumstances of the crime, as to whether the death penalty is implemented.'CITE: 引用(verb) Situation, event. For example: 'It is important to cite the name of the author you have used information from in academic writing for university.'CIVIL: 公民的(adjective) Related to individuals and the general public. For example: 'Civil rights allow the right to privacy in most countries.'CIVILISED: 文明的(adjective) Having a high state of culture, technology or society. Example: 'Many ancient cultures, such as the Egyptians and the Aztecs, were highly civilised.'CLAIM: 声称(noun) Something stated as fact, though not necessarily proven. Example: 'His claims have been ignored by the government'.CLARIFY: 澄清(verb) Explain, make clear. For example: 'The instructions given on the examination paper were not clear so we asked the invigilator to clarify what we had to do.'CLASSIC: 优秀的,标准的(adjective) Typical. For example: 'A classic example of discrimination is lower pay for women.'CLASSIFY: 归类(verb) To put into a group or category. Example: 'Humans are classified as mammals. Sharks are classified as fish'.CODE: 准则(noun) Rule, regulation. For example: 'Knowledge of the highway code is tested in the driving test in a theory exam.'COHERENCE: 连贯性 (noun) Able to be understood. Example: 'An essay needs to show coherence; that is, a logical flow of ideas'. See also COHERENTCOHERENT: 连贯的(adjective) Logical, reasoned. For example: 'In order to gain good marks it is important to write an essay which has good ideas and is coherent.'COHESION:内聚力 (noun) Joining ideas together. Example: 'A good essay will be easy to understand because of its cohesion'COINCIDE: 同时发生(verb) Happen togther, match, overlap. For example: 'The date for my IELTS exam coincided with my college exams so I did not have enough time to study properly as I had too much to do.'COLLAPSE: 倒塌,突然失败(verb) Give way, fail, come to nothing. For example: 'The ideas and proposal for the new business development collapsed when it became clear that necessary funding was not available.'COLLEAGUE: 同事(noun) Co-worker. For example: 'Having supportive colleagues in the workplace is very important'COLLOQUIAL: 口语的(adjective) Local and informal language. Example: 'Mate' means 'friend in many English speaking countries'.SLANG (noun) Words used informally, often by particular groups.COMBINATION: 结合体,联合体(noun) When two or more things are put together. Example: 'Some IELTS questions will require you to use a combination of skills and abilities'.COMFORTABLE: 舒服的(adjective) Calm, relaxed, at ease. Example: 'It is important to show the examiner that you are comfortable speaking English during your IELTS test'.COMMENCE: 开始(verb) Start, begin. For example: 'The new university semester commences on February 25th and all new students need to enroll the week before.'COMMENT: 评价(verb) Say in passing, mention, point out. For example: 'My teacher commented that my English has improved a lot in the last two months when I spoke with her the other day. 'COMMISSION: 委托(verb) Appoint, authorise. For example: ' In many people’s opinion artworks commissioned by the Council, are an example of money badly spent as there are more important projects to spend money on.'COMMIT TO: 承认,保证(verb) Pledge. For example: 'Although the Government said, during the last election that it was committed to reducing crime rates there has been an increase in violent crime in the last three years.'COMMODITY: 货物(noun) Product, good or service. For example: 'Electronic commodities such as computers and equipment have fallen dramatically in price since their introduction to the market.'COMMON: 普通的(adjective)#1 - Similar, shared. Example: 'It is beneficial if husbands and wives have common interests'.#2 - Usual, regularly occuring. Example: 'It is common for language learners to make grammar mistakes'.COMMUNICATE: 沟通To give or exchange thoughts, ideas or opinions.COMMUNITY: 社区,社会(noun) A group of people in society. For example: 'Over recent years local communities have become more concerned about increase in crime in their areas.'COMPARATIVE: 比较的(grammar term) The form of an adjective used for comparing. Example: tall > tallerCOMPARISON: 比较(noun) When something is compared to something else. Example: 'There have been comparisons made between the landscape of New Zealand and Norway'.COMPATIBLE: 兼容的,和睦相处的(adjective) Well-matched, like-minded. For example: 'It is important for employers to employ the most suitable person for a job and that the employee’s personality is compatible with the position being offered.'COMPENSATE: 补偿(verb) Balance, make up for. For example: 'Nowadays some parents try to compensate for having little time to spend with their children by giving them too many material things such as toys and games.'COMPILE: 汇编(verb) List, compose, record. For example: 'Before I go to the library I need to compile a list of information I need to look for while I am there.'COMPLAIN: 抱怨(verb) To say that you are not satisfied or happy with something or someone. Example: 'The customer complained about the poor service'.(noun) = ComplaintCOMPLEMENT: 补充(verb) Add to, accompany. For example: 'Following a healthy diet and taking regular exercise complement each other well to create a healthy lifestyle..'COMPLEX: 复杂的(adjective) Not simple, involved, difficult. For example: 'Arguments in support of, and against the death penalty need to be considered carefully, as the subject is extremely complex.'COMPLICATED: 困难的(adjective) Difficult, intricate. Example: 'Mathematics studied at university level is complicated'.COMPONENT: 组成部分(noun) Part, piece. For example: 'Tom has the ability to fix my computer but is unsure if he can find the correct components he needs to sort out the problem.'

[FONT=楷体_GB2312]删除昨天的烦恼、选择今天的快乐、设置明天的幸福、存储永远的爱心[/FONT][FONT=楷体_GB2312]取消无谓的烦恼、粘贴美丽的心情、复制醉人的风景、记录精彩的人生[/FONT]回复: 雅思阅读词汇(A)COMPOUND: 化合物(verb) Add to, increase (a negative situation). For example: 'Governments should invest more money into public health care as lack of funds only compound the problem hospitals are facing.'COMPREHENSIVE: 广泛的(adjective) Wide-ranging, thorough. For example: 'Hospitals should provide comprehensive information booklets so that patients will know what to expect when they have an operation.'COMPRISE: 包含(verb) Include, contain, thorough. For example: 'Australia comprises several states including the A.C.T. which contains Canberra.'COMPULSORY: 强制的(adjective). Essential, must be done, no choice. Example: 'It is compulsory to have a passport when travelling overseas'.CONCEIVE: 构想(verb) Visualise, imagine, think of. For example: 'It is difficult for us to conceive the long term environmental impact of our actions now. 'CONCENTRATE: 集中(verb) Focus, think. For example: 'It is important to concentrate when revising for exams, study some where quietly and switch of all distractions including radios and TV.'CONCEPT: 概念(noun) Idea, theory. For example: 'I am learning about Marketing concepts in my class this week, it is interesting to find out about so many different theories.'CONCESSION: 让步,妥协(noun) An acknowledgment or admission that there are opinions different to your own. Example: 'It is important to add a concession to your Task II essay to show that you can consider other opinions'.CONCLUDE: 总结(verb) End, finish, bring to a close. For example: 'Before concluding the meeting the CEO thanked us for attending and for our input.'CONCRETE:实在的,具体的(adjective). Real, not theoretical or abstract. Example: 'A concrete example'(noun) A substance that is mixed with sand and water to create a solid material used in building.CONCURRENT: 一致的,同时的(adjective) Same time, simultaneous. For example: 'The country’s army had no time to respond due to the concurrent attacks by sea, land and air.'CONDITIONAL CLAUSE: 条件从句(grammar term) A sentence that has an 'if' statement - can be zero, 1st, 2nd, 3rd or mixed). Example: 'If students study hard, they have a better chance of success'. (This is a zero conditional clause)CONDUCT: 行为,方式(noun) Behaviour, ways, manner. For example: 'The high standard of conduct expected of children at the school is important in helping them learn lessons for later in life.'CONFER: 商谈,商议(verb) Consult, discuss. For example: 'Education institutions should confer more with parents to discuss solutions to the growing problem of children missing school.'CONFIDENT: 自信的(adjective) Having no doubts; to be sure; being self-assured. Example: 'It is important to appear confident in an interview situation'.CONFINE: 限制(verb) Constrict, limit. For example: 'A number of countries are now confining cigarette smoking to outside areas only in public places.'CONFIRM: 确认(verb) Check, verify. For example: 'It is shop owners' responsibility to confirm their customers are old enough to buy cigarettes by asking them to provide identification.'(noun) CONFIRMATION Example: 'A confirmation has been made for the booking next month'.CONFLICTING: 有冲突的,有矛盾的(adjective) Differing, opposite. For example: 'There are a number of conflicting opinions on whether technology has improved or reduced quality of life.'CONFORM: 遵从,遵守(verb) Fit in with, follow rules of conduct, match. For example: 'Younger people nowadays find it difficult to conform to the rules of society.'CONFUSE: 使。。。困惑(verb) To mix up, to not understand correctly. Example: "It can be easy to confuse tenses in English grammar'.CONNECT: 连接(verb) To link, to join. Example: 'In English, you can connect ideas with linking words'.CONSCRIPTION: 征兵(noun) Compulsory recruitment into the military. Example: 'Many countries still have conscription'.CONSENT: 同意To AGREECONSEQUENT: 结果(adjective) Resulting, following. For example: 'A number of people were concerned about the change in government policy and the consequent protests were no surprise.'CONSIDER: 考虑(verb) Think carefully about. Example: 'You need to consider possible synonyms for keywords before scanning the reading passage for the answer'.CONSIDERABLE: 大量的(adjective) Large, sizeable, substantial. For example: 'A recent survey showed that a considerable number of parents have little knowledge regarding the signs of drug use.'CONSIST: 组成(verb) Be made up of. For example: 'The main basis of his argument consisted of the facts and figures he had direct from the survey.'CONSONANT: 辅音(noun). Letters in the alphabet that are not a,e,i,o or u.Some words can begin with a vowel but have a consonant sound. Example: university (yoo-ni-ver-si-ty), uniform (yoo-ni-form).CONSTANT: 不断的(adjective) Continual, endless. For example: 'There have been constant problems since the new policy has been introduced.'CONSTITUTE: 组成,构成(verb) Comprise, make up, form. For example: 'The research I have collected constitutes a very good basis for my assignment.'

[FONT=楷体_GB2312]删除昨天的烦恼、选择今天的快乐、设置明天的幸福、存储永远的爱心[/FONT][FONT=楷体_GB2312]取消无谓的烦恼、粘贴美丽的心情、复制醉人的风景、记录精彩的人生[/FONT]回复: 雅思阅读词汇(A)CONSTRAIN: 限制(verb) Limit, restrict, hinder. For example: 'In order to constrain the increasing use of illegal drugs, stricter penalties should be introduced.'CONSTRUCT: 建造(verb) Build, put together, make. For example: 'It is important to construct a solid argument for your essay and making notes beforehand helps enormously.'CONSULT: 请教(verb) Ask, check with. For example: 'It is important for patients to consult their doctor before taking any additional medication.'CONSUME: 消费(verb)1. to expend by use; use up. 'Cities consume a high percentage of a country's energy, due to the high populations living there.'2. to eat or drink up; devour. 'Many people consume a great deal of junk food ona regular basis.'3. to destroy, as by decomposition or burning: Fire consumed the forest.4. to spend (money, time, etc.) wastefully.5. to absorb; engross: consumed with curiosity.CONTACT: 联系(verb). Write to/speak to, get in touch with. Example: 'It is the school’s responsibility to contact parents of children they suspect are taking drugs.'CONTAIN: 含有(verb) To include, to hold within. Example: 'The IELTS reading and listening tests both contain 40 questions.'CONTEMPORARY: 当代的(adjective). Modern. Example: 'In my opinion contemporary novels are more interesting and true to life than classic literature.'CONTEXT: 背景,上下文(noun). Perspective, background. Example: 'A good essay will put all ideas and arguments into a clear context.'CONTINENTS: 洲Groups of countries; large masses of land. For example: Europe, AsiaCONTRACT: 合同(noun). Written and signed agreement, legally binding document. Example: 'An employment contract protects the rights of both employer and employee.'CONTRADICT: 反驳,否认(verb). Disagree with, challenge the view of, oppose. Example: 'The findings in the new research project contradict those from the earlier survey.'CONTRARY: 相反的(adjective). Opposite. Example: 'There are many contrary opinions to this view.'CONTRARY (On the contrary): 相反事物(noun). Opposite. Example: 'Sensible exercise has no ill effects on the body; on the contrary it brings enormous benefits.'CONTRIBUTE: 贡献(verb). Add, give. Example: 'Older workers in the work force are important as they contribute their experience, wisdom and patience.'CONTROVERSIAL: 引发争议的(adjective) Arguable, disputable, likely to cause disagreement. Example: 'The government's decision to reduce funding of public healthcare was controversial.'CONTROVERSY: 争论(noun). Arguement, disagreement. Example: 'A decision to fine parents of children who are not attending school would cause a huge amount of controversy.'CONVENE: 开会,集合(verb). Come together, assemble. Example: 'United Nations representatives will convene in Europe next month.'CONVENTIONAL: 保守的(adjective) Following accepted customs and traditions. Example: 'In western countries, it is conventional for the bride to wear a white dress on her wedding day.'CONVERT: 使。。转变(verb). Change, alter from one use or purpose to another. Example: 'In many parts of the world forest land has been converted to agricultural land and this has impacted on the environment.'CONVINCE: 使。。。确信(verb). Persuade, encourage another to believe a point of view. Example: 'It has been difficult to convince the general public of the dangers related to this.'COOPERATE: 合作(verb) Work together. For example: 'It is important for Governments of different countries to cooperate together to find a solution to global warming.'COORDINATE: 调节,协调(verb) Organise, bring together. For example: 'The conference will require a huge amount of organisation so the company has appointed an Events Manager to coordinate the project.'CORE: 核心(adjective) Central, main. For example: 'The company is involved in many different areas of business but its core business is computer software.'CORPORAL PUNISHMENT: 肉体上的惩罚(noun phrase) Physical punishment. Example: 'Corporal punishment, such as caning, is now banned in many schools.'CORRELATION: 相互关系(noun) A connection or link between things. Example: 'There is a correlation between healthy living and lifespan'.CORRESPOND: 相符合(verb) Match, match up to, relate to. For example: 'The findings from this research project correspond with those from earlier studies.'COUNTERPART: 与对方地位相同的人或者物(noun) Equal, equivalent. Example: 'A prime minister is the counterpart of a president'.CREATE: 创造(verb) Make, invent, produce, generate. For example: 'The arrival of the new factory has created a number of job opportunities for local people.'CREDIT: 赞扬,认可(noun) Praise, recognition, acclaim. For example: 'Nursing staff are often not given enough credit for the difficult job they perform.'CRITERIA: 标准,准则(noun) Condition related to a situation. For example: 'The successful candidate for the job must meet all the criteria laid down in the job description.'CRUCIAL: 重要的(adjective) essential, necessary, vital. For example: 'It is crucial that governments provide good education opportunities for teenagers to ensure a successful future for the country.'CULPABLE: 应受惩罚的(noun) The state of being guilty of doing something. 'He is culpable for the damage his children caused.'CULTURE: 文化(noun) Society, traditon, customs, way of life. For example: 'It is an important education for people to experience different cultures as it allows them the opportunity to better understand people from countries different to their own.'CURE: 治疗(noun) Treatment, solution. Example: 'Many people are searching for a cure for the common cold'.CURRENCY: 通货,货币(noun) Money, exchange. For example: 'Currency exchange in Europe is no longer an issue as the majority of countries use the Euro.'CYCLE: 循环(noun) Series, sequence. For example: 'Students may be required to describe a process for Task 1 of the writing exam, for example the Water Cycle which describes the journey of water from land to sky and back again.'

[FONT=楷体_GB2312]删除昨天的烦恼、选择今天的快乐、设置明天的幸福、存储永远的爱心[/FONT][FONT=楷体_GB2312]取消无谓的烦恼、粘贴美丽的心情、复制醉人的风景、记录精彩的人生[/FONT]回复: 雅思阅读词汇(A)雅思必会单词(D)DAMAGE: 破坏(verb) Destroy or break. Example: 'The tornado damaged a large number of houses'.DATA: 数据(noun) Statistics, figures, information. For example: 'The most accurate data available on a country’s population is probably found in Census information collected every four years in a Government survey.'DEADLINE: 最后期限(noun) The time by which something must be done or completed. Example: 'The deadline for finishing the report is next Tuesday'.DEATH PENALTY: 死刑When the punishment for a crime means you will be killed, this is the death penalty. See also: CAPITAL PUNISHMENTDEBATE: 辩论(noun) Discussion, argument. For example: 'Controversial subjects such as capital punishment often attract heated debate.'DEBT: 债务(noun) Something owed; needs to be repaid. Example: 'Many students amass a large debt while studying.'DECADE: 十年(noun) Ten year period. For example: 'Almost certainly violent crime has increased dramatically over the last decade.'DECLINE: 下降(noun) A weakening, a fall off, a drop off. For example: 'Fortunately, there has been a decline in the number of cigarette smokers over recent years.'DEDUCE: 推论(verb) Figure out, reason, work out. For example: 'It can be deduced from the information given that the problem is likely to continue.'DEDUCTION: 推论(noun) A conclusion drawn from evidence. Example: 'The deduction made was clearly logical.'DEFINE: 给。。。下定义(verb) Identify, describe. For example: 'The main responsibilities of a job are defined in the job description.'DEFINITE: 明确的,确切的(adjective) Certain, sure. For example: 'Scientists know that there are definite links between cigarette smoking and lung cancer, though the causes of many other cancers as still unknown.'DEMONSTRATE: 论证,说明(verb) To show. Example: 'It is important to demonstrate a range of accurate grammar in your IELTS essay'.DENOTE: 意思是(verb) Indicate, stand for, identify. For example: 'Many road accidents are caused because drivers do not understand the Highway Code and ignore road signs which denote the need for caution.'DENY: 否认(verb) Disallow, refuse. For example: 'The students were denied the right to longer holidays despite their protests.'DEPRESS: 使。。沮丧(verb) Weaken, cause to drop. For example: 'The Government should take action in reducing inflation as many people are worried that it will depress the economy even further.'DERIVE: 取得,追溯。。起源(verb) Arrive at (from reasoning). For example: 'This conclusion can logically be derived from the information given.'DESCRIPTION: 描写,形容(noun) A statement that describes something. Example: 'For Task I writing, you may have to give a description of a diagram'.DESIGN: 设计(verb) Invent, create. For example: 'The Head of the Marketing Department has designed a new marketing strategy which will hopefully bring more business to the company.'DESPITE: 尽管(preposition) In spite of, even with. For example: 'Despite the Government’s efforts to increase safety of citizens, the level of crime has continued to increase.'DETECT: 察觉,发现(verb) Form an inpression, find out, discover. For example: 'From the reaction of the staff, it was easy to detect that they were unhappy with the new proposal.'DETERIORATE: 变坏(verb) To get worse. For example: 'The situation has deteriorated'.DETRACT FROM: 贬低(verb) reduce value or importance of something. Example: 'His negative comments detracted from the enjoyment of the evening'.DEVIATE: 偏离,背离(verb) Move away from, differ. For example: 'A large number of young people today like to deviate from the norm of their society.'DEVICE: 装置(noun) Machine, tool, gadget. For example: 'Electronic devices such as mobile phones have improved our ability to communicate'DEVOTE: 将。。奉献给(verb) dedicate, give, alot. For example: 'It is important to devote adequate time to studying for an exam to ensure a good result.'DIALOGUE: 对话,对白(noun) A conversation. Example: 'In Parts One and Three of the listening test, you will hear a dialogue between two or more people and you will have to answer questions.'DIFFERENTIATE: 区别,区分(verb) Tell apart, distinguish, see the difference between. For example: 'It is important for teachers to differentiate between the different skills and abilities of their students to ensure they all get a good education.'DIMENSION: 方面(noun) Aspect, feature, factor. For example: 'The subject has many dimensions which must be taken into consideration when formulating a rounded argument.'DIMINISH: 减少,变少(verb). Reduce, weaken, detract from (authority, reputation, prestige, responsibility). Example: 'Many people are unhappy when laws are introduced which seem to diminish parents’ responsibility for their own children.'DIRECTION: 方向(noun) Route, focus, aim. Example: 'The introduction of a report shows the direction and main ideas included in the body'.DISADVANTAGED: 处于不利的,贫困的Not having an equal situation to something or someone else; when something or someone has less than other people have.DISCHARGE: 释放,排出(verb) 1. To fire a weapon. 'He discharged the gun'(verb) 2. To release. let go. 'The patient was discharged from hospital this morning'.DISCRETE: 不相关的,分离的(adjective) Separate, disconnected. For example: 'The Council is made up of there discrete divisions and communication between them is often difficult.'DISCRIMINATE: 歧视(verb) Show prejudice. For example: 'Companies should not discriminate against older workers because of their age as their knowledge, experience and maturity can be of great benefit to a business.'DISMISS: 不在考虑,解雇(verb) Choose to ignore; decide something is unimportant. Example: 'The CEO dismissed the idea of higher wages for staff'.DISORDER: 病,混乱(noun) Illness, syndrome. Example: 'Many learning disorders have now been identified.'DISPARITY: 不同,差异 (noun) A difference, something that is not similar. Example: 'There are disparities in economic stability in different regions'.See also: INEQUALITYDISPLACE: (verb) move or shift from usual position. For example: 'Due to the enormous damage to property a large number if people were displaced due to the damage caused by earthquake.'DISPLAY: 取代(verb) show, present. For example: 'By law, motorists must display a current tax disc in the windscreen of their vehicle.'DISPOSE OF: 处理,去掉(verb) Get rid of, throw away. For example: 'It is our duty as citizens to dispose of rubbish responsibly.'DISTINCT: 明显的(adjective) clear, defintie, noticeable. For example: 'The bar chart shows that there is a distinct variation in purchasing habits over the period shown.'DISTORT: 歪曲(verb) Alter, warp, misrepresent. For example: 'The facts received were so distorted that it was difficult to know the truth of the matter.'DISTRIBUTE: 分配(verb) Spread, give out. For example: 'It is the Council’s responsibility to distribute information leaflets on this topic to ensure that the public are aware.'DIVERSE: 不同的(adjective) Varied, including different types. For example: 'Cities such as London for example, are interesting as the population there is made up of many cultures and is so diverse.'DOCUMENT: 文件(noun) Report, file, paper. For example: 'A marriage certificate is an example of a legally-binding document.'DOGMATIC: 武断的,教条的(adjective) Describing opinions or beliefs that are unproven but presented as facts. Example: 'It is important that you state your opinions in an appropriate manner and are not dogmatic.'DOMAIN: 范围,领地(noun) Area. sphere. For example: 'The domain of computer science involves many sub areas.'DOMESTIC: 国内的,家庭的(adjective) Within a country, internal, national. For example: 'A number of countries generate much higher income from business in their international markets than from domestic sales.'DOMINATE: 占首要地位(verb) Rule, control, lead, govern, overshadow. For example: 'Use of Microsoft products is so widespread it can be said that they dominate the software industry.'DRAFT: 起草,准备(verb) Draw up, prepare, plan. For example: 'I need to draft a proposal before the meeting next week.'DRAMA: 戏剧性事件(noun) Crisis, commotion. For example: 'The proposed changes to the education system have caused quite a drama in the newspapers recently.'DRAMATIC: 大的,戏剧性的(adjective) Signiificant, large, major. "There was a dramatic rise in the cost of production."DRAWBACK: 缺点(noun) a problem, a weakness. Example: 'One drawback of living in a foreign country is that you may not be able to communicate so easily'.DULL: 无聊(adjective) Not interesting; boring. Example: 'Some technical books can be very dull to read.'DURATION: 持续期间(noun) Period, length of time. For example: 'Exam candidates are not allowed to talk at all for the full duration of the exam.'DYNAMIC: 有活力的(adjective) Continually changing or progressing. For example: 'The IT industry is extremely dynamic with huge investment into Research and Development. '

[FONT=楷体_GB2312]删除昨天的烦恼、选择今天的快乐、设置明天的幸福、存储永远的爱心[/FONT][FONT=楷体_GB2312]取消无谓的烦恼、粘贴美丽的心情、复制醉人的风景、记录精彩的人生[/FONT]回复: 雅思阅读词汇(A)雅思必会单词(F-H) FACILITATE: 使变得容易,使方便(verb) Help, aid, make easy. For example: 'Agreement and cooperation between the two Governments has helped to facilitate the programme.'FACILITIES: 设备设施(noun) Amenities, services available. Example: 'The facilities at the new leisure centre are excellent.'FACTOR: 方面,要素(noun) issue, feature, aspect, reason. For example: 'There are a number of factors which influence an increase in crime.'FAMILIARITY: 精通(noun) Sense of knowing something very well. Example: 'With familiarity, it becomes easier to have conversations in English'.FEATURE: 特征(noun) characteristic, trait, quality. For example: 'The computer programme has a number of features which are extremely user-friendly.' FEDERAL: 联邦制的(adjective) Centralised (related to Government). For example: 'The Federal Government of the U.S.A. controls laws and issues relating to all States.'FEE: 费用(noun) Charge, payment. For example: 'Entry to the park used to be free but now visitors are asked to pay a small fee.'FILE: 文件(noun) Report, profile, record. For example: 'A CV and copy of qualifications are kept in the staff file of each employee.'FINAL: 最终的(adjective) Last, ending. For example: 'The final point relating to this issue is the most significant'FINANCE: 经济(noun) Money, funding. For example: 'Hospitals in the public sector often have difficulty obtaining enough finance to provide quality healthcare.'FINITE: 有限的(adjective) Limited, set. For example: 'Fossil fuels, such as coal, are a finite resource and it is important to find an alternative before supplies are used up completely.'FIRST HAND: 第一手(adjective) From personal experience or from the original source. Example: 'Overseas volunteers get first hand experience of problems some people face in poorer countries.'FLEXIBLE: 灵活的,易弯曲的(adjective) Adaptable, open to change. For example: 'Hours worked by students in part-time jobs need to be flexible so they can take time off if necessary for revision.'FLOWCHART: 流程图(noun) A diagram showing the sequence of events. Example: 'The process was explained clearly by use of a flowchart'.FLUCTUATE: 波动(verb) Vary, change, rise and fall. For example: 'It can be seen from the graph that expenditure fluctuated from March to July, after which it steadily increased.'FLUENCY: 流利,流畅(noun) A measure of how clear and connected your speech is. Example: 'He knows a lot of grammar, but has difficulty speaking - he has very poor fluency'.FOCUS: 关注(verb) Direct attention towards a central, focal point. For example: 'The majority of people seem to agree that the Government should focus on increasing job opportunities for school leavers.'FORMAT: 设计(noun) Arrangement, layout, design. For example: 'I like the format of the new text book, it is clear and easy to follow.'FORMULA: 原则,方案(noun) Method, recipe, blueprint. For example: 'Many movies these days are not based upon new ideas, simply new actors and locations following an old formula.'FORTHCOMING: 即将到来的(adjective) Approaching, coming soon, imminent. For example: 'The forthcoming election is likely to result in a change of Government.'FOUND: 创立(verb) establish, set up. For example: 'The university has a long history and was founded in 1903.'FOUNDATION: 地基,基础(noun) Base, basis. For example: 'My business diploma has provided a good foundation for my studies, now I hope to study a Bachelor’s Degree.'FRAMEWORK: 框架(noun) Structure, basis. For example: 'The framework of the course includes all aspects of study which relate to my job.'FRUSTRATING: 讨人厌的(adjective) Annoying, irritating. Example: 'Learning a foreign language can be frustrating if there are not many opportunities to practise.'FULLY: 完全地(adverb) Completely, 100%. Example: 'I fully understand his point of view'.FUNCTION: 功能(verb) Purpose, meaning, role. For example: 'The main function of the department is quality control.'FUND: 基金,储备(verb) Finance, support financially. For example: 'Many university students take on part-time work to help to fund their studies.'FURTHERMORE: 此外(adverb). Additionally, also. Example: 'Drug use is illegal and furthermore it is damaging to health.'GGENDER: 性别(noun). Sex, male or female. Example: 'Women in the workplace are still sometimes discriminated against because of their gender.'GENERAL: 平常的(adjective). Not particular or exact. Example: 'I have a general idea as to what I will be studying on my course, but no specific information yet.'GENERATE: 生成(verb). Produce, cause. Example: 'It is hoped that the new advertising campaign will create enough interest to generate a huge increase in sales.'GENERATION: 一代人(noun). Age group, age bracket. Example: 'It is often difficult to understand the thinking of people of different generations'GENERIC: 种类的(adjective) General, not specific. Example: 'Generic sales letters are less successful than those personalised for the receiver.'GET SIDETRACKED: 转移目标(Verb phrase) To lose focus. Example: 'When reading an IELTS passage for specific information, it is important not to get sidetracked with small details.'GLOBAL: 全球的(adjective). Worldwide. Example: 'Global awareness is increasing as more and more people travel and are able to experience different countries firsthand.'GLOSSARY: 字汇表(noun) A list of words and explanations at the end of a text. Example: 'Some IELTS reading passages will have a short glossary at the end'.GOAL: 目标(noun). Objective, aim. Example: 'The goal of the training programme is to improve communication within the team.'GRADE: 分数(noun). Score, mark. Example: 'It is important to answer the question correctly in order to achieve a high grade in the exam.'GRAMMATICALLY: 语法地(Adverb) To do with grammar.GRANT: 授予,同意(noun). Financial subsidy to offer support. Example: 'Government grants for higher education allow students from poorer families to also gain a university education.'GRATEFUL: 感激的(adjective) Thankful. Example: 'I am very grateful to my teacher as I learned a lot from him'.GRATITUDE: 感激(noun) A state of being thankful or grateful. Example: 'Guests often show their gratitutde by bringing a small gift.'GUARANTEE: 保证(verb). Assure, make certain. Example: 'Many young people nowadays are deciding against going to university as they think that a university degree will not guarantee them a job.'(noun) An assurance that something is protected. Example: 'He got a three year guarantee with his new television'.A guarantee is also called a warrantyGUIDELINE: 指导方针(noun). Suggested rule to follow. Example: 'The Government has issued healthy eating guidelines to schools in an effort make school meals healthier.'HHENCE: 因此So, therefore, because. The government has increased taxes, hence many educated people are leaving for foreign countries to find work.HIERARCHY: 阶级(noun) A group of people or things arranged in order of rank or grade. Example: 'Most larger corporations have a management hierarchy'.HIGHLIGHT: 强调,突出(verb). Draw attention to, emphasise. Example: 'The increase in homeless people over recent years highlights the need for a better social welfare system.'HONOUR: 荣誉(noun) Privilege. Example: 'It was an honour to meet the Queen'.HORIZONTAL: 地平的(adjective) Parallel to level ground. Example: If you have backache, it is recommended that you remain horizontal in bed.HUMANITARIAN: 人道主义的(adjective) Caring, civilised, kind. Example: 'Humanitarian organisations deliver food and supplies to poor communities all over the world.'HYPOTHESIS: 假说假想(noun). Theory, assumption. Example: 'The research conducted so far indicates that the hypothesis is accurate.'HYPOTHETICAL: 假说的,臆想的(adjective) Theoretical, supposed. Example: 'The presentation he gave was based based on a hypothetical situation.'

[FONT=楷体_GB2312]删除昨天的烦恼、选择今天的快乐、设置明天的幸福、存储永远的爱心[/FONT][FONT=楷体_GB2312]取消无谓的烦恼、粘贴美丽的心情、复制醉人的风景、记录精彩的人生[/FONT]回复: 雅思阅读词汇(A)雅思必会单词(I-L) IDENTICAL: 同一的(adjective) Exactly the same. 'Identical twins share the same genetic make up'.IDENTIFY: 身份,个性(verb) To tell the difference between; to recognise. Example: 'It is important to identify all parts of the graph before beginning to write your Task I essay'.IDEOLOGY: (noun) Belief system, values. Example: 'The ideology of left wing and right wing political parties is different in a number of ways'.IGNORANT: 思想体系(adjective) Unaware, lacking knowledge. 'Travelling abroad broadens our knowledge and allows us to become less ignorant about other cultures.'ILLUSTRATE: 说明,阐明(verb). Demonstrate, give an example, show. Example: 'The example used in the lecture illustrated the theory we were being taught.'ILLUSTRATION: 说明,例证(noun) A picture or diagram. Example: 'There is an illustration of the product on the box'.IMAGE: 画面(noun). Impression, idea, view. Example: 'The behaviour of a country’s citizens abroad influences the image of the country itself.'IMAGINARY: 想象中的,假想的(adjective) made up; unreal. Example: 'The characters in children's books are usually imaginary'.IMMIGRATION: 移民入境(noun) Moving into a country which is not your place of birth. See also EMMIGRATIONExample: John is from England. He now lives in New Zealand. He has emmigrated from England and immigrated to New Zealand. IMPACT: 影响Having an influence or effect on something. IMPLEMENT: 使生效,履行(verb) To put into action, to start. Example: 'The changes will be implemented immediately'.IMPLICATION: 含义,暗示(Noun) Consequence, related result. Example: 'The implications of abuse of drugs such as ecstasy are still unknown'.IMPLICIT: 含蓄的(adjective) Not spoken but understood between two or more parties. Example: 'We have an implicit agreement not to talk about the difficulty again. 'IMPLY: 暗示,含有。。的意思(verb) Suggest, say something indirectly. Example: 'Although my boss didn’t so say directly, he implied that my having a holiday then would be inconvenient'.IMPOSE: 强加于(verb) Make compulsory, force. Example: 'In some countries, penalties are imposed on families who have more than one child'.IN-DEPTH: 更具体,更深(adjective) Deeper, more detailed. Example: 'Market researchers often conduct in-depth interviews to find out specific and detailed information. 'INADVISABLE: 不明智的,不可取的(adjective) Not recommended. Example: It is inadvisable to carry a lot of money in your wallet. It is better to keep it in a bank'.INCENTIVE: 刺激,鼓励(noun) Offering to encourage someone to do something. Example: 'Incentives such as lower tax rates could encourage companies to expand their operations in rural areas'.INCIDENCE: 发生率(noun) occurance, situation. example: 'There have been a number of incidences where children who have watched violent movies have acted violently themselves'.INCOME: 收入(noun) Money coming in (often for working). Example: 'It is important to have a job that gives a regular income'.INCOMPLETE: 不完整的(adjective) Not whole, not finished. Example: 'An essay is incomplete without a conclusion'.INCONVENIENT: 不方便的(adjective) Problematic, awkward, badly timed. Example: 'The meeting was inconvenient for everyone so the time was changed'.(noun) INCONVENIENCEINCORPORATE: 包含,吸收(verb) Include, add in. Example: Some parents believe it is wrong for schools to incorporate a sex education programme into their science classes.INDEX: 索引,标志(noun) Contents list Example: The quickest way to search for content is to look in the index.INDICATE: 标示,指出(verb) To show or suggest. Example: "He indicated that he was bored."(noun = INDICATION) A sign showing or suggesting something. INDIFFERENCE: 冷淡,无足轻重(noun)The state of not having an opinion one way or another. Example: 'He showed his indifference clearly through his comment that he didn't care who won the election'.INDUSTRY: 工业,产业(noun) Manufacturing and processing. Example: 'The service sector is often bigger than the manufacturing industry in many developed countries'.INEQUALITY: 不平等(noun) A difference, something that is not equal. Example: "Even today, there are inequalities in the workplace for men and women'.INEVITABLE: 不可避免的(adjective) Unavoidable, certain. For example: 'With advances in medical treatment, it is inevitable that the aging population will grow.'INFER: 推论,推断(verb) Assume, suppose, suggest. For example: 'The message received infers there will be trouble ahead.'INFORM: 通知(verb) To tell, to notify. Example: 'You should inform the police if you see a crime'.INFRASTRUCTURE: 结构,基础设施(noun) Network, roads and rail. For example: 'Government investment in the public transport infrasturcture will help encourage more people to use public transport.'INFRINGEMENT: 违反,侵害(noun) A violation, a breach, an act against something. Example: 'Some people believe that having to carry identification cards is an infrigement of our right to privacy.'INHERENT: 内在的,固有的(adjective) Essential, intrinsic. Hard work and dedication are inherent to success.INHIBIT: 组织,妨碍(verb) Hold back, prevent. For example: 'Excess criticism can inhibit a child's confidence to try new things.'INITIAL: 开始的(adjective) First, preliminary, original. For example: 'My initial impressions of my new job were negative, though now I enjoy it.'INITIATE: 开始(verb) Start, begin, make the first move. For example: 'The Government should initiate a move towards more responsible recycling of rubbish.'INJURE: 受伤(verb) hurt, harm. For example: 'Insurance often does not cover individuals who injure themselves whilst taking part in dangerous sports.'INNOVATE: 创新(verb) make something new, something up to date. For example: 'The company needs to innovate its image and products to attract younger customers who currently think it is old fashioned.'INPUT: 输入(noun)Contribution of ideas, opinions, effort. For example: 'The CEO asked for my input at the meeting, which shows he values my ideas.'INSERT: 插入,嵌入(verb) Put in, include, add in. For example: 'Illustrations are often inserted into a text to make the information more interesting.'INSIGHT: 洞察力(noun) Understanding, knowledge of a situation. For example: 'World news reports allow people from developed countries an insight into the suffering of people in the developing world'INSPECT: 检查,视察(verb) Check, examine. For example: 'The landlord will come to inspect our apartment for damage before we move out next week'INSTANCE: 例子,事实(noun) Situation, case, occasion. For example: 'In this instance you will not be required to pay, though there is usually a fee'INSTITUTE: 学会,研究所(noun) Institution, organization. For example: 'The institution, which is responsible for medical research, was founded in 1970.'INSTRUCT: 指示,命令(verb) Command, order. For example: 'The company has instructed workers not to talk to the media about the problem'INSTRUCTIONS: 命令,指示 (noun) What you have to do. For example: His instructions were to deliver the package to Mr Jones.INSURMOUNTABLE: 无法解决的(adjective) Cannot be solved or overcome. 'An insurmountable problem'INTEGRAL: 构成整体所需的,基本的(adjective) Essential, central. For example: 'Useful learning outcomes are intergral to a good education system'INTEGRATE: 使。。成为一体(verb) Mix in, become part of, join together. For example: 'It is useful for immigrants to speak the language of the country they live if they wish to integrate properly into the community.'INTEGRITY: 正直,诚实(noun) Having honesty, honour and reliability. For example: 'He is well respected and known for his integrity.'INTELLIGENCE: 智力,智慧(noun) Having intellect, cleverness. For example: 'A sound education will allow anyone to develop their intelligence'INTERACT: 相互作用(verb) The way people or things act and react to each other. Example: 'When children go to nursery school or kindergarten, they can interact with others their own age'.INTERCHANGE: 交换(verb) Subsitute, use two things for the same purpose. Example: 'Native speakers of English interchange going to and the present continuous to talk about future plans and arrangements'.INTERFERE: 干涉,介入(verb) Become too involved in something that does not concern you (often your help is not wanted). Example: 'Some teenagers believe that their parents interfere too much in their decisions.'INTERMEDIATE: 中等的(adjective) Mid-level. For example: 'Students with an intermediate level of English have problems getting a high IELTS result.'INTERNAL: 内部的(adjective) Inside, within. 'Companies often conduct internal audits to be sure operations are running correctly'.INTERPRET: 翻译(verb) Translate into another language. For example: 'The President's speech was interpreted into a number of languages.'INTERPRETATION: 解释,说明(noun) Understanding, explanation. For example: 'The newspaper's interpretation of events was very different to the information I saw on the news.'INTERVAL: 间隔,间距(noun) Gap, break. For example: 'The weather forecast says it will rain most of tomorrow but that there will be brief sunny intervals.'INTERVENE: 干涉,干扰(verb) Get involved, interfere. For example:'The State should not intervene in the domestic affairs of its citizens'INTRINSIC: 固有的,本质的(adjective) essential, vital, fundamental. For example: 'Fair discipline procedures are intrinsic to the successful running of a school'INVERSE: 相反的(adjective) Opposite; converse; opposing. Example: 'There is an inverse relationship when something increases as the other decreases'.INVERT: 使。。倒转(verb) To switch around, to reverse, to change order. Example: 'It is possible to invert your sentence structure to show a wider range of structures in your writing. There was an increase in sales last month could become Last month, there was an increase in sales.'INVEST: 投资(verb) put in, devote (time, effort, money). For example: 'Parents invest a great deal of time, energy and money into the raising of their children.'INVESTIGATE: 调查(verb) Look into, probe. For example: 'The police are currently investigating the crime and hope to find the culprit soon.'INVOLVE: 包含,含有(verb) include, comprise. For example: 'Setting up a new business involves a great deal of planning, risk and hard work.'IRRELEVANT: 无关的(adjective) Not useful or connected to the subject. Example: 'You need to make sure that the points you include in your IELTS essay are related to the question. Do not include any irrelevant points.'IRRESPONSIBLE: 不负责任的(adjective) Not showing responsibility or maturity. Example: 'It is irresponsible to drive while under the influence of alcohol'.ISOLATED: 孤立的,独立的(adjective) Cut off, lonely, seperate. For example: 'University students can often feel isolated at first when they move to a new town away from their friends and family.'ISSUE: 议题,问题(noun) Subject, topic, matter. For example: 'The internet is a useful tool for keeping people informed of global issues.'ITALICS: 斜体字母(noun) A style of writing in which the letters of the words lean to the right. This sentence is written in italics.ITEM: 条款,项目(noun) Thing, article. For example: 'The packaging of a huge number of items on our weekly shopping list is unneccessary and damaging to the environment.'JJOB: 工作(noun) work, role. For example: 'Getting an interesting and well-paid job is the goal for most university graduates.'JOURNAL: 杂志,日记(noun) academic publication, academic paper, periodical. For example: 'Journals can sometimes be difficult to read as the language used is very academic.'JUSTIFY: 证明。。正当(verb) Give good reason for, rationalise, excuse. For example: 'Governments should be made to justify the high salaries of politicians.'KKEEP IN TOUCH: 保持联系To stay in communication with someone.KEYWORDS: 关键字(noun) The main words in a sentence that express the main ideas. Example: 'In the reading test, you can find answers quickly and efficiently by looking for keywords.'

[FONT=楷体_GB2312]删除昨天的烦恼、选择今天的快乐、设置明天的幸福、存储永远的爱心[/FONT][FONT=楷体_GB2312]取消无谓的烦恼、粘贴美丽的心情、复制醉人的风景、记录精彩的人生[/FONT]回复: 雅思阅读词汇(A)LABEL: 标签(verb) Mark, identify. For example: 'Unhealthy foods containing additives or with high fat or sugar content should be clearly labelled.' (noun) A tag showing title or information. Example: 'In the IELTS test you should read any labels that are given on diagrams'.LABOUR: 劳动,劳工(noun) work. For example: 'It is more beneficial to society to set up Labour Schemes for non-violent criminals rather than imprison them.'LACK: 缺乏,不足(verb) Not have something that is considered desirable or needed. Example: 'Many elderly people lack the ability to surf the internet.'LAW: 法律(noun) Decision made by a government; rule of a country. Example: 'The government has just passed a law making it illegal to use a mobile phone while driving'.LAYER: 层次(noun) level, tier. For example: 'There are many layers to this problem.'LECTURE: 大学课程,演讲,讲课(noun) university lesson, class. For example: 'I often take a dictophone to my lectures as it can be difficult to understand all of the information.'LECTURER: 讲师 (noun) Similar to a teacher but presenting more academic subjects, often to a large group of peopleLEGAL: 法律的(adjective) Lawful, authorised by law. For example: 'The death penalty is still legal in a number of countries.'LEGALISE: 使。。。合法化(verb) Make legal. Example: Some people believe that drugs such as cannabis should be legalised'.LEGISLATE: 制定法律(verb) Pass laws. For example: 'Many people believe that the Government legislates in private matters which do not concern it.'LEGISLATION: 法律(noun) Legal matters; law. Example: 'The government has introduced new legislation relating to schools.'LESS ADVANTAGED: 弱势的(comparative adjective) Referring to people who have less than average (commonly referring to money or opportunities). Example: 'It is difficult for less advantaged families to be able to buy their own home'.LEVY: 税款(noun) tax. For example: 'Levies in the country are so high that for finacial reasons people are choosing to live abroad.'LEXICAL: 词汇的,词典的(adjective) Talking about vocabulary (words). For example: 'He has a good lexical ability - he knows a lot of words'LIBERAL: 心胸宽阔的(adjective) broad-minded, tolerant. For example: 'Some people believe society is too liberal and that we should return to more traditional values.'LICENCE: 许可证,执照(noun) Having the necessary qualifications. Example: A driver's licence, a doctor's licenseLIFE EXPECTANCY: 预计寿命(noun phrase) A prediction of the average time a person will live. Example: 'Life expectancy in Japan is one of the highest in the world.'LIKEWISE: 相同地(adverb) Similarly, in the same way. For example: 'Some people see no benefit in the arts and likewise have no interest in learning more about them.'LIMIT: 限制 (noun) A top or bottom point. For example: If you drink three bottles of beer, you are over the limit to be able to drive.LIMITATIONS: 缺点,局限(noun) Drawbacks, weak points, short comings. Example: 'Although the argument has some good points, there are also some limitations.'LIMITED: 有限的(adjective) Restricted, kept within a certain amount. Example: 'You have to answer some IELTS questions in a limited number of words.'LINK: 联系(noun) Relationship, connection. For example: 'Experts now believe there is a link between diet and bad behaviour in children.'(verb) To make a connection, to join.LINKING WORD: 连词(noun phrase) A word used to connect ideas. For example: and, yet, however.LOCATE: 探明,找出(verb) Find. track down. For example: 'I could not locate the street on the map and had to ask for directions.'LOGIC: 逻辑(noun) Reason, sense, common sense. For example: 'The majority of people cannot see the logic behind the recent decision.'LOGICAL: 合乎常理的(adjective) Makes sense, is reasonable. Example: 'It is important to take a logical approach to the IELTS exam'.(adverb: logically)LOYAL: 忠诚的To be faithful to someone or something. Example: 'Dogs are very loyal pets'.

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·汽车 议会护林员只巡逻热门区域吗?



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华人网郁金香正在凋谢,蒲公英也进入最后的一搏。这个时候,她们已经不像小黄花绽放时那么可爱了(应该说多数人是这么感觉的),但仔细观赏,我还是很喜欢的。心中喜乐,到处都是美 ...