加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息雅思口语高分必备词汇:Food


雅思口语锦囊系列中的这些词都是我亲自挑选,一个一个敲上来的。大家无则增之,有则实用。  Food  Different kinds of food  Frozen food  Dish  My favorite dish is fried chicken.  Casserole 砂锅  My favorite dish is vegetable/ chicken casserole. 砂锅蔬菜/砂锅鸡肉  Stir-fry 炒  I prefer stir-fried vegetables. 炒蔬菜  Dessert  I usually have some dessert fruits after meals. 作为甜食的水果  Fruit salad 水果沙拉  Sometimes I have fruit salad for dessert.  Food and your health  Be good for  Be bad for  Health food 绿色食品(未施农药)  Junk food  Junk food contains a lot of fat, salt, and sugar.  be past its sell-by date 过了保质期  I am very careful not to buy some food which has been past its sell-by date.  Protein 蛋白质  Eggs are a good source of protein.  Carbohydrates 碳水化合物  Most vegetables and fruit are very low in carbohydrates.  Fat  I don’t like meat with too much fat.  Vitamin  There is a lot of Vitamin C in oranges.  Calorie  Chocolate is very high in calories.  Diet  I eat a healthy/ unhealthy diet.  Keeping food  Go bad/ off  I left the fridge open all night and all the food’s gone off.  Rotten 腐烂的  Rotten tomatoes have a nasty smell.  Sour (牛奶)变酸的  When the milk has gone sour, don’t drink it.  Fridge 冰箱  Defrost 解冻  I need to defrost the frozen chicken before cooking it.  Addictive 添加剂  I prefer food with no artificial addictives/ chemical additives. 人造添加剂/ 化学添加剂  Preservative 防腐剂  Junk food usually contains lots of additives and preservatives.  Egg  Eggshell鸡蛋壳  Egg white 鸡蛋清  Egg yolk 鸡蛋黄  Crack the eggs into a bowl.  Boiled eggs  I have boiled eggs for breakfast.  Soft-boiled/ hard-boiled 煮嫩的/煮老的  I prefer soft-boiled eggs to hard-boiled ones.  Scrambled eggs 炒鸡蛋(用牛奶和黄油)  I sometimes have scrambled eggs without milk or butter.  Omelet煎蛋(常加入奶酪? 作料?蔬菜等)  (saying 谚) (one can't) make an omelette without breaking eggs (one can't) achieve a desired aim without some loss or damage 不打破鸡蛋就做不成煎蛋卷; 不破不立

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