加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息求助:在医院生孩子的时候必会的英语



回复: 求助:在医院生孩子的时候必会的英语这是之前网上有个mm发的,收藏了,还有我自己总结的一些在最后,你看看有帮助吗? Alveoli([FONT=宋体]乳腺泡[/FONT]): The milk-producing glands of the breast. Amniocentesis([FONT=宋体]羊水穿刺[/FONT]): The withdrawal of about an ounce of amniotic fluid from your uterus which allows for various tests on your baby. Amniotic fluid([FONT=宋体]羊水[/FONT]): The water that fills the sac surrounding and protecting your baby. Apgar score([FONT=宋体]阿普迦新生儿评分[/FONT]): A method of rating how well your baby is doing right after birth. Areola([FONT=宋体]乳晕[/FONT]) : The dark ring of skin around the nipple. Birth canal([FONT=宋体]产道[/FONT]) : The area, including the widened cervix([FONT=宋体]宫颈[/FONT]) and vagina([FONT=宋体]阴道[/FONT]), that the baby travels through during birth. Braxton-Hicks contractions([FONT=宋体]好像是怀孕中晚期的一种宫缩[/FONT]): Mild contractions that prepare your body for true labor. Breech position([FONT=宋体]臀位[/FONT]): The baby is positioned with its feet or buttocks down, instead of head-down. Cesarean section([FONT=宋体]刨宫产[/FONT])The delivery of a baby through a surgical incision in the abdomen and uterus. Chloasma([FONT=宋体]黄褐斑[/FONT]): The darkening of the skin during pregnancy, often appearing on the face as a "mask." Crowning([FONT=宋体]露顶[/FONT]): The first appearance of the baby's head during delivery. Dilation([FONT=宋体]开宫口[/FONT]): The process of the cervix openning during labor. Edema([FONT=宋体]浮肿[/FONT]): Swelling caused by fluid retention in the tissues of the body. Effacement([FONT=宋体]子宫颈薄化[/FONT]): The thinning of the cervix in the early stages of labor. Epidural block([FONT=宋体]硬脊髓膜外腔麻醉[/FONT]): Anesthesia injected into the uppermost layer of the protective coating around the spinal cord. It helps make labor more comfortable, while allowing the mother to be awake and alert. Episiotomy([FONT=宋体]外阴切开[/FONT]): A cut made in the perineum between the vagina and anus to widen the vaginal opening for delivery. Induction([FONT=宋体]催产,药物诱发阵痛[/FONT]): Starting labor through the use of synthetic hormones. Linea nigra([FONT=宋体]黑线[/FONT]): A line from the navel([FONT=宋体]肚脐[/FONT]) to the public hair that darkens during pregnancy. Lochia([FONT=宋体]恶露[/FONT]): The vaginal discharge that occurs after delivery. It continues for up to six weeks. Mucus plug([FONT=宋体]怀孕中封住子宫颈口的粘液[/FONT]): Accumulated in the cervix during pregnancy, it releases into the vagina when the cervix begins to open. Nonstress test: Monitoring of the baby's heart rate and movements to be sure he's getting enough oxygen and nutrients. Paracervical block([FONT=宋体]子宫颈旁阻断[/FONT]): Local anesthesia injected into the tissues around the cervix to relieve pain during birth. Pelvic floor muscles([FONT=宋体]骨盆底肌肉[/FONT]): Muscles at the base of the pelvis([FONT=宋体]骨盆[/FONT]) that help support the bladder([FONT=宋体]膀胱[/FONT]), uterus([FONT=宋体]子宫[/FONT]), urethra([FONT=宋体]尿道[/FONT]), vagina([FONT=宋体]阴道[/FONT]), and rectum([FONT=宋体]直肠[/FONT]). Perineum([FONT=宋体]会阴[/FONT]): The area between the vagina and the rectum. Pitocin([FONT=宋体]催产素[/FONT]): Synthetic hormone used to induce labor. Placenta([FONT=宋体]胎盘[/FONT]): Tissue that connects mother to baby, progides food and oxygen, and removes the baby's wastes. Placenta previa([FONT=宋体]前置胎盘[/FONT]): Acondition in which the placenta lies very low in the uterus, partially or completely blocking the cervix. Preeclampsia([FONT=宋体]子痫前症[/FONT]): A serious condition indicated by severe swelling, high blood pressure, and protin in the urine. It's also known as pregnancy-induced hypertension. Pudendal block([FONT=宋体]会阴神经阻断[/FONT]): Anesthesia injected around the nerves in the vagina to relieve delivery pain. Quickening([FONT=宋体]胎动初觉[/FONT]): The first movements of the fetus felt by the mother. Spinal block([FONT=宋体]脊髓麻醉[/FONT]): Anesthesia injected into the fluid surrounding the spinal cord to numb the lower body. Systemic analgesia([FONT=宋体]全麻?不太[/FONT]sure): Pain medication injected into a muscle or vein during labor. Vernix([FONT=宋体]胎儿皮脂[/FONT]): Cheesy white substance that coats the skin of newborn. engage - [FONT=宋体]指宝宝的小脑袋入盆[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]Uterus [FONT=宋体]子宫[/FONT]Placenta [FONT=宋体]胎盘[/FONT]amniotic fluid [FONT=宋体]羊膜水[/FONT], [FONT=宋体]羊水[/FONT]cervix [FONT=宋体]子宫颈[/FONT]constipation [FONT=宋体]便秘[/FONT]dilatation [[FONT=宋体]医[/FONT]][FONT=宋体]扩张[/FONT],[FONT=宋体]扩张术[/FONT], [FONT=宋体]开宫口[/FONT]cervical dilatation [FONT=宋体]开宫口[/FONT]dysuria [[FONT=宋体]医[/FONT]] [FONT=宋体]排尿困难[/FONT]Effacement: thinning of cervix; occurs in the latter part of pregnancy and during laboranesthesia [FONT=宋体]麻醉;失去知觉[/FONT]; [FONT=宋体]麻醉手术[/FONT]epidural [FONT=宋体]〈医〉硬膜外麻醉[/FONT]Epidural block: Type of anesthesia. Episiotomy [[FONT=宋体]医[/FONT]][FONT=宋体]外阴切开术[/FONT]; [FONT=宋体]分娩时切开外阴以助生产的手术[/FONT]Perineorrhaphy Stitch [FONT=宋体]会阴缝合[/FONT]Fetal stress / fetal distress: Problems with the baby that occur before birth or during labor; often requires immediate delivery.Fetal monitor [FONT=宋体]胎心监护器[/FONT]umbilical cord[FONT=宋体]脐带[/FONT]membrane [FONT=宋体]膜,隔膜[/FONT]rupture of membranes [FONT=宋体]羊水破裂[/FONT]pelvis[FONT=宋体]骨盆[/FONT]enema [FONT=宋体]〈医〉灌肠器;灌肠[/FONT]rectum [FONT=宋体]直肠[/FONT]bowel [FONT=宋体]肠[/FONT]forceps [FONT=宋体]产钳,钳子[/FONT]vacuum extractor[FONT=宋体]真空提取[/FONT][[FONT=宋体]抽提[/FONT]][FONT=宋体]器[/FONT]pubic hair [FONT=宋体]阴毛[/FONT]cord blood [FONT=宋体]脐带血[/FONT]Birth Canal [FONT=宋体]产道[/FONT]Rectal Examination [FONT=宋体]直肠检查[/FONT]Internal (Vaginal) Examination [FONT=宋体]阴道检查[/FONT]Lochia [FONT=宋体]恶露[/FONT]Laceration of the Perineum [FONT=宋体]会阴裂伤[/FONT]Icterus [FONT=宋体]黄疸[/FONT][/FONT]

回复: 求助:在医院生孩子的时候必会的英语这是之前网上有个mm发的,收藏了,还有我自己总结的一些在最后,你看看有帮助吗? Alveoli([FONT=宋体]乳腺泡[/FONT]): The milk-producing glands of the breast. Amniocentesis([FONT=宋体]羊水穿刺[/FONT]): The withdrawal of about an ounce of amniotic fluid from your uterus which allows for various tests on your baby. Amniotic fluid([FONT=宋体]羊水[/FONT]): The water that fills the sac surrounding and protecting your baby. Apgar score([FONT=宋体]阿普迦新生儿评分[/FONT]): A method of rating how well your baby is doing right after birth. Areola([FONT=宋体]乳晕[/FONT]) : The dark ring of skin around the nipple. Birth canal([FONT=宋体]产道[/FONT]) : The area, including the widened cervix([FONT=宋体]宫颈[/FONT]) and vagina([FONT=宋体]阴道[/FONT]), that the baby travels through during birth. Braxton-Hicks contractions([FONT=宋体]好像是怀孕中晚期的一种宫缩[/FONT]): Mild contractions that prepare your body for true labor. Breech position([FONT=宋体]臀位[/FONT]): The baby is positioned with its feet or buttocks down, instead of head-down. Cesarean section([FONT=宋体]刨宫产[/FONT])The delivery of a baby through a surgical incision in the abdomen and uterus. Chloasma([FONT=宋体]黄褐斑[/FONT]): The darkening of the skin during pregnancy, often appearing on the face as a "mask." Crowning([FONT=宋体]露顶[/FONT]): The first appearance of the baby's head during delivery. Dilation([FONT=宋体]开宫口[/FONT]): The process of the cervix openning during labor. Edema([FONT=宋体]浮肿[/FONT]): Swelling caused by fluid retention in the tissues of the body. Effacement([FONT=宋体]子宫颈薄化[/FONT]): The thinning of the cervix in the early stages of labor. Epidural block([FONT=宋体]硬脊髓膜外腔麻醉[/FONT]): Anesthesia injected into the uppermost layer of the protective coating around the spinal cord. It helps make labor more comfortable, while allowing the mother to be awake and alert. Episiotomy([FONT=宋体]外阴切开[/FONT]): A cut made in the perineum between the vagina and anus to widen the vaginal opening for delivery. Induction([FONT=宋体]催产,药物诱发阵痛[/FONT]): Starting labor through the use of synthetic hormones. Linea nigra([FONT=宋体]黑线[/FONT]): A line from the navel([FONT=宋体]肚脐[/FONT]) to the public hair that darkens during pregnancy. Lochia([FONT=宋体]恶露[/FONT]): The vaginal discharge that occurs after delivery. It continues for up to six weeks. Mucus plug([FONT=宋体]怀孕中封住子宫颈口的粘液[/FONT]): Accumulated in the cervix during pregnancy, it releases into the vagina when the cervix begins to open. Nonstress test: Monitoring of the baby's heart rate and movements to be sure he's getting enough oxygen and nutrients. Paracervical block([FONT=宋体]子宫颈旁阻断[/FONT]): Local anesthesia injected into the tissues around the cervix to relieve pain during birth. Pelvic floor muscles([FONT=宋体]骨盆底肌肉[/FONT]): Muscles at the base of the pelvis([FONT=宋体]骨盆[/FONT]) that help support the bladder([FONT=宋体]膀胱[/FONT]), uterus([FONT=宋体]子宫[/FONT]), urethra([FONT=宋体]尿道[/FONT]), vagina([FONT=宋体]阴道[/FONT]), and rectum([FONT=宋体]直肠[/FONT]). Perineum([FONT=宋体]会阴[/FONT]): The area between the vagina and the rectum. Pitocin([FONT=宋体]催产素[/FONT]): Synthetic hormone used to induce labor. Placenta([FONT=宋体]胎盘[/FONT]): Tissue that connects mother to baby, progides food and oxygen, and removes the baby's wastes. Placenta previa([FONT=宋体]前置胎盘[/FONT]): Acondition in which the placenta lies very low in the uterus, partially or completely blocking the cervix. Preeclampsia([FONT=宋体]子痫前症[/FONT]): A serious condition indicated by severe swelling, high blood pressure, and protin in the urine. It's also known as pregnancy-induced hypertension. Pudendal block([FONT=宋体]会阴神经阻断[/FONT]): Anesthesia injected around the nerves in the vagina to relieve delivery pain. Quickening([FONT=宋体]胎动初觉[/FONT]): The first movements of the fetus felt by the mother. Spinal block([FONT=宋体]脊髓麻醉[/FONT]): Anesthesia injected into the fluid surrounding the spinal cord to numb the lower body. Systemic analgesia([FONT=宋体]全麻?不太[/FONT]sure): Pain medication injected into a muscle or vein during labor. Vernix([FONT=宋体]胎儿皮脂[/FONT]): Cheesy white substance that coats the skin of newborn. engage - [FONT=宋体]指宝宝的小脑袋入盆[/FONT][FONT=宋体]Uterus [FONT=宋体]子宫[/FONT][/FONT][FONT=宋体]Placenta [FONT=宋体]胎盘[/FONT]amniotic fluid [FONT=宋体]羊膜水[/FONT], [FONT=宋体]羊水[/FONT]cervix [FONT=宋体]子宫颈[/FONT]constipation [FONT=宋体]便秘[/FONT]dilatation [[FONT=宋体]医[/FONT]][FONT=宋体]扩张[/FONT],[FONT=宋体]扩张术[/FONT], [FONT=宋体]开宫口[/FONT]cervical dilatation [FONT=宋体]开宫口[/FONT]dysuria [[FONT=宋体]医[/FONT]] [FONT=宋体]排尿困难[/FONT]Effacement: thinning of cervix; occurs in the latter part of pregnancy and during laboranesthesia [FONT=宋体]麻醉;失去知觉[/FONT]; [FONT=宋体]麻醉手术[/FONT]epidural [FONT=宋体]〈医〉硬膜外麻醉[/FONT]Epidural block: Type of anesthesia. Episiotomy [[FONT=宋体]医[/FONT]][FONT=宋体]外阴切开术[/FONT]; [FONT=宋体]分娩时切开外阴以助生产的手术[/FONT]Perineorrhaphy Stitch [FONT=宋体]会阴缝合[/FONT]Fetal stress / fetal distress: Problems with the baby that occur before birth or during labor; often requires immediate delivery.Fetal monitor [FONT=宋体]胎心监护器[/FONT]umbilical cord[FONT=宋体]脐带[/FONT]membrane [FONT=宋体]膜,隔膜[/FONT]rupture of membranes [FONT=宋体]羊水破裂[/FONT]pelvis[FONT=宋体]骨盆[/FONT]enema [FONT=宋体]〈医〉灌肠器;灌肠[/FONT]rectum [FONT=宋体]直肠[/FONT]bowel [FONT=宋体]肠[/FONT]forceps [FONT=宋体]产钳,钳子[/FONT]vacuum extractor[FONT=宋体]真空提取[/FONT][[FONT=宋体]抽提[/FONT]][FONT=宋体]器[/FONT]pubic hair [FONT=宋体]阴毛[/FONT]cord blood [FONT=宋体]脐带血[/FONT]Birth Canal [FONT=宋体]产道[/FONT]Rectal Examination [FONT=宋体]直肠检查[/FONT]Internal (Vaginal) Examination [FONT=宋体]阴道检查[/FONT]Lochia [FONT=宋体]恶露[/FONT]Laceration of the Perineum [FONT=宋体]会阴裂伤[/FONT]Icterus [FONT=宋体]黄疸[/FONT][/FONT]点击展开...谢谢了,加声望了

回复: 求助:在医院生孩子的时候必会的英语好多写的都不对

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回复: 求助:在医院生孩子的时候必会的英语

回复: 求助:在医院生孩子的时候必会的英语有用。收藏了!

30多年理发经验的专业理发师热情为您服务!http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=212922http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=259465回复: 求助:在医院生孩子的时候必会的英语谢谢,收藏了!

回复: 求助:在医院生孩子的时候必会的英语太感谢了

11.1寄材料,11.5日签收,12.6DM,12.23CSQ,12.27FN,1.8 12,1.29 5 ;2.19 变13 毕业了!http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=141772魁省案子的可以看看回复: 求助:在医院生孩子的时候必会的英语好帖,谢谢!

回复: 求助:在医院生孩子的时候必会的英语好贴!顶个。

加拿大报税问答银行开户二三事回复: 求助:在医院生孩子的时候必会的英语顶一个!

大家捧场加纷纷啊!回复: 求助:在医院生孩子的时候必会的英语强帖留名,到时候再看

[FONT=宋体]且将游戏作到底[/FONT]回复: 求助:在医院生孩子的时候必会的英语up

有一种情怀,淡如轻烟,却能长久而执著地散发着暖人的温馨;有一种感动,默无声息,却能让我们为之心酸并为之泪流满面.回复: 求助:在医院生孩子的时候必会的英语带着电子词典问题也不是很大,很多在每次检查的时候都会碰到的。不要太担心自己的英语阿什么的,对宝宝不好。

回复: 求助:在医院生孩子的时候必会的英语这是我总结的,已经编辑好了格式,可以直接用A4纸打印。点击展开...不错呀!

春色三分,两分尘土,一分流水.....回复: 求助:在医院生孩子的时候必会的英语

春色三分,两分尘土,一分流水.....回复: 求助:在医院生孩子的时候必会的英语有用,收藏了。谢谢!

父母团聚移民:2009年8月13日申请,2012年3月30日要求补料,5月底补料,8月23日DM转ottawa,9月6日ME, 9月7日和14日分别在多伦多和广州体检,10月18日MER,11月21日收到email寄护照去香港。回复: 求助:在医院生孩子的时候必会的英语找本英语的育儿书看看,能认识不少单词。

2007.6.1 Mississauga回复: 求助:在医院生孩子的时候必会的英语最有用的 water bag is broken 这在你羊水已经破的情况下,紧急去医院时用,其他生产时,跟着感觉走吧根本不会听不懂,无非是用力,憋气之类的。产前检查时,医生根本不会跟你说那些专业名字,一般情况就是everything is ok,我每次去就是打个招呼,然后乘体重量血压,然后everything is ok 然后走人。

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