加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民cic227新政调查问卷答案模版参考!


这是问卷的链接:http://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=326873基本上都是选择题,大家就朝着把语言和工作经历啥的往死重要里填就好,关键是问卷的最后会有一个open的问题问你还有啥意见,我统计了家园里几位tz的答案,大家可以参考,如果有更厉害的可以随时贴上来。 1.My wife,my daughter and I have been waiting for immigration case processing of CIC Office in Hongkong since I applied it in september, 2006. Full of passion of immigrating to your country to work and live well there we expect eagerly that as soon as possilbe CIC should process our case by the rule of "first apply,first process". Latter applicants no matter 227 or 38 careers should not have absolute priority of entering Canada. 2." We just would like to know how long we still need to wait who applied before 27-Feb-2008. I had applied on Feb-2007 and got the file number on July-2007, we had been told that our case won't be reviewed before 24-30 months. What information we could get is that we are still waiting. The reason that we want to immigrate to Canada from China is to get fair competition base on our ability. But after a long time waiting without any news, what we know is that the immigration system of Canada is unfair and unconstant. We are very disappointed about it." 3.no matter what systems are they, they should be fair and based on the rule that the cases of those who apply first should be processed first! However, the truth is not like that and the CIC's treatment to those who applied after 1-9-2006 before 227 especially at Hong Kong, China office is extremely UNFAIR. they have to wait, wait and wait. they also have to wait, even if those who applied after 227 already moved to Canada and the processing speed of their cases is too fast to be believed. are these the fair rules CIC or Canada government employ? is CIC or Canada government going to UNFAIRLY treat those people who want to devote themselves to make Canada a better country? and going to keep them waiting until becoming old? it's incredible!!! if CIC or Canada government does not care applicants' feelings and eats his words, they can go to and devote to any other countries, and people in and out of Canada, including PR visa holders, would NOT trust Canada government any more!!!

回复: cic227新政调查问卷答案模版参考!

长登montreal郊区brossard回复: cic227新政调查问卷答案模版参考!哈哈,第3个是我写的哦!我们就是要措辞严厉些!给他们施加压力!让他们颜面尽失!

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