加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民请大家给我的作文评分,万分感谢


题目:游客是否应该入乡随俗With the rapid development of economy and tourism industry recent years, more and more people have the opportunities to travel to other places, even other countries. In this background the discussion about whether or not the visitors should follow the customs of the places they visited becomes more and more controversial. Though both sides of the argument have it's supporters, as for me, I believe the visitors should do that, that is follow the local customs, because it is a way to show your respect to the local people or the custom itself, and to follow the local customs will also make your travel more beautiful. In the first place, following the local customs of the places the visitors travel is a way to respect the local people. Each group of people hope their customs to be valued by others, so to follow the local customs will make you more welcome. Take travel in Japan for instance, you probably will be required to take off you shoes and sit on the floor when have the meals, if you do not do that, you are rude in the local people's eyes. Secondly, following the local customs will avoid you from break the local laws of the places you visited. Each social has its special rules of behavior, and some of the rules are probably made into laws, to break the custom is to break these laws. For instance, if you travel in Middle East countries, to kiss your lover in public may break the local law in some country, the result of the hot kiss is unpredicted. Lastly, the meaning of travel itself is to experience the special different culture, or custom, or enjoy the exotic landscapes, only when you follow the customs of the local people can you feel that, can you merge yourself into the exotic local social, that would be a lasting memorable event in you life.

http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/ebci/icbc/simnet/SimnController回复: 请大家给我的作文评分,万分感谢给点我在培训班时老师的建议,一边倒的支持某种观点难以得高分。打分不敢。

回复: 请大家给我的作文评分,万分感谢好像应该还要写个结尾段啊。

回复: 请大家给我的作文评分,万分感谢最多5分。问题:1 有一些语法错误,最大的问题是写得很别扭,不是良好的英语。 2 用词简单。很多重复词汇。 3 结构不合理。第一段太长。没有总结段。其他段落,一个问题,一个例子。论证太简单。

回复: 请大家给我的作文评分,万分感谢4.5-5

若有人兮情相亲,去南国兮往西秦。见游丝之横路,网春辉以留人。沉吟兮哀歌,踯躅兮伤别。送行子之将远,看征鸿之稍灭。醉愁心于垂杨,随柔条以纠结。回复: 请大家给我的作文评分,万分感谢5-6分,我考试感觉写得比你这篇好,以为能打6.5-7分,结果才6分。有点虎头蛇尾。突然就结束了。

回复: 请大家给我的作文评分,万分感谢感觉有点超长,我觉得可以短些的?

喂,请问是中国移动吗?我是中国联通,我的小灵通坏了,你们能派中国铁通来修一下吗?回复: 请大家给我的作文评分,万分感谢5分。

2006-09-08香港签收2007-02-08Fn还在等待S2中。。。回复: 请大家给我的作文评分,万分感谢基础错误太多,不太可能得moderate

若有人兮情相亲,去南国兮往西秦。见游丝之横路,网春辉以留人。沉吟兮哀歌,踯躅兮伤别。送行子之将远,看征鸿之稍灭。醉愁心于垂杨,随柔条以纠结。回复: 请大家给我的作文评分,万分感谢同意#5楼的分数,第一,有语法错误第二,论据一边倒,没有正反双方的观点第三,没有结尾第四,有些语句不太通顺,文章不够流畅

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