加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民New immigration class unveiled !!!


Foreign workers, students can apply for status from within Canada starting in October WATERLOO--Starting in October, temporary foreign workers and international students who graduate from a Canadian university or college can apply for permanent resident status from within Canada under a new immigration class announced today.At a news conference this morning, Immigration Minister Diane Finley announced details of the long-touted Canada Experience Class program that aims to attract and retain foreign talents who have already established their employment or possess academic credentials recognized in this country.Currently, people on work permits or study visas in Canada have to apply for permanent residency outside Canada. The new program would let them wait for the processing of their applications while working or studying here."Choosing newcomers based on knowledge of our labour market and experience within Canadian society would make Canada a more attractive destination for skilled individuals from around the world," Finley told the newS conference held at the University of Waterloo."International students and skilled workers would be more likely to choose Canada if they knew their time in Canada and contribution to Canadian society would assist in their eligibility to apply to stay permanently."Not every temporary foreign worker would qualify. Only those in managerial, professional, technical occupations and skilled trades are eligible and they must also have two years of work experience in their field and minimum language proficiency. Unskilled labourers, factory workers, farmers and undocumented workers would not be eligible for the program.To be accepted, international students graduated from a post-secondary Canadian institution must have:- Valid temporary resident status in Canada at the time of application.- Completed a program of study with a minimum of two academic years.- One year of skilled, professional or technical work experience.- Moderate or basic language skills, depending on occupations. Finley said the program initially aims to admit 12,000 to 18,000 candidates a year but ultimately will draw as many as 25,000 about 10 per cent of Canada's annual immigration target of 250,000.Last year, 165,200 foreign workers and 74,000 foreign students arrived in Canada on work permits or student visas.For more information, visit www.cic.gc.ca.

回复: New immigration class unveiled !!!ai唉,与我无关,好像还有竞争。。。。。。

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]回复: New immigration class unveiled !!!无关信息~


back to school...回复: New immigration class unveiled !!!没办法!

回复: New immigration class unveiled !!!10 percent, 按照这个来算的话,也就是把我们的时间延长个3个月左右的时间吧,应该还可以接受...

2011年11月12日登陆多伦多,现在找工作中......回复: New immigration class unveiled !!!给国外的配额会减少吗?


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