加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民时隔6个月,今天收到移民局的来信。。。。



回复: 时隔6个月,今天收到移民局的来信。。。。神马情况,是入籍还是换PR啊

年薪加刀10w+,HOUSE, 车子,2个孩子,每年去欧洲或者非洲或者南美洲或者澳洲或者亚洲旅游15天65岁以后能去东南亚温暖的岛上等死这就是偶渺小的移民理想回复: 时隔6个月,今天收到移民局的来信。。。。见法官么?lz 说说具体情况

回复: 时隔6个月,今天收到移民局的来信。。。。都什么文件啊?

回复: 时隔6个月,今天收到移民局的来信。。。。(抱歉)枫叶卡更新,3月底递交案子!6月初“召见”一次,告知“等”...昨天等到!情况如下:You must required to bring your original passport of entry and any renewed passport issued since your admission as a resident permanent.An official translation of all entry/exits stamps in the passport(s) that were done in a language other than French of English.As well, an entry/exit registry issued by official authorities of your country of citizenship or from a country residence,past or current, could be requested. Documents list You must submit all documents you deem necessary to satisfy the immigration officer that you hanve fulfilled your residency obligation for the five-year period prior to the interview date. The following documents list is the basis of your proof of residence in Canada. All documents may not be relevant to your situation. Please bring originals of documents you might already have submitted with your permanent residence card renewal application. All doucments must be originals and must be accompanied by an official translation if necessary: * Federal and provincial income tax reports and notices of assessment spanning the last 5 years. * Proof of employment/income(employment contrct,letter from present and past employers speciying type of positon, salary, number of hours worked per week, duration of employment, pay check stubs, social assistance statements, T4 etc.); panning the last 5 years. * Leases, rental recipts and / or property deeds; sapnning the last 5 years. * Cellular phone, and other bills and statements; spanning th last 5 years. * Bank statements, credit stantements confirming account detils of your personal and / or joint accounts; spanning the last 5 years. *Proof of study (school records), any training, volunter work or other; spanning the last 5 years. * Proof of major puchases in Canada(house, furniture, qutomobile, etc.); done during the past 5 years. * Any other relevant document. 鉴于我个人的此次教训,建议各位同胞朋友们,即刻起一定保留所有与加拿大政府机关、学校、商业等等的一切活动的凭证,以备后用(更新枫叶卡和入籍)。看来在这里生活,要学会保留全部个人“文件”。 我现在最为尴尬的是:很难找到2年前的相关“证据”。 银行为个人保留的“信息记录”是:信用卡为前6个月,储蓄卡为前18个月的。 Fido提供前18个月的“信息记录”。 能源就不知道了。。。 家庭电话也同样是提供前6个月的“信息记录”。 希望对各位有用!

回复: 时隔6个月,今天收到移民局的来信。。。。(抱歉)枫叶卡更新,3月底递交案子!6月初“召见”一次,告知“等”...昨天等到!情况如下:You must required to bring your original passport of entry and any renewed passport issued since your admission as a resident permanent.An official translation of all entry/exits stamps in the passport(s) that were done in a language other than French of English.As well, an entry/exit registry issued by official authorities of your country of citizenship or from a country residence,past or current, could be requested. Documents list You must submit all documents you deem necessary to satisfy the immigration officer that you hanve fulfilled your residency obligation for the five-year period prior to the interview date. The following documents list is the basis of your proof of residence in Canada. All documents may not be relevant to your situation. Please bring originals of documents you might already have submitted with your permanent residence card renewal application. All doucments must be originals and must be accompanied by an official translation if necessary: * Federal and provincial income tax reports and notices of assessment spanning the last 5 years. * Proof of employment/income(employment contrct,letter from present and past employers speciying type of positon, salary, number of hours worked per week, duration of employment, pay check stubs, social assistance statements, T4 etc.); panning the last 5 years. * Leases, rental recipts and / or property deeds; sapnning the last 5 years. * Cellular phone, and other bills and statements; spanning th last 5 years. * Bank statements, credit stantements confirming account detils of your personal and / or joint accounts; spanning the last 5 years. *Proof of study (school records), any training, volunter work or other; spanning the last 5 years. * Proof of major puchases in Canada(house, furniture, qutomobile, etc.); done during the past 5 years. * Any other relevant document. 鉴于我个人的此次教训,建议各位同胞朋友们,即刻起一定保留所有与加拿大政府机关、学校、商业等等的一切活动的凭证,以备后用(更新枫叶卡和入籍)。看来在这里生活,要学会保留全部个人“文件”。 我现在最为尴尬的是:很难找到2年前的相关“证据”。 银行为个人保留的“信息记录”是:信用卡为前6个月,储蓄卡为前18个月的。 Fido提供前18个月的“信息记录”。 能源就不知道了。。。 家庭电话也同样是提供前6个月的“信息记录”。 希望对各位有用!点击展开...你找不到两年前的资料是因为你在这里待的时间没有超过2年,因为根据我办入籍的资料来看,即使你没有保留这些,事后你可以去补,几乎所有的材料你都能补齐了,正常的 续PR卡是没有那么麻烦的.把你的详细情况说给大家听,大家才能分析给你看.

回复: 时隔6个月,今天收到移民局的来信。。。。这个看着太恐怖了吧楼主到底干嘛了,CIC要跟楼主玩命啊

年薪加刀10w+,HOUSE, 车子,2个孩子,每年去欧洲或者非洲或者南美洲或者澳洲或者亚洲旅游15天65岁以后能去东南亚温暖的岛上等死这就是偶渺小的移民理想回复: 时隔6个月,今天收到移民局的来信。。。。额的哥儿熊啊,这不满汉全席嘛... LZ尽量收集吧,加油!

回复: 时隔6个月,今天收到移民局的来信。。。。我们从登陆加拿大开始,所有政府机构、学校、账单类的信都没扔过,连购物小票都留着,满满一大包。就是觉得这个国家什么都讲求证据,说不定什么时候就有用了,所以什么都不敢扔........

2005-8|由香港中介递交材料|2005-9|通知IELTS成绩过期|2005-11|第二次IELTS|2005-12|寄出新IELTS成绩|2006-1-16|FN, VO:KHW 自评分: 70 有亲属|2006-2-24|补料|2007-8-15|签发ME, 要求补料|2007-9-3| 体检|2007-9-12|FedEX寄出补料|2007-10-17|划款|2007-11-19|DM|2008-6-30|登陆蒙城|...继续前行...回复: 时隔6个月,今天收到移民局的来信。。。。fido 不知道,银行那个好像是可以提供七年的交易记录。

回复: 时隔6个月,今天收到移民局的来信。。。。感谢10楼的纠正。TD银行柜台免费提供个人7年的银行活动记录(储蓄卡),信用卡可以提供全部时段,但是要收费。即:半年10元。

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