加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民急请大家帮忙看看我的退休证明和返聘后在职准假信,多谢!


我妈妈是退休后被原单位返聘,我想开一个退休证明,里面这样写: This is to certify that Ms is a retired employee of our work unit who was hired as for the period from to . Her retirement date was . Her current retirement pension is paid on monthly basis at the amount of RMB per month, and her medical expenses are covered by a comprehensive retiree insurance plan, and her Medical Insurance Card Number is . 然后再开一个准假信,里面说明是退休后被原单位返聘,现职位薪水,单位准假两个月探亲,之后保证准时回国上班.This is to confirm that   has been continually employed by ***Kindergarten as Director since her retirement date (July 27, 2007) . Her monthly salary is   . We have approved    's summer leave with pay. She will go to visit her daughter and travel in Canada from June 26, 2009 to August 22, 2009, totally 2 months. She will pay all the expenses of this journey by herself. We guarantee that during her trip she will obey the laws and regulations of your country and come back China on schedule. We will resume her position in our work unit after her trip. It will be grateful if you issue her visa as soon as possible. 不知以上两封信表达得清楚吗?不知老外能不能明白退休后,仍被原单位返聘这种情况呢?大家帮忙看看我的英文表达出我的意思吗?

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