加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民美国投资移民 - 移民局最新解释


LUCIDTEXT 列举了一些移民局的最新解释 http://blog.lucidtext.com/2011/05/30/lessons-from-matter-of-izummi/ 1. EB-5项目可以给CONDO公寓作为退款保证吗?NO. 2. EB-5项目可以保证每年的红利的分配吗? NO. 3. 投资人申请526后,发现EB-5项目有问题,可以修改526申请吗? NO. 4. 投资到项目后,资金可以从一个项目转到另外项目吗? NO. 5. 投资人的资金可以用作项目的现金储备吗? NO. 6. 项目有别的投资人得到绿卡批准, 我也会同样得到吗?NO.

回复: 移民局最新解释国内看不见链接啊 。。。翻墙未遂。。。

回复: 移民局最新解释引用LUCIDTEXT 博客: May 30, 2011 by Suzanne (www.lucidtext.com) Leave a Comment Matter of Izummi is an EB-5 precedent decision that’s often cited these days in USCIS letters and meetings and in AAO decisions. So I encourage everyone to read it (keeping in mind that Public Law 107-273 eliminated the requirement set forth in Izummi that an investor must have had a hand in the actual creation of the business). Here are a few important practical issues that I’ve seen treated recently with reference to Matter of Izummi.Q: Can an EB-5 offering guarantee the investor ownership of a condo unit?A: It seems not. A Notice of Intent to Deny (3/11/2011) from USCIS cites Matter of Izummi to explain how promising to redeem a portion of Member Interest with the deeded title to a condo constitutes a redemption agreement and makes part of the capital not at risk. A number of Regional Centers out there offer real estate ownership, so be careful everyone! The bottom line: investment agreements shouldn’t guarantee that the investor will certainly get something regardless of whether or not the investment or the green card succeeds. Investors may like to hear that promise, but they won’t be so happy when USCIS denies them green cards because of it.​Q: Can an EB-5 offering say that the investor will receive guaranteed annual distributions from the Partnership?A: No ? if you promise a return, clarify that it will be contingent on profit, not a guaranteed fixed rate. Matter of Izummi says: “Since there is never a guarantee that the Partnership will generate sufficient profits during any given year to pay each investor his 12-percent guaranteed distribution, the possibility exists that the distributions may be drawn from the contributions of future limited partners (thereby necessitating the acquisition of more and more limited partners) or from the contributions already made (thereby depleting the initial contributions).”​Q: If you realize that the investment agreements you filed with an I-526 petition have problems, can you file an amendment to correct them?A: No, you can’t. As Matter of Izummi says: “A petitioner may not make material changes to his petition in an effort to make a deficient petition conform to Service requirements.” If you want to correct a mistake, you need to start over with a new I-526.​Q: Can EB-5 investment be moved from one project to another if the first project doesn’t succeed?A: A recent AAO decision (4/23/2010) involving CanAm (Philadelphia Industrial Development Corporation) says no, that’s not okay. It notes that “while Izummi [etc] does not preclude prospective investments, nothing in that decision suggests that the alien is free to move his investment from the prospective project presented to USCIS in support of the Form I-526 to a project that USCIS has never reviewed in any respect.” And you can’t ask USCIS to review a new business plan either (after I-526 filing). As the AAO told Capital Area Regional Center in 2010: “While the facts in Izummi [etc] involved amendments to agreements rather than a business plan, that decision opines that the reasoning requiring a petition to be approvable when filed applies to material changes in business plans as well.” If one project fails, investors may invest in a different project and start the process all over with new I-526s.​Q: May a business allocate part of the capital received from EB-5 investors to cash reserves?A: No, that’s not okay. Matter of Izummi says “Reserve funds that are not made available for purposes of job creation cannot be considered capital placed at risk for the purpose of generating a return on the capital being placed at risk.” The concern is that the business might just be setting aside some of the investment to pay back the investors.​Q: If USCIS approved a similar petition before, does that mean it will approve mine?A: Not necessarily. A recent AAO decision involving South Dakota shows that USCIS approved the first two I-829s and denied the third I-829 for investors in the same project. As Matter of Izummi says “The Service does not pre-adjudicate investor petitions; each petition must be adjudicated on its own merits… To say that an agency’s knowledge cannot grow, and that an agency is prohibited from benefiting from its experience, is unreasonable.”​PS: I’m not a lawyer, and may not have the most reliable interpretation of the case and these questions.

回复: 移民局最新解释我修改了一些:Q: Can an EB-5 offering guarantee the investor ownership of a condo unit?A: Maybe not. A Notice of Intent to Deny (3/11/2011) from USCIS cites Matter of Izummi to explain how promising to redeem a portion of Member Interest with the deeded title to a condo constitutes a redemption agreement and makes part of the capital not at risk. This Notice was based on one particular offering, not a general policy from USCIS, and other arrangements involving real estate ownership may be acceptable. The bottom line seems to be this: investment agreements shouldn’t guarantee that the investor will certainly get something regardless of whether or not the investment or the green card succeeds. The Notice doesn’t say that investors can’t get a return, but any return (whether cash or real estate or what) must be clearly contingent on the success of the investment.

回复: 移民局最新解释我修改了一些:Q: Can an EB-5 offering guarantee the investor ownership of a condo unit?A: Maybe not. A Notice of Intent to Deny (3/11/2011) from USCIS cites Matter of Izummi to explain how promising to redeem a portion of Member Interest with the deeded title to a condo constitutes a redemption agreement and makes part of the capital not at risk. This Notice was based on one particular offering, not a general policy from USCIS, and other arrangements involving real estate ownership may be acceptable. The bottom line seems to be this: investment agreements shouldn’t guarantee that the investor will certainly get something regardless of whether or not the investment or the green card succeeds. The Notice doesn’t say that investors can’t get a return, but any return (whether cash or real estate or what) must be clearly contingent on the success of the investment.点击展开...给50盎司的黄金算不算GUARANTEE呢?

回复: 移民局最新解释在货币学领域,黄金等同于现金,所以给50盎司黄金跟给CASH是一样的。虽然布雷顿森林体系已经奔溃,但是怎么说我们现在的货币体系应该是金汇兑本位制,所以黄金应该是货币领域的最最硬通货,也就是“钱坚强”

回复: 移民局最新解释给50盎司的黄金算不算GUARANTEE呢?点击展开...Good Question!金矿给的是500盎司黄金!金矿是股权投资型,Eb-5无条件将他本人股份的第一优先购买权赋予GP。 上述行为不构成回款保证,项目显然是在“欺负”USCIS他也不们能肯定500盎司的价值将来大于50万美元。依然属于at risk.哈哈。另外这个项目早就有人成功轻松获批526了。 爱达荷金矿投资移民---借入美元买入黄金对于广大中国投资者,盘活国内既有资产,从境外银行贷得美元,把此资金入股优质高产金矿,以其获得远期黄金,无疑是最佳的选择。美国爱达荷金矿投资移民项目正是市场上受热捧的选择。既可抵抗通胀,又可对抗美元贬值的汇率风险,获得可观的投资收益,顺便为自己的全家赢得美国绿卡身份,作为最好的礼物送给子孙后代。

不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关回复: 移民局最新解释“如果全球经济良好,那么黄金(价格)会很好。如果全球经济不好,黄金(价格)也会表现良好……而许多其他事情都会垮掉。 ” 大部分对冲基金会继续持有各自的黄金投资,因为美元在短期到长期范围的贬值还是他们的主要担忧。黄金通常被视作对冲可能的货币贬值风险的最好资产。 美联储为美元贬值大开绿灯,黄金真正的牛市还没开始!

不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关“如果全球经济良好,那么黄金(价格)会很好。如果全球经济不好,黄金(价格)也会表现良好……而许多其他事情都会垮掉。 ” 大部分对冲基金会继续持有各自的黄金投资,因为美元在短期到长期范围的贬值还是他们的主要担忧。黄金通常被视作对冲可能的货币贬值风险的最好资产。 美联储为美元贬值大开绿灯,黄金真正的牛市还没开始!点击展开...哈哈,不对了!经济情况越好金价越低,黄金是一种综合价值金属,它除了作为货币储备以外,还广泛用于工业原料和首饰业,作为货币储备的作用这方面正好与经济情况相反,就是说:经济越好,货币约会被投入实体经济运行领域,黄金就会被抛售。

浏览:www.jbfym.com 看了就知道不一样!Good Question!金矿给的是500盎司黄金!金矿是股权投资型,Eb-5无条件将他本人股份的第一优先购买权赋予GP。 上述行为不构成回款保证,项目显然是在“欺负”USCIS他也不们能肯定500盎司的价值将来大于50万美元。依然属于at risk.哈哈。另外这个项目早就有人成功轻松获批526了。 爱达荷金矿投资移民---借入美元买入黄金对于广大中国投资者,盘活国内既有资产,从境外银行贷得美元,把此资金入股优质高产金矿,以其获得远期黄金,无疑是最佳的选择。美国爱达荷金矿投资移民项目正是市场上受热捧的选择。既可抵抗通胀,又可对抗美元贬值的汇率风险,获得可观的投资收益,顺便为自己的全家赢得美国绿卡身份,作为最好的礼物送给子孙后代。点击展开...I'm very interested in this question. It seems to me that "at risk" means that return depends on the success of the investment. If investors will receive gold whether or not the investment succeeds, how is that at risk? I understand that the RC doesn't guarantee a dollar amount, since the value of gold may vary, but still "at risk" in the world economy is not the same as at risk in the project. Does anyone have the exact language used in the USCIS-approved Idaho Gold Mine offering?

回复: 移民局最新解释Sure, We have as other agents.

不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关I'm very interested in this question. It seems to me that "at risk" means that return depends on the success of the investment. If investors will receive gold whether or not the investment succeeds, how is that at risk? I understand that the RC doesn't guarantee a dollar amount, since the value of gold may vary, but still "at risk" in the world economy is not the same as at risk in the project. Does anyone have the exact language used in the USCIS-approved Idaho Gold Mine offering?点击展开...I agree with you. That is why I raised this question after reading your blog. The approval of I-526 in this project seems to be contraditory to USCIS's position on the requirement of "at risk" . It seems that there is quite some inconsistency in their approvals.

回复: 移民局最新解释早在去年圣诞节前夕金矿项目就有拿到526批准的。 I-526批准以后,才可以谈选择黄金还是选择保险。 任何投资行为都有风险,只是多少的问题,能否承受的问题。 谢谢大家 多虑了 项目已经完成。

不理闲事,不听废话,低头做事,抬头看路!均属个人观点,与所在机构无关 2011-06-01#14 M 194 $0.00 ;.........................................

回复: 移民局最新解释我只是猜测,有可能是一份不给移民局的私下的合同来谈黄金保障的。只是猜测而已。点击展开...他们的广告可是大张旗鼓,公开的。难道移民局没听到? “I-526批准以后,才可以谈选择黄金还是选择保险。” 这样做合法吗?

回复: 移民局最新解释I-526批准了,钱才能从监管账户到项目中,才变成有效的投资,才有了你在项目中股权,然后在项目生产了足够的偿还全体投资者投资数额的黄金的条件下(之前不进行任何分配,)(请注意:这就是所谓的运营的风险,不构成确定赎回,也是项目得以通过的原因),再谈投资者如果要退出、出售或转让股权,(一般是I-829)通过之后,GP可以行使LP赋予的优先购买权,选择500盎司999纯度的黄金或者50万美金。(保险公司的审核程序,有力地支持了项目有足够的还款能力。)

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