加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民FSW Litigation: Tim Leahy – What you can do


FSW Litigation: Tim Leahy – What you can doNow, we have the Fei Zhu victory, yes, this is Lawrence’s victory …Yes, you can have your view (Fei Zhu’s victory only applies to Fei Zhu’s case, because most of us were not rejected before June 29, 2012) … Yes, you can expect what arguments that CIC will have if we try to leverage Fei Zhu’s case … Yes, you can continue to ask the litigants to do “what they can do” …But “what you can do”??? What we need is for “our counsel” to fight for us, to argue for us, to challenge for us, to interpret the ambiguity in favor of your clients …None of us was expecting a guarantee from you and your (and our) arguments will always win, but we are expecting that we will not negotiate against ourselves …Yes, your view is not always right … and yes “Of course,” we all hope that your “view is wrong.”Yes, you have “your protocol”, but now, it’s time to move on …If you think your suspended license is an issue, then let all of us know … ________________________________________From: Tim Leahy [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2013 9:13 PMSubject: FSW litigation: What you can doGood day,Some of you have been asking what you can do to assist in the fight against the Kenney's closing your skilled worker applications. There is something that you can do -- and I am willing to assist you in that endeavour.Sometime after March 1st, Justice Rennie will issue his decision on the legality of the closing of the files. His ruling can be expected to be appealed to the Federal Court of Appeal. So, the decision will not settle the matter. It will, however, give us an opportunity to bring the issue into the political arena. Justice Rennie's ruling will, of course, impact on the message we send but, whichever way he rules, the time will have come to try to persuade Kenney's colleagues to end the matter.Here is the approach I would suggest: ethnic organizations approach Members of Parliament (MP's) from his political party (the Conservative Party -- called the Tories) -- and object to what is happening. If the Tory MP's believe that they will lose the ethnic vote in the next election, they might try to get involved because they only have a majority owing to the ethnic vote. (Obama's winning virtually all of the Hispanic vote was the difference between victory and defeat, as virtually all of the political commentators mentioned. So, they know that they need the ethnic vote.).So, what can you do? First, if you have family or friends in Canada, you can ask them for names and email address of people who are involved in such groups and who involve themselves in the political process either by attending MP's fund raisers or by helping out in campaigns. If you find such people, I will be pleased to give them the information I want them to convey to the Tory MP's. (There is no point in approaching the Liberal or NDP MP's because neither Kenney nor the Prime Minister care what they think -- and they will always oppose anything the Tories are doing anyway. So, we need to concentrate on the Tory MP's.0If you have family or friends who are will to raise you specific case with their MP but do not know who is their MP, they can go to parl.gc.ca to find their MP. All they need to do is to insert their postal code, and the MP's name and points-of-contact will be provided.We need to wait until after the decision because it will flavour what we write. In the meantime, however, please try to find people in leadership roles in ethnic organization so that I can give them the facts I would like them to convey to Tory MP's. Regards,Tim

回复: FSW Litigation: Tim Leahy – What you can do写得好, 说出了我的心里话. 当我看到Tim给我们发"What you could do"的时候, 我那个窝火啊...

回复: FSW Litigation: Tim Leahy – What you can do都别上火,保存体力,还要和他们恶斗呢,组长可不能倒下。。。

2007 02 06 FN;2012 02 13 S2;2012 05 16 香港签收;2012 06 14 曼谷体检;2012 06 19 寄出汇票;2012 06 21 香港签收;2012 06 22 汇票解付/收据;2012 06 29 恶法通过,遂与其搏斗。。。回复: FSW Litigation: Tim Leahy – What you can doWelcome to forward to your counsel

回复: FSW Litigation: Tim Leahy – What you can do请别把TIM发给我们的信都原封不动的贴在这里好吗?不管是出于什么目的

回复: FSW Litigation: Tim Leahy – What you can doFSW Litigation: Tim Leahy – What you can doNow, we have the Fei Zhu victory, yes, this is Lawrence’s victory …Yes, you can have your view (Fei Zhu’s victory only applies to Fei Zhu’s case, because most of us were not rejected before June 29, 2012) … Yes, you can expect what arguments that CIC will have if we try to leverage Fei Zhu’s case … Yes, you can continue to ask the litigants to do “what they can do” …But “what you can do”??? What we need is for “our counsel” to fight for us, to argue for us, to challenge for us, to interpret the ambiguity in favor of your clients …None of us was expecting a guarantee from you and your (and our) arguments will always win, but we are expecting that we will not negotiate against ourselves …Yes, your view is not always right … and yes “Of course,” we all hope that your “view is wrong.”Yes, you have “your protocol”, but now, it’s time to move on …If you think your suspended license is an issue, then let all of us know … ________________________________________From: Tim Leahy [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2013 9:13 PMSubject: FSW litigation: What you can doGood day,Some of you have been asking what you can do to assist in the fight against the Kenney's closing your skilled worker applications. There is something that you can do -- and I am willing to assist you in that endeavour.Sometime after March 1st, Justice Rennie will issue his decision on the legality of the closing of the files. His ruling can be expected to be appealed to the Federal Court of Appeal. So, the decision will not settle the matter. It will, however, give us an opportunity to bring the issue into the political arena. Justice Rennie's ruling will, of course, impact on the message we send but, whichever way he rules, the time will have come to try to persuade Kenney's colleagues to end the matter.Here is the approach I would suggest: ethnic organizations approach Members of Parliament (MP's) from his political party (the Conservative Party -- called the Tories) -- and object to what is happening. If the Tory MP's believe that they will lose the ethnic vote in the next election, they might try to get involved because they only have a majority owing to the ethnic vote. (Obama's winning virtually all of the Hispanic vote was the difference between victory and defeat, as virtually all of the political commentators mentioned. So, they know that they need the ethnic vote.).So, what can you do? First, if you have family or friends in Canada, you can ask them for names and email address of people who are involved in such groups and who involve themselves in the political process either by attending MP's fund raisers or by helping out in campaigns. If you find such people, I will be pleased to give them the information I want them to convey to the Tory MP's. (There is no point in approaching the Liberal or NDP MP's because neither Kenney nor the Prime Minister care what they think -- and they will always oppose anything the Tories are doing anyway. So, we need to concentrate on the Tory MP's.0If you have family or friends who are will to raise you specific case with their MP but do not know who is their MP, they can go to parl.gc.ca to find their MP. All they need to do is to insert their postal code, and the MP's name and points-of-contact will be provided.We need to wait until after the decision because it will flavour what we write. In the meantime, however, please try to find people in leadership roles in ethnic organization so that I can give them the facts I would like them to convey to Tory MP's. Regards,Tim点击展开...Tim's mail titled as "what you can do" sounds like to release a strong signal that he might lose confidence on this litigation and seeked for the counsels' action to move on. It is a big suprsing when reading this mail;s title at first sight.

回复: FSW Litigation: Tim Leahy – What you can do请别把TIM发给我们的信都原封不动的贴在这里好吗?不管是出于什么目的点击展开...What is the concern?

回复: FSW Litigation: Tim Leahy – What you can doDid he reply anything back?

回复: FSW Litigation: Tim Leahy – What you can doIt's not to complain to the Law Society or anything, is to press Tim to work on his work.我虽然转到Kurland,但明确反对大家去投诉Tim,这只会让CIC得意。到底Kurland是偏向赔偿还是Visa,不到判决我们也不知道,所以大家还是要支持和CIC抗争的律师。点击展开...

回复: FSW Litigation: Tim Leahy – What you can doIt's not to complain to the Law Society or anything, is to press Tim to work on his work.点击展开...Agree... that is his duty to do something for litigants as a lawyer.

回复: FSW Litigation: Tim Leahy – What you can doIt's not to complain to the Law Society or anything, is to press Tim to work on his work.点击展开...

回复: FSW Litigation: Tim Leahy – What you can doTim给我的感觉一直都是"不温不火", 咱们付钱给他的, 表达想法是正确的

回复: FSW Litigation: Tim Leahy – What you can do顶顶

回复: FSW Litigation: Tim Leahy – What you can do好久没有关注了,一是在忙别的,再就是没放在最重要的位置(去年有了宝宝),也不知如何做点什么,看到你们在坚持斗争,向你们致敬!同时,也想出份力,希望告诉我我可以做些什么吧。我的邮箱[email protected] 2007年12月递交香港,2008年6月收到FN。

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