加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民给北京写了一封措辞严厉的信,使馆刚才回复了


Dear Visa officer,This is again to inquire about my passport. I have no idea why it took such a long time for you to respond to my mails and faxes AND send out my passport. I find HK consulate is more considerate of their clients and send out the passport upon the client's request. I already missed my flight and suffer from the big losses. Yeah, I shouldn't have booked my flight before I got my visa. But I had confidence in your efficiency back then. I assumed that after you finalized the case, there is no point in keeping the passport anymore and you will just send it out to the client immediately. Obviously I was wrong.Anyway, I still need my passport for travel reasons during National Holiday so I sent out a fax requesting my passport yesterday. Still no response at all up to now. I know you are busy and have tons of work to do and tons of clients to take care of, but could you please take a few minutes to deal with ONE CLIENT'S NEED? After all, I am your client too and I paid application fees and everything. I appreciate your hard work but please understand your client's need.Again, if you have sent out the passport already, could you please tell me the EMS number so I can track it down? If not, could you please do so immediately? please inform me of the situation right now. It feels terrible to be waiting in the dark, all anxious and helpless. A few minutes and a little information from you would save me from all frustration and desperation. I keenly hope you would put yourself in my shoes and understand my situation. Thank you for your time and look forward to your early reply.等回音,再不回复我就太没人性啦

回复: 给北京写了一封措辞严厉的信I keenly hope you would put yourself in my shoes 熏丫的.

回复: 给北京写了一封措辞严厉的信应该很快就会给你护照了,但貌似这样的信对申请进度帮助不大,甚至有害。

美国运通金卡:AMEX Gold ,开卡送25000积分(价值250刀以上),首年销卡无任何费用,成功批核后本人再额外多给Cash Bonus感谢。同时主推 AMEX SPG 酒店卡,开卡送20,000 SPG点,可以兑换最高6晚美国喜来登酒店住宿,总价值可超600刀。详情请PM(此外还有Business Gold ,感谢力度与 Gold一致)。Tangerine (ING) Orange Key: 41710691S1 (本人同样额外返点Dear Visa officer, This is again to inquire about my passport. I have no idea why it took such a long time for you to respond to my mails and faxes AND send out my passport. I find HK consulate is more considerate of their clients and send out the passport upon the client's request. I already missed my flight and suffer from the big losses. Yeah, I shouldn't have booked my flight before I got my visa. But I had confidence in your efficiency back then. I assumed that after you finalized the case, there is no point in keeping the passport anymore and you will just send it out to the client immediately. Obviously I was wrong. Anyway, I still need my passport for travel reasons during National Holiday so I sent out a fax requesting my passport yesterday. Still no response at all up to now. I know you are busy and have tons of work to do and tons of clients to take care of, but could you please take a few minutes to deal with ONE CLIENT'S NEED? After all, I am your client too and I paid application fees and everything. I appreciate your hard work but please understand your client's need. Again, if you have sent out the passport already, could you please tell me the EMS number so I can track it down? If not, could you please do so immediately? please inform me of the situation right now. It feels terrible to be waiting in the dark, all anxious and helpless. A few minutes and a little information from you would save me from all frustration and desperation. I keenly hope you would put yourself in my shoes and understand my situation. Thank you for your time and look forward to your early reply. 等回音,再不回复我就太没人性啦点击展开...确实严厉,不知使馆的反应是什么,佩服佩服,You are the man!

回复: 给北京写了一封措辞严厉的信应该很快就会给你护照了,但貌似这样的信对申请进度帮助不大,甚至有害。点击展开...有害就有害吧,大不了我不去了,这次算是伤透心了

回复: 给北京写了一封措辞严厉的信也许是中国邮政的原因,你的护照兴许正在路上旅游呢!

回复: 给北京写了一封措辞严厉的信强烈支持 Shadow_hu !写的实在是太好了,这也是我想对大使馆说的话,很好的表达了我们的心声!!!强烈关注大使馆对这个事件的反应!

回复: 给北京写了一封措辞严厉的信实在写的太好了!强烈支持!!!!!!!!!!!!!

回复: 给北京写了一封措辞严厉的信对你的勇气和措辞表示仰慕!当然理解你的抓狂的心情。

回复: 给北京写了一封措辞严厉的信支持,也是我的心声啊

2009.9.12DHL寄出申请 |2009.11.30收到RN |2009.12.30 签发FN | 2010.11.24 变5 |2010.12.11 体检 |2011.1.7 变8 |2011.1.17 变12 |2011.9.6 DM |2011.9.28 VISA到 |2011.11.23登卡城回复: 给北京写了一封措辞严厉的信快了,一定会胜利!

5.12妥投悉尼,8.12收到退档信,626新政,开始准备资料,10月20多号北京清单更新,11.13资料再次准备妥当,11.19寄出材料,11.23妥投,1126扣款,0228per,0328ME,4.1体检,4.8补料妥投,4.13汇款兑付,9.4MER,9.12DM,9.21VISA,10.26登陆多伦多!回复: 给北京写了一封措辞严厉的信鼎,好

testDear Visa officer,This is again to inquire about my passport. I have no idea why it took such a long time for you to respond to my mails and faxes AND send out my passport. I find HK consulate is more considerate of their clients and send out the passport upon the client's request. I already missed my flight and suffer from the big losses. Yeah, I shouldn't have booked my flight before I got my visa. But I had confidence in your efficiency back then. I assumed that after you finalized the case, there is no point in keeping the passport anymore and you will just send it out to the client immediately. Obviously I was wrong.Anyway, I still need my passport for travel reasons during National Holiday so I sent out a fax requesting my passport yesterday. Still no response at all up to now. I know you are busy and have tons of work to do and tons of clients to take care of, but could you please take a few minutes to deal with ONE CLIENT'S NEED? After all, I am your client too and I paid application fees and everything. I appreciate your hard work but please understand your client's need.Again, if you have sent out the passport already, could you please tell me the EMS number so I can track it down? If not, could you please do so immediately? please inform me of the situation right now. It feels terrible to be waiting in the dark, all anxious and helpless. A few minutes and a little information from you would save me from all frustration and desperation. I keenly hope you would put yourself in my shoes and understand my situation. Thank you for your time and look forward to your early reply.等回音,再不回复我就太没人性啦点击展开...

回复: 给北京写了一封措辞严厉的信比我前面后面dm的都拿到visa了,怎么我们6号dm的就这么倒霉呢??没天理啊!!!

回复: 给北京写了一封措辞严厉的信严重关注此事进程,这几个星期如坐针毡啊

2010.02.01 悉尼; 2010.03.13 RN;2010.06.23补料;2010.06.30FN ;2010.11.04IP;2010.11.24变5;2010.11.28收到ME;2010.12.01港澳中心体检完毕; 2010.12.03护照寄送;2010.12.06护照妥投;2010.12.22变8;2011.01.14变12,2011.9.6 DM比我前面后面dm的都拿到visa了,怎么我们6号dm的就这么倒霉呢??没天理啊!!!点击展开...同感呀同感!

回复: 给北京写了一封措辞严厉的信Shadow Hu是个姑娘!巾帼!

回复: 给北京写了一封措辞严厉的信Dear Visa officer, This is again to inquire about my passport. I have no idea why it took such a long time for you to respond to my mails and faxes AND send out my passport. I find HK consulate is more considerate of their clients and send out the passport upon the client's request. I already missed my flight and suffer from the big losses. Yeah, I shouldn't have booked my flight before I got my visa. But I had confidence in your efficiency back then. I assumed that after you finalized the case, there is no point in keeping the passport anymore and you will just send it out to the client immediately. Obviously I was wrong. Anyway, I still need my passport for travel reasons during National Holiday so I sent out a fax requesting my passport yesterday. Still no response at all up to now. I know you are busy and have tons of work to do and tons of clients to take care of, but could you please take a few minutes to deal with ONE CLIENT'S NEED? After all, I am your client too and I paid application fees and everything. I appreciate your hard work but please understand your client's need. Again, if you have sent out the passport already, could you please tell me the EMS number so I can track it down? If not, could you please do so immediately? please inform me of the situation right now. It feels terrible to be waiting in the dark, all anxious and helpless. A few minutes and a little information from you would save me from all frustration and desperation. I keenly hope you would put yourself in my shoes and understand my situation. Thank you for your time and look forward to your early reply. 等回音,再不回复我就太没人性啦点击展开...支持!我当初因为申请美国的执照也遇到那边不负责任的一个官员。后来实在没办法就给他们州的governor写信投诉了,当晚governor回信说马上处理,第二天那厮就回信道歉了。不要怕会有什么不良影响,如果这个地方值得你去。不要用国人的惯性思维考虑这件事情的后果,你是在行使自己正当的权利,你没有错,错在他们。

"Let each morn be better than its eve and each morrow richer than its yesterday." ――Baha'u'llah12-01-04 妥投; 02-22 解付;02-24 PER;03-13 FN;04-03 ME;06-01 MER,PL;06-07 护照妥投;06-15 DM;06-22 毕业回复: 给北京写了一封措辞严厉的信9.6DM的我离体检结束2个月24天,今天我离体检有效结束还有2个月8天,没大信封,没预订机票,不知道我还会有多长时间准备长登,机票嗖嗖往上涨,眼见登陆的天气会一天天的更冷,心如油澎

2010.02.01 悉尼; 2010.03.13 RN;2010.06.23补料;2010.06.30FN ;2010.11.04IP;2010.11.24变5;2010.11.28收到ME;2010.12.01港澳中心体检完毕; 2010.12.03护照寄送;2010.12.06护照妥投;2010.12.22变8;2011.01.14变12,2011.9.6 DM回复: 给北京写了一封措辞严厉的信LZ啊, 如果我是你早就奔溃了很佩服你挺到现在啊我比较悲观凡事都做最坏的打算,而且我还是觉得你这封信不会有太大效果,悲观吧,呵呵

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