加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民解释信,征求意见


再过几天就补料了。材料中有几个难点需要解释。现在将解释信稿子贴出,请大家看看。有的地方有画蛇添足的感觉,但不知道如何处理。希望有经验的TX出出主意。 先谢了。 Dear Sir/Madam, I am submitting a complete application package for immigration to Canada under the Federal Skilled Worker class. Although I am a Chinese national and has been residing in China since June 2009, the Central Intake Office, Sydney, NS has directed me to submit my application materials to your office, instead of Beijing (as selected in my application form imm0008). It is my opinion that the following points in my materials warrant explanations and clarifications. 1. Mailing Address in China I have been living and teaching as a faculty member at xxx University in Nanjing, Jiangsu province since September 2009. However, I would like to use my Beijing address for mail correspondence with your office, because mail delivery at my Nanjing rental apartment is unreliable and the building’s mailboxes are unsafe. My official Household Registration (Hukou) is in Beijing. ​2. Schedule 3, Item 11, Work Experience In the form submitted in this packet, I listed three segments of work experiences. university professor at xxx University, Nanjing, China;university professor at University of xxx, WI, USA;graduate/teaching assistant while registered as a full-time graduate student at xxx University, Pennsylvania, USA. In the initial forms submitted to the Central Intake Office, Sydney Nova Scotia, I did not include my part-time experiences as a graduate/teaching assistant at xxx University. I had mistakenly assumed that I was supposed to list only experiences that would give me points toward qualifying for immigration under the Federal Skilled Worker class (i.e. those on the list of 38 categories). Now I have learned that TA/GA is classified as “level A” occupations and should be included in Schedule 3. Therefore I have included this segment of my work experience. 3. Alias, Undergraduate Diploma and Notarized Household Registration My given name as appearing in my passport, national ID card and Household Registration (hukou) is xxxzhong (xxx[FONT=宋体]忠[/FONT]). This was the name my parents registered at my birth in official records. During my undergraduate studies, I did not like the last Chinese character in this name ([FONT=宋体]忠[/FONT], zhong, CCC number 1813) because it smacked of the Cultural Revolution and replaced it with a character with exactly the same pronunciation ([FONT=宋体]中[/FONT], zhong, CCC number 0022). The diploma for my BA in English, Beijing Foreign Studies University bears this name xxx[FONT=宋体]中([/FONT]xxx zhong[FONT=宋体])[/FONT]. Xxx hong (xxx[FONT=宋体]中[/FONT]) is registered as my alias in my Household Registration, which is an official identity record issued by the Chinese police. Household Registration is required as an identity evidence in the Beijing Visa Office Specific Instructions but not by the Buffalo Office. I am including this document because of the alias. The two names are identical in English writing, but have one different Chinese character between them. The name on my BA diploma matches my alias registered in my Household Registration. The date and place of birth on the diploma corroborates my identity documents (e.g., passport and US social security card and driver’s licenses). The diploma has my photograph, which can be checked against my identity documents. My BA degree has been officially verified by the China Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Development Center (CADGED). The CADGED verification is required by the Beijing Visa Office. My verification was completed before I received my Reference Number and realized that I was submitting complete application materials to Buffalo. Mailing Address on Transcript from xxxx The academic transcript from xxxx University, xxxx, PA, USA bears my correspondence address in New Jersey, USA. I have been using this address for US correspondence since I moved to China in June 2009. This address is the residence of Ms. xxxx, a close friend of mine who receives and forwards my US mails. To verify this information, call Ms. xxxx at 484-44444444. Salaryslips, xxxx University, Nanjing, China I completed my employment procedure at xxxx University in November, 2009 and received my first pay on October 10th, 2009. I am including the payslips for October, November and December 2009 as supporting materials for my experiences at xxxx. The payslip for October 2009 indicates my October salary. In addition, it also includes retrospective pays, including my September salary and an amount equal to two months’ salaries, paid to me as an incentive for joining the university. On this payslip it appears that only tax for October was withheld. I have talked with the Tax bureau and am working out the procedure of paying the tax. Tax Documents, xxxx University, Nanjing, China At this point the local tax bureau only has information for my October Tax. The information for November was not available yet. I am including this information as an evidence for my employment at xxxx University.​

2021年AP心理学第一班7月7日开课;统计学开始招生。首选视频,大温哥华地区面授。回复: 解释信,征求意见我认为不用解释邮寄地址的问题,还有,为什么改名字那一段文字也不必解释,只需要写出“改过”就可以。


2021年AP心理学第一班7月7日开课;统计学开始招生。首选视频,大温哥华地区面授。回复: 解释信,征求意见解释都写在一处吗?我也想了解一下。要解释的很多,我原想是涉及到哪一部分时写一张附上。


2021年AP心理学第一班7月7日开课;统计学开始招生。首选视频,大温哥华地区面授。回复: 解释信,征求意见1. 地址部分不需要解释;2. 把所有问题写在一起,让VO去做前后对应这个方法不太可取,要知道申请移民这件事上,谁是刀俎谁是鱼肉,放在需要解释的内容之前,清晰明确;3. 解释语言应言简意赅,冗长的东西会把VO看睡了,小心他叫你去当面解释。LZ这封洋洋洒洒的解释信打印出来A4纸怎么也要2页以上了......

回复: 解释信,征求意见1. 地址部分不需要解释;2. 把所有问题写在一起,让VO去做前后对应这个方法不太可取,要知道申请移民这件事上,谁是刀俎谁是鱼肉,放在需要解释的内容之前,清晰明确;3. 解释语言应言简意赅,冗长的东西会把VO看睡了,小心他叫你去当面解释。LZ这封洋洋洒洒的解释信打印出来A4纸怎么也要2页以上了......点击展开...蓝山咖啡, 我也觉得说的太多了。终结稿会简短很多。初稿中希望把需要解释的问题都列出来,不要有遗漏。 除了体裁和文本方面,具体内容方面也希望大家提意见。 下午要去地税局,开十月份的完税证明(十一和十二月份的还没有)。另外问下789月工资学校未曾扣税,是否要补,补的话能否马上开完税证明。 回来报告。

  ·生活百科 询问中国鞋码标准
·生活百科 我可以在机场或赌场兑换 100 澳元纸币吗?



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