加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民[转帖]移民部拟解决70万积压旧案


加拿大移民部长Volpe 今天宣布,加拿大将增加移民配额,尽快解决70万已经等待4年以上的积压旧案。同时,在今后五年中,逐步将每年的移民配额增加到30万。以下是相关报道全文:Ottawa pledges to target backlog of 700,000Ottawa to unveil revamped immigration rules to cut backlogsMonday, October 31, 2005 Posted at 4:28 AM ESTFrom Monday's Globe and MailOttawa plans to unveil sweeping changes to immigration, starting today with an increase in the annual intake of new Canadians, and a promise to increase much-needed temporary workers and tackle the enormous backlog of 700,000 prospective immigrants.Immigration Minister Joe Volpe, who will table his annual report to Parliament today, says Canada hopes to be taking in as many as 300,000 immigrants a year within five years, and will start by raising its target for next year to between 225,000 and 255,000. Canada is on track to accept 245,000 this year, the very high end of last year's target."We have to start thinking about the Immigration Department as a recruiting vehicle for Canada's demographic and labour market needs ..... we are the lungs of the country," said Mr. Volpe in an interview with The Globe and Mail. "We are producing more jobs than the labour market has workers for. ..... We're desperate for immigration."He also pledged to tackle the backlog problem and introduce a system to expedite the processing of the more than 700,000 prospective immigrants who face waits of as long as 48 months to have their applications processed in Canadian missions around the world.Under the current process, immigrants are selected on the basis of education, French-.and English-language skills, and adaptability, a recruitment system that attracts mainly highly educated people who complain their professional credentials are not accepted in Canada. Many foreign doctors and engineers say they end up working as taxi drivers and waiters ― a trend confirmed by Statistics Canada, which has found that recent immigrants earn less than their Canadian-born counterparts despite higher levels of education.Mr. Volpe does not want to scrap this selection system, but he wants to bring in more workers on temporary visas (there are about 95,000 a year) to fill positions in the trades, such as pipe fitters and truck drivers.He plans to consult with his provincial counterparts, unions, business and immigrant-serving groups to better understand exactly what kinds of workers are needed. He envisions an expanded local and provincial role in immigrant selection."Every provincial minister wants more immigrants. Today in Saskatoon, they need 5,000 more people to fill new jobs. But in order for us under the current system to bring in 5,000 people, we have to bring in 15,000 (their family members) and it will take three years," Mr. Volpe said. "So we have to think about a more flexible system, a way to get in professional people and skilled people."Mr. Volpe is also planning to introduce a new "in-Canada" application that will allow temporary workers and students to apply for landed-immigrant status once they have worked here for a certain number of months, in much the same way that live-in caregivers can apply for permanent residency after two years working as nannies.Another priority for the Immigration Department is to process applications more quickly."Under the current system, we make people wait months before we even open their application. We would like to open their applications more quickly, and get them started on the process," an immigration official said. Applicants who have been accepted on a provisional basis could start language training and credential recognition overseas, while awaiting their landed papers. The department also plans to hire more staff in either missions overseas or in a centralized processing centre in Canada.Mr. Volpe is also in favour of introducing a limited amnesty plan and granting legal status to the thousands of workers who toil in the black-market economy, particularly in Ontario's construction sector. This initiative, however, is complicated because 11 other federal agencies must sign on, including the RCMP, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, the Finance and Justice departments and Human Resources Skills Development Canada."You have to sell them a model that everybody can live with because there are consequences for all of them," said Mr. Volpe, adding that he "totally supports" a plan to regularize the status of undocumented workers, if they pass security and background checks. An estimated 200,000 undocumented workers live in Canada.This year's annual report will show that Canada accepted 236,000 immigrants in 2004. Of those, 57 per cent are economic immigrants, and 43 per cent are in the family class, including refugees and others granted permanent residency on humanitarian grounds. Canada is on track to accept 245,000 immigrants in 2005 -- at the high end of its target and a signal of what's to come.大家注意看第6段,临时VISA.2005/11/01 15:06 瑞潮网


信心与压力同在.祝大家早日解脱.登上飞往加拿大的飞机. 希望是一个大学的校友,大家多联系. Don't pounce on my mistake,Please! 2005-11-01#3 KittyCat 12,888 $0.00 因为去了都找不到工作啊,于是很多回流了,没贡献加拿大啊。

奔向未来,我的最爱 2005-11-01#4 L 230 $0.00 很有可能,加拿大政府就调整了政策导向了,可能对我们这些筒子们更不利

2006.09.12 发出sw简表,有亲属分2007.02.15 fn.... ???? 2005-11-01#5 M 122 $0.00 因为技术移民数目增加会导致相关家庭移民的案子增加, 使旧案继续滚雪球式地增加. 减少技术移民的意图的清理家庭团聚类旧案, 加快处理时间, 减少已经在加人员的抱怨.

2003.12 FN2007.2 ME2007.11 LP准备 2008.1 短登 2005-11-01#6 偏偏
13,437 $0.00 唉。我没话讲。反正中国是享受不到什么好处的。

2010.6.17 TORONTOhttp://forum.iask.ca/showthread.php?t=434791 2005-11-01#7 justin_zhu 10,071 $0.00 哎,没什么好说的,等吧!

2005年01月24日 HK FN vo:ROW 2005年07月14日 签发ME2005年07月26日 上海新乐医院ME2005年08月23日 递交新加坡CNCC2005年10月04日 登陆费收据2006年01月06日 实际上此时visa已经做好了2006年01月12日 Decision Made!2006年01月24日 签发PL!正好是FN一周年2006年4月19日 加航上海-温哥华-渥太华2005年加拿大联邦技术移民指南,最新的移民要求和信息!我的File Number信[FN]  我的Medical Examination信[ME]  我的Pick-up Letter信[PL]http://www.canadameet.com/bbs/showthread.php?p=560629#post5606293月14日香港取签经验分享! 2005-11-01#8 S 621 $0.00 是啊,没什么好消息!


mattruan 说:因为技术移民数目增加会导致相关家庭移民的案子增加, 使旧案继续滚雪球式地增加. 减少技术移民的意图的清理家庭团聚类旧案, 加快处理时间, 减少已经在加人员的抱怨.点击展开...说的很有道理~~看来我们刚刚投档,又是技术移民的筒子真是祸不单行啊~~

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 2005.08-09 准备材料, 2005.09.03 雅思1st, 2005.09.30 递交HK2005.11.11 签发FN, VO:TCW2006.04.22 雅思2nd,再递HK,6月底出现地址栏wait ME............................ 2005-11-01#11 wingwinggg 9,707 $0.00 only waiting。。。。。。。。。。

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 ·中文新闻 2024 年预算答复:Peter Dutton 承诺将永久移民数量削减至每年 14
·中文新闻 随着澳大利亚央行加息开始产生影响,失业率升至 4.1%



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