加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民Decision Made


刚查了一下状态,发现已经是Dcision Made, We sent you a letter on May 18, 2012 about the decision on your application. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us. 是不是意味着担保通过了呢?

回复: Decision Made应该是通过了, 恭喜! 我是五月一号寄到的, 希望下星期有结果!

回复: Decision Made应该是通过了, 恭喜! 我是五月一号寄到的, 希望下星期有结果!点击展开...谢谢!你应该这个星期会有结果的,我是四月26号寄到的

回复: Decision Made恭喜恭喜,4/20寄出补料,还在等DM呢,希望能通过

回复: Decision Made一样, DM等待中!

2009-09-26父母团聚移民2012-04-23 Ottawa签收补料信2012-05-31收到DM信,转Ottawa 2012-07-13 ME 09-26 MER2012-11-06 邮寄护照北京 11-08 Online DM 2012-12-19 收到大信封 12-29 登陆回复: Decision Made请问你们用哪个号码上网查询的?我怎进不去呢?

加华教育中心秋季中文、美术、舞蹈班开始招生课后托教班深受欢迎,部分学校可接送。 604-998-6639 604-818-6296​www.cc-learning.com​刚查了一下状态,发现已经是Dcision Made, We sent you a letter on May 18, 2012 about the decision on your application. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us. 是不是意味着担保通过了呢?点击展开...恭喜也DM了,现在就是等来信,我15号DM还没收到信,好像只有收到信才知道转水牛城,渥太华,还是北京了,祈祷吧,只要不是北京就好,听说那里挺慢的!

09年6月10号父母移民表格寄出3月30要补料 5月15DM转ottawa 7月26Me 8月5MRE 10月18号护照寄西雅图。。。。请问你们用哪个号码上网查询的?我怎进不去呢?点击展开...我是用UCI(5087XXXX)查得。如果你进不,可以发邮件去CIC,打电话也可以

回复: Decision Made请问你们用哪个号码上网查询的?我怎进不去呢?点击展开...等2天吧,他们在更新,我上周和你一样的情况,2天上不去,后来打了电话,他们说耐心等,在更新,后来就显示了。

[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]回复: Decision Made谢谢楼上两位。我等明天再看看吧

加华教育中心秋季中文、美术、舞蹈班开始招生课后托教班深受欢迎,部分学校可接送。 604-998-6639 604-818-6296​www.cc-learning.com​刚查了一下状态,发现已经是Dcision Made, We sent you a letter on May 18, 2012 about the decision on your application. Please consider delays in mail delivery before contacting us. 是不是意味着担保通过了呢?点击展开...和你一样,回来查了一下, 发现decicion make, 也是18号寄出的信。

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.” ― Dr. Seuss和你一样,回来查了一下, 发现decicion make, 也是18号寄出的信。点击展开...您是刚查的吗?我怎查不了呢?郁闷

加华教育中心秋季中文、美术、舞蹈班开始招生课后托教班深受欢迎,部分学校可接送。 604-998-6639 604-818-6296​www.cc-learning.com​我是用UCI(5087XXXX)查得。如果你进不,可以发邮件去CIC,打电话也可以点击展开...用UCI查,前4个数字和后4个数字之间是否要加-????

加华教育中心秋季中文、美术、舞蹈班开始招生课后托教班深受欢迎,部分学校可接送。 604-998-6639 604-818-6296​www.cc-learning.com​用UCI查,前4个数字和后4个数字之间是否要加-????点击展开...不用

回复: Decision Made您是刚查的吗?我怎查不了呢?郁闷点击展开...是的,我是刚查的。我在上个礼拜也不能查,后来网上sueli同学告诉我写email给cic, 两天后,就恢复了状态。你也可以写个email 给cic。如果你现在不能CHECK ONLINE, 请EMAIL到[email protected], 并且提供以下资料。 If your request requires us to access your immigration file (for example to assist you with an online application that you already submitted), we would need the following information: 1. Surname (last name)- Exactly as it appears on the passport or identity document 2. Given name(s) (first name)- Exactly as it appears on the passport or identity document 3. Date of birth (YYYY-MM-DD) 4. Country of birth 5. Client ID Number 6. Your current status in Canada 7. The expiration date of that status 8. Complete address (including the postal code). If the residential address is different from the mailing address, please provide both addresses. 9. Telephone number. If you have more than one contact number, please provide them all. 10. Type of application (work permit, study permit or visitor record) 11. Approximate date that the application was submitted 12. Office to which the application was sent (complete address) If the above information was not included in your email, please email us again with the requested information.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.” ― Dr. Seuss是的,我是刚查的。我在上个礼拜也不能查,后来网上sueli同学告诉我写email给cic, 两天后,就恢复了状态。你也可以写个email 给cic。 如果你现在不能CHECK ONLINE, 请EMAIL到[email protected], 并且提供以下资料。 If your request requires us to access your immigration file (for example to assist you with an online application that you already submitted), we would need the following information: 1. Surname (last name)- Exactly as it appears on the passport or identity document 2. Given name(s) (first name)- Exactly as it appears on the passport or identity document 3. Date of birth (YYYY-MM-DD) 4. Country of birth 5. Client ID Number 6. Your current status in Canada 7. The expiration date of that status 8. Complete address (including the postal code). If the residential address is different from the mailing address, please provide both addresses. 9. Telephone number. If you have more than one contact number, please provide them all. 10. Type of application (work permit, study permit or visitor record) 11. Approximate date that the application was submitted 12. Office to which the application was sent (complete address) If the above information was not included in your email, please email us again with the requested information.点击展开...非常感谢!我一会儿就写邮件问。

加华教育中心秋季中文、美术、舞蹈班开始招生课后托教班深受欢迎,部分学校可接送。 604-998-6639 604-818-6296​www.cc-learning.com​用UCI查,前4个数字和后4个数字之间是否要加-????点击展开...不用

回复: Decision Made今天回家收到担保通过的信,Case转渥太华

回复: Decision Made今天回家收到担保通过的信,Case转渥太华点击展开...恭喜啦,我还没有收到呢,希望和你一样lucky, 可以转渥太华

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.” ― Dr. Seuss恭喜啦,我还没有收到呢,希望和你一样lucky, 可以转渥太华 点击展开...谢谢,应该没有问题,大部分人都是转渥太华

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