加拿大华人论坛 加拿大留学移民接到北京通知6月23日面试



回复: 接到北京通知6月23日面试先是一外籍男生挂我手机,询问我提出的面试时间申请还是否有效,我用英文进行的回答。然后他就说一会通知我具体日期。15分钟后,再次接到电话,这次直接用英文通知的,6.23。随后就收到Email通知。

回复: 接到北京通知6月23日面试面试时间申请~?申请面试?

北京case: 2010/03/18 - 签收,04/15 - 担保DM,04/23 - 收到DM信,05/05 - FNemail-当天12,05/06 - 主动补交护照,05/10 - 北京签收护照,05/11 - IP(CIC) & 收到面试电话和email,05/20 - 面试!!!&<<终于取签毕业>>!~~~~2010/06/03登陆温哥华!!!~回复: 接到北京通知6月23日面试嗯,我发的邮件,说如果需要安排面试请安排在6月中旬以后。

回复: 接到北京通知6月23日面试额.原来还可以这样...

北京case: 2010/03/18 - 签收,04/15 - 担保DM,04/23 - 收到DM信,05/05 - FNemail-当天12,05/06 - 主动补交护照,05/10 - 北京签收护照,05/11 - IP(CIC) & 收到面试电话和email,05/20 - 面试!!!&<<终于取签毕业>>!~~~~2010/06/03登陆温哥华!!!~回复: 接到北京通知6月23日面试面试信中除官方模板中要求带的材料以外,额外要求我携带“孩子的出生医学证明原件”和“医院的出生医学记录原件的复印件”。有点疑问:1、出生证明没有写姓名,因为孩子出生之后就办这个证明,但等落户口时才起的名字。我又不敢自己填上去,毕竟墨水颜色字体都不可能一模一样,怎么办呢?2、医院的记录,孩子出生是在一家由退休知名医生合办的医院,现在那个医院不存在了,不知道出生记录应该到哪才能获得然后复印呢?其实办出生证明的时候是要根据医院的出生记录办理的,有出生证明就够了,不知道为啥还要医院的出生记录。

回复: 接到北京通知6月23日面试LZ把你的进度写在签名上吧,我们可以参考参考~~谢啦~~~ 祝你面试顺顺利利!!!

Thank you Ottawa for treating me so well.我和命运互相信任回复: 接到北京通知6月23日面试多谢!一切顺其自然吧!我真是看开了。好多朋友都劝我不要去加,说那么多人回流,我这还奔着去,冲动。和老公说起这些,老公也在考虑如果面试不通过,他就来中国,用加元换人民币,加上我的薪水,应该过得相当滋润,呵呵!当然,已经到现在这个程度了,还是希望顺利通过,不然白忙活了。我是3月班的,本来早就应该毕业,但中途因为交费交错金额,补交过75$,又加上我自己提出面试最好在6月中旬以后,所以才通知面试。我的时间进度对同学们应该没什么参考性。我的材料准备得还是不错的,自我感觉,嘿嘿,也自己主动补过解释信。所以这次面试只让我把孩子的出生证明原件带去。我猜就是因为没有姓名的原因。我想看看是否可以找发证部门(妇幼保健所)把姓名填上,然后写个证明信之类的东西。

回复: 接到北京通知6月23日面试我把面试信贴上来,供同学们参考。英文中文都有,我只粘贴中文部分。 为了进一步办理你的移民申请,需要你来加拿大使馆进行面谈,地址是 北京市朝阳区东直门外大街19 号,加拿大使馆北区。面谈时间是:(2010 年06 月23 日上午08:00) 。所有前来参加面谈的申请人都必须在进门时向保安出示:带有照片的证件;你的担保人必须在面谈当天上午8:00 - 12:00 (北京时间)留在家中准备接受电话谈话。如果你的担保人目前在中国,他/她应该陪同你一起来进行面谈。不是所有的担保人都会接到电话。下列文件如适用于你、或在面谈以前没有递交过,则须在面谈时一同带来:  包括所有家庭成员在内的户口本原件(如果以前未递交过)  你本人的和所有随同你移民的受赡养亲属的护照原件(如果以前未递交过)  你和你担保人的结婚证书复印件(如果以前未递交过)  你的和你担保人的历次婚姻的离婚证书复印件(如果以前未递交过)  你的和你担保人的历次婚姻的离婚判决书复印件(如果以前未递交过)  你的和你担保人的历次婚姻的离婚请求书复印件(如果以前未递交过)  你的受赡养亲属的出生证明复印件(如果以前未递交过)  你担保人现在及以前的所有护照的全本复印件(复印件必须清晰)(如果以前未递交过)  所有十八周岁以上申请人在中国的无犯罪记录证明原件(如果以前未递交过)  所有你和你的担保人相互寄发的信函,例如:信件(包括含有原始邮戳的信封),电子邮件的打印件, 网上聊天记录,传真等(除了以前未递交过的)  所有证明你和你的担保人电话联系的电话帐单(请不要递交电话卡,除非你可以同时递交电话卡公司出具的电话明细单)(除了以前未递交过的)  所有你和你担保人在一起的照片,以及如果有的话,你、你的受赡养亲属和你的担保人在一起的照片(除了以前未递交过的)  所有你和你担保人之间经济资助的证明(除了以前未递交过的)  如果你现在或曾经在加拿大学习,请递交在加拿大完成的所有学业的学历及成绩单复印件 请让你担保人为你在加拿大付永久居民落地费(RPRF) (如果以前未付)。有关如何付费的更多信息请浏览以下网址: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/guides/3900E8.asp#wp1095610  如果你的目的地是魁北克,请递交一份你和你的受赡养亲属的魁北克省移民甄选证明(CSQ)复印件(如果以前未递交过)  其它: 你的儿子的出生证原件和医院的出生记录原件的复印件面谈时,我处将为你提供会讲普通话或广东话的翻译。如果你仅会说除普通话和广东话以外的某种语言或方言,你有责任自己雇一名经过资格鉴定的职业翻译陪你一起来面谈。请注意,如果你不来参加此次面谈,我处将根据你提供的现有信息对你的申请进行审核。这将有可能导致你的申请被拒签。此致(代)移民公使衔参赞抄送:担保人

回复: 接到北京通知6月23日面试我把已经准备好的面试题目也粘贴上来吧,打算在面试的前一周温习温习的。每个人面试的重点不同,所以应该准备的题目重点也不同。如果恰好有相似的,那我准备的这些题目就可以给同学们作参考了,高兴。

回复: 接到北京通知6月23日面试About the relationship​​1. Did you try to date someone around you? ​-...​​​​2. Describe key events during acquaintance to marriage. ​-...​​3. First meeting and date, where, when, impression, feeling, talking content, etc.​- We described all in our love story. Our first meeting was on ... and first date was on ...​​4. Why did you decide to continue dating and how did it develop? When did you confirm the lover relationship? Did you buy each other any gift during the relationship? When did you talk about the marriage?​- We described all in our love story as well…..​​5. Why didn’t you look for a man living in China but a foreigner far away? ​- I didn’t look for on purpose but we met at the right place and right time. This is why we both called it destiny.​​6. Describe the life after you two married. Quarrel? Why? Personality? etc. ​- We had arguments sometimes, but we could always figure it out and understand each other more. ​​7. Did your husband bring gifts for your parents? ​- Yes. Cigarettes, T-shirt, wine, fruits. ​​8. Did you buy gifts to your husband’s families when he left China? ​- No. We discussed that but my husband said that he bought many Chinese special gifts to his families since he had been to China many times and he wouldn’t like to carry to heavy luggage.​​9. Why didn’t you have wedding party? Do you plan to have one later? ​- We explained it in our application. We didn’t think it was necessary to spend money on it since I had not close friends and would not like to invite my colleagues to my private life and most ...’s close friends were in Canada. We had gotten our families’ blessings. ​​10. Where did you buy the wedding rings? Who bought them? Price? ​- ...​​11. Did you see your husband off when he left China?​- Yes. I saw him off every time when he left China. We took taxi to the airport.​​12. Did your husband transmit money to you? ​- No. My income can easily support the daily life, and ... paid the annual rental already.​​13. Did your husband visit you after you married? ​- We three, a small family, had lived together for ... months till ... left China. He intended to come to China on ... to accompany me for the interview. We sent an email to the embassy to ask for later date for interview.​​14. How many times did you have phone calls with your husband within two weeks before this interview? ​-……​​15. How long did you talk on the last phone call and what time was it at your husband time? What did you talk about? ​-……​​16. When did you live together? ​- ...​​17. What do you usually talk about on the phone?​- We talked a lot about our relationship to try to figure it out what we should act and how we missed each other before our relationship was confirmed. After we decided to marry, we talked more about our daily lives and news and our future as well.​​18. When did you two first meet each other’s friends? ​- I have not close friends. My social circle is only workmates. My husband has some Chinese friends and I met them. The first time was having dinner with ... in ....​​19. What made you two to decide to marry? ​- It is hard to explain our feelings deeply in short words. We explained some in our love story. I think we really meant to be together and we met at the right time in our lives.​​20. Did your husband ever talk about his girlfriends?​- Yes. To be honest, I was not very interested in that. When he told me about his female relationship, it seemed to me that we were talking about other person’s stories. I do remember 2 names. One is ... and the other one is his ex-wife, ..... ​​21. Why did he divorce with his ex-wife? ​- My husband has explained it in our explanation letter. ​

回复: 接到北京通知6月23日面试About the basic individual information​​​22. Education ​- Husband: ...​- Wife: ...​​23. What did your husband do for a living before? ​- He worked as a ... for ... years and as a ... for ... years.​​24. How much is your husband’s monthly income? ​- He has ... per year.​​25. Where is your husband living now? Address? ​- ...​​26. How much savings does he have?​- ...​​27. What does your husband do now?​- He doesn’t work now. His normal day: has coffee in a coffee shop, buy newspaper, walk and Taiji, go on internet to check news and answer emails, write, work in the garden, visit father or sister or friend, talk on the phone with ... or ... or me. He is busy on ... now and he has to come to China after that.​​28. Talk some about your husband’s house.​- He took pictures of the house and showed me. It is very lovely...​​29. Can you say the name of one of your husband’s friends? ​- ...​​30. What are your animal years? ​- ...​​31. What do you like each other best? ​- Husband thinks that wife is wise, strong, and independent. Wife likes husband many things. He is good at thinking and planning. He always gives me strong support to make me feel safe. He teaches me about life and love. He has full of humor sense as well.​​32. Was there any big event happened on him lately? ​- He lost a lot of weight and he is keeping working on it. He will ... in the early of June.​

回复: 接到北京通知6月23日面试About personality​​​33. He is much older than you. What do your parents think about this? How do you feel about it? How does your husband think about you being much younger than him?​- My parents were concerned about his health. When they saw that we loved each other deeply and he was healthy, they accepted my choice and blessed us.​- I do not feel he is much older than I at all. His minds are mature and wise but not old, and he is more curious than I, at this point, he is even younger than I. He does have some problems on his body, but he is trying to lose weight and keeps doing exercise and pays more attention to the food. He is much healthier than before. I think his life style is healthier than mine too.​- My husband doesn’t feel he is too old for me, and he thinks I am more mature than before. He supports my career.​​34. What do you have in common?​- We both like peaceful life. We are wise and independent. We both are educated. We like movies, books, writing and travel.​​35. What can you tell about your husband? such as character, value view, life style ​- He is independence, seriousness, and humour. He is quiet and shy most time, but he likes talking his ideas. He is compassionate. He is easy to feel stressful. He likes peaceful life and it is not necessary to be rich. He likes making plans and has routine life, but he is also able to adapt changes and welcome new things. ​​36. Does your husband have shortcomings that you can accept? ​-He thinks too much and sometime those thoughts make him confused and stressed, but I understand.​​37. Do you have different living habits?​-No. Our daily life is very harmonious.​​38. How do you deal with your conflict? ​-We talk to each other honestly and straightforward.​​39. The happiest and unhappiest things, the most unforgettable thing and the proudest thing about him? ​-...​​40. His favorite movie star, singer, music, song, color, flower, fruit, clothes style?​- We like similar TV shows, such as “Lie to me”, “House”, “Bones”, but he likes “Dexter” which I don’t. I don’t know his favorite movie star. He always says that someone is the best. After I say the best should be only one, he changes to say one of the best.​- We both like Lenard Cohen and all his songs. He likes rock, country, Chinese folk, classical, Celtic.​- He likes flowers and plants and taking pictures of them, but I don’t like that much. We have plants at home and he was worried if the plants would die after he left.​- He likes casual clothes style and he likes wearing hat, scarf.​- His daily fruits are apple, banana and orange. He also likes watermelon. He hates grape.​- His favorite color is green.​- He is fond of reading and writing.​​41. When was your last sex?​- ...​​42. How big is the city that your husband is living? What is the weather? ​- I think it is very small. It may be as the same size as one of ...’s district. The population is about ... thousands. The weather is warmer than ...​

回复: 接到北京通知6月23日面试About the reason of emigration​​​44. Did you have the thought of emigration before you met your husband?​-No. I was under big pressure from the job and life but I had never thought about leaving China.​​45. Do you think that your son can have better education in Canada? Do you emigrate for him?​-It is not an absolute conclusion. The education between China and Canada is hugely different. If he doesn’t adapt well and doesn’t feel happy in Canada, he won’t have good education because he may hate school. However, I would say that Canadian teachers must have higher qualities generally than Chinese ones.​​46. Why don’t you live in China but live in Canada?​-My husband can survive in China, but it is not the best place for him to live for the rest of life. He needs friends to hang out with. I am busy at work and I take my laptop back everyday after work. He feels lonely sometimes and his social scope is too limited in China. He also has to go back Canada to ...​​47. Does your company know that you are applying for emigration? ​-No. My company and my colleagues know few things about my private life. I think it is enough for the company to know that I am a very good employee.​​46. How do you feel when you will leave your hometown and family? Will you feel any sorrow?​-It is definitely mixed feeling and hard to explain. Most is happy. What I am worried about most is my parents.​​48. When will you leave for Canada if you get visa? ​-...​

回复: 接到北京通知6月23日面试楼主真是太辛苦了,加分分

回复: 接到北京通知6月23日面试Other information​​? was born in ...​?’s education:​?’s books​Name, Birthday, Country​Father: ​Mother: Older son: Younger son: Sister: Brother: Ex-wife: ?’s first marriage: ?'s best friendsFather’s Injury: Brother’s Divorce: Sister’s Disease:

回复: 接到北京通知6月23日面试好帖,收藏了,祝楼主早日去签啦

2月12日登陆温哥华,开始新的生活ing回复: 接到北京通知6月23日面试我发给VO的解释信,开头部分可做参考。 From BXXXXXXXXXSponsor: ?Principal Applicant: ? Dear Visa Officer:After we learned, from the internet, that our immigration application was in the queue for an interview, we realized that there must have been either unclear information or lack of information in our application and you needed to talk to us face to face. We discussed this and noticed that we had not talked much about our first marriages or our future plans. Actually, we also realized that providing you with some information about our first marriages and future plans might help you to understand our love and our marriage better. We hope that our oversight has not caused you inconvenience.As a result of the above realizations, we have decided to provide extra information via this letter since there might not be enough time to explain many things in an interview. We very much appreciate your hard work on our application.Sincerely,? and ?

回复: 接到北京通知6月23日面试谢谢同学们。我们就把这些当作案例来分析吧,在没有去面试之前,看看我的准备,面试之后,如果没有通过,我再和同学们分享原因,给其他同学更多借鉴。团聚移民已经慢慢成为我的一个人生经历而非达成目标了。团聚移民的重点词在“团聚”而非“移民”。所以只要能团聚,移不移民只是锦上添花之事。但我知道对于大多数的同学来说,移民=团聚,所以我愿尽全力支持。。。

回复: 接到北京通知6月23日面试关注中

 ·加拿大留学移民 惊呆了,最近IRCC入籍审批非常快
 ·汽车 比亚迪的DMI插电式混合动力技术怎么样?听听维修工怎么说!
·汽车 新南威尔士州一般停牌三个月吗?



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