加拿大华人论坛 美国留学移民美国中学生必写的诗歌题目:我从哪里来


写在前面的话:美国初中和高中的写作课里,都有一个不能缺少的单元要讲诗歌。学生们都少不了要自己写诗歌作品。而写得最多的一个题目,就是 “我从哪里来” - WHERE I'M FROM。十几岁的年纪,是自我探索 (self exploration) 和自我发现 (self discovery)最重要的时期,在这个题目里,孩子们可以自由地把自己去过的地方,见过的风景,对自己有重要影响的人物,以及自己的个性,家庭背景,文化传承全部都写进去。就像那句歌词:“我就是我,是颜色不一样的烟火”一样,是最深刻和直接的自我表达。  今天我们摘选了17岁的华裔高中生Andrew Wang的两篇“我从哪里来” - WHERE I'M FROM的诗歌。第一篇是他12岁7年级时在北京国际学校写的,表达了思念美国的乡愁;第二篇是回到美国以后,17岁时11年级时在英语课上写的,写出了中美两种文化背景在他身上的烙印。  如果你也写一首“我从哪里来”的诗,你会怎样写呢?   Andrew Wang  WHEREI’M FROM By Andrew Wang ,  International School of Beijing 7th Grade   I’m from cool, crisp air, Rainy days, And soft 100% cotton sweaters.   I’m from bell chimes, The jubilant quacking of ducks as theydrift Down streams, And I’m from blue raspberry flavored Icees.   I’m from the smell of Walmart, I’m from thunderstorms, And grass-stained socks.   I’m from coyotes, I’m from jet lagged afternoons. I’m from screeching cicadas, Metal drinking fountains.   I’m from Barney the Dinosaur, Damp wood chips, I’m from “Hey diddle diddle” And I’m from 13-hour plane rides.   ******    WHEREI’M FROM By Andrew Wang ,  New Trier High School, 11th Grade   I am from red walls from Hong Luo si and Jian bing I am from the creek on a hot summer’s day Bright, humid, The occasional warm breeze. I am from the money tree in our livingroom Sycamore trees Their leaves covering the sidewalk.   I am from fireworks on Chinese New Year and almond eyes, from Rens and Wangs I am from reunions at ye ye’s house and somewhere warm on Christmas From “bie tuo bei (don’t slouch)“ and “Do your work” I am from che dao shan qian bi you lu ( the train will always find a way around the mountain) with a jade pendant on a red string and chun lian er   I am from Chicago and Beijing, Portillo’s and dumplings From ye ye leaving his village for a new life being only 14 at the time The school bus coming home with only my brother’s bag while he was out with friends   Living across the street from school for my last year. Seeing friend’s faces for the last time. Preparing for a new life 12 hours away.  I am from those moments.      文美集团:www.wenmeijituan.com

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